Alain Charcosset

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Top papers

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1 A large maize (Zea mays L.) SNP genotyping array: development and germplasm genotyping, and genetic mapping to compare with the B73 reference genome. PLoS One 2011 3.30
2 Combining quantitative trait Loci analysis and an ecophysiological model to analyze the genetic variability of the responses of maize leaf growth to temperature and water deficit. Plant Physiol 2003 2.57
3 BioMercator: integrating genetic maps and QTL towards discovery of candidate genes. Bioinformatics 2004 2.42
4 Genetic architecture of flowering time in maize as inferred from quantitative trait loci meta-analysis and synteny conservation with the rice genome. Genetics 2004 2.33
5 Maize adaptation to temperate climate: relationship between population structure and polymorphism in the Dwarf8 gene. Genetics 2006 1.96
6 Two cytosolic glutamine synthetase isoforms of maize are specifically involved in the control of grain production. Plant Cell 2006 1.72
7 Linkage mapping of 1454 new maize candidate gene Loci. Genetics 2005 1.47
8 MetaQTL: a package of new computational methods for the meta-analysis of QTL mapping experiments. BMC Bioinformatics 2007 1.36
9 Key impact of Vgt1 on flowering time adaptation in maize: evidence from association mapping and ecogeographical information. Genetics 2008 1.36
10 Intraspecific variation of recombination rate in maize. Genome Biol 2013 1.32
11 Marker-assisted introgression of favorable alleles at quantitative trait loci between maize elite lines. Genetics 2002 1.31
12 BioMercator V3: an upgrade of genetic map compilation and quantitative trait loci meta-analysis algorithms. Bioinformatics 2012 1.12
13 Use of trial clustering to study QTL x environment effects for grain yield and related traits in maize. Theor Appl Genet 2004 1.07
14 Patterns of molecular evolution associated with two selective sweeps in the Tb1-Dwarf8 region in maize. Genetics 2008 1.05
15 Epistatic interactions between Opaque2 transcriptional activator and its target gene CyPPDK1 control kernel trait variation in maize. Plant Physiol 2009 1.02
16 Recovering power in association mapping panels with variable levels of linkage disequilibrium. Genetics 2014 1.02
17 Effect of population structure corrections on the results of association mapping tests in complex maize diversity panels. Theor Appl Genet 2011 1.02
18 Mapping of a spontaneous mutation for early flowering time in maize highlights contrasting allelic series at two-linked QTL on chromosome 8. Theor Appl Genet 2005 1.00
19 Fine mapping and haplotype structure analysis of a major flowering time quantitative trait locus on maize chromosome 10. Genetics 2009 1.00
20 Adaptation of maize to temperate climates: mid-density genome-wide association genetics and diversity patterns reveal key genomic regions, with a major contribution of the Vgt2 (ZCN8) locus. PLoS One 2013 0.98
21 A European perspective on maize history. C R Biol 2011 0.97
22 A common genetic determinism for sensitivities to soil water deficit and evaporative demand: meta-analysis of quantitative trait Loci and introgression lines of maize. Plant Physiol 2011 0.94
23 The genetic architecture of grain yield and related traits in Zea maize L. revealed by comparing intermated and conventional populations. Genetics 2010 0.92
24 Flowering time in maize: linkage and epistasis at a major effect locus. Genetics 2012 0.92
25 QTLs and candidate genes for desiccation and abscisic acid content in maize kernels. BMC Plant Biol 2010 0.85
26 Standing variation and new mutations both contribute to a fast response to selection for flowering time in maize inbreds. BMC Evol Biol 2010 0.81
27 Maize genetic diversity and association mapping using transposable element insertion polymorphisms. Theor Appl Genet 2012 0.78
28 Overview of QTL detection in plants and tests for synergistic epistatic interactions. Genetica 2008 0.76
29 OptiMAS: a decision support tool for marker-assisted assembly of diverse alleles. J Hered 2013 0.75
30 OptiMAS: a decision support tool to conduct marker-assisted selection programs. Methods Mol Biol 2014 0.75