François Tardieu

Author PubWeight™ 37.74‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 PHENOPSIS, an automated platform for reproducible phenotyping of plant responses to soil water deficit in Arabidopsis thaliana permitted the identification of an accession with low sensitivity to soil water deficit. New Phytol 2006 3.76
2 Combining quantitative trait Loci analysis and an ecophysiological model to analyze the genetic variability of the responses of maize leaf growth to temperature and water deficit. Plant Physiol 2003 2.57
3 Models for navigating biological complexity in breeding improved crop plants. Trends Plant Sci 2006 2.44
4 Temperature responses of developmental processes have not been affected by breeding in different ecological areas for 17 crop species. New Phytol 2012 2.38
5 Quantitative trait loci and crop performance under abiotic stress: where do we stand? Plant Physiol 2008 2.28
6 Individual leaf development in Arabidopsis thaliana: a stable thermal-time-based programme. Ann Bot 2002 1.68
7 Multi-scale phenotyping of leaf expansion in response to environmental changes: the whole is more than the sum of parts. Plant Cell Environ 2009 1.50
8 How does the meristem of sunflower capitulum cope with tissue expansion and floret initiation? A quantitative analysis. New Phytol 2006 1.43
9 Aquaporin-mediated reduction in maize root hydraulic conductivity impacts cell turgor and leaf elongation even without changing transpiration. Plant Physiol 2009 1.39
10 Drought and abscisic acid effects on aquaporin content translate into changes in hydraulic conductivity and leaf growth rate: a trans-scale approach. Plant Physiol 2009 1.39
11 Diel time-courses of leaf growth in monocot and dicot species: endogenous rhythms and temperature effects. J Exp Bot 2010 1.24
12 A whole-plant analysis of the dynamics of expansion of individual leaves of two sunflower hybrids. J Exp Bot 2003 1.22
13 Simulating the yield impacts of organ-level quantitative trait loci associated with drought response in maize: a "gene-to-phenotype" modeling approach. Genetics 2009 1.20
14 Dealing with the genotype x environment interaction via a modelling approach: a comparison of QTLs of maize leaf length or width with QTLs of model parameters. J Exp Bot 2004 1.19
15 Short-term responses of leaf growth rate to water deficit scale up to whole-plant and crop levels: an integrated modelling approach in maize. Plant Cell Environ 2007 1.16
16 Rice leaf growth and water potential are resilient to evaporative demand and soil water deficit once the effects of root system are neutralized. Plant Cell Environ 2010 1.13
17 Association of specific expansins with growth in maize leaves is maintained under environmental, genetic, and developmental sources of variation. Plant Physiol 2006 1.09
18 Phosphoproteome dynamics upon changes in plant water status reveal early events associated with rapid growth adjustment in maize leaves. Mol Cell Proteomics 2012 1.03
19 Leaf growth and turgor in growing cells of maize (Zea mays L.) respond to evaporative demand under moderate irrigation but not in water-saturated soil. Plant Cell Environ 2006 1.00
20 Leaf senescence induced by mild water deficit follows the same sequence of macroscopic, biochemical, and molecular events as monocarpic senescence in pea. Plant Physiol 2002 0.95
21 A common genetic determinism for sensitivities to soil water deficit and evaporative demand: meta-analysis of quantitative trait Loci and introgression lines of maize. Plant Physiol 2011 0.94
22 A hydraulic model is compatible with rapid changes in leaf elongation under fluctuating evaporative demand and soil water status. Plant Physiol 2014 0.93
23 Characterizing drought stress and trait influence on maize yield under current and future conditions. Glob Chang Biol 2014 0.91
24 Drought-induced changes in anthesis-silking interval are related to silk expansion: a spatio-temporal growth analysis in maize plants subjected to soil water deficit. Plant Cell Environ 2008 0.90
25 Are ABA, ethylene or their interaction involved in the response of leaf growth to soil water deficit? An analysis using naturally occurring variation or genetic transformation of ABA production in maize. Plant Cell Environ 2006 0.89
26 Spatial and temporal analysis of non-steady elongation of rice leaves. Plant Cell Environ 2009 0.88
27 Floret initiation, tissue expansion and carbon availability at the meristem of the sunflower capitulum as affected by water or light deficits. New Phytol 2010 0.80
28 Do pH changes in the leaf apoplast contribute to rapid inhibition of leaf elongation rate by water stress? Comparison of stress responses induced by polyethylene glycol and down-regulation of root hydraulic conductivity. Plant Cell Environ 2011 0.78