Published in Anat Rec on September 01, 1954
Development of pharyngeal arch arteries in early mouse embryo. J Anat (2002) 1.74
Comparative developmental aspects of selected organ systems. II. Gastrointestinal and urogenital systems. Environ Health Perspect (1976) 1.07
Maturation of responsiveness to cardioactive drugs. Differential effects of acetylcholine, norepinephrine, theophylline, tyramine, glucagon, and dibutyryl cyclic AMP on atrial rate in hearts of fetal mice. J Clin Invest (1973) 0.99
Computer-generated three-dimensional reconstructions of serially sectioned mouse embryos. J Anat (1998) 0.94
Interrogating congenital heart defects with noninvasive fetal echocardiography in a mouse forward genetic screen. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging (2013) 0.94
Development of the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus: determination of time of cell origin and spatial arrangements within the nucleus. Brain Res (2007) 0.94
Hazard identification and predictability of children's health risk from animal data. Environ Health Perspect (2004) 0.90
Cytomegalovirus-induced sensorineural hearing loss with persistent cochlear inflammation in neonatal mice. J Neurovirol (2011) 0.86
Facial and visceral arch development in the mouse embryo: a study by scanning electron microscopy. J Anat (1977) 0.86
The mouse age phenome knowledgebase and disease-specific inter-species age mapping. PLoS One (2013) 0.84
Dysmorphogenic effects of first trimester-equivalent ethanol exposure in mice: a magnetic resonance microscopy-based study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2014) 0.80
Embryology of the eye. Environ Health Perspect (1982) 0.78
Mutant α2-chimaerin signals via bidirectional ephrin pathways in Duane retraction syndrome. J Clin Invest (2017) 0.76
Development of x-ray-induced lamellar cataract in the newborn mouse in relation to age at time of irradiation. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc (1962) 0.75
Gene-environment interactions in cortical interneuron development and dysfunction: A review of preclinical studies. Neurotoxicology (2016) 0.75
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection Causes Degeneration of Cochlear Vasculature and Hearing Loss in a Mouse Model. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol (2016) 0.75
Comparative female reproductive tract development and morphology. Environ Health Perspect (1978) 0.75
Genetic effects of chronic x-irradiation exposure in mice. UR Rep (1960) 0.75