Published in Plant Physiol on December 01, 1992
Induction of HSP70 and polyubiquitin expression associated with plant virus replication. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1996) 1.31
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Deletion of the eIFiso4G subunit of the Arabidopsis eIFiso4F translation initiation complex impairs health and viability. Plant Mol Biol (2010) 0.98
Heat shock protein HSP101 binds to the Fed-1 internal light regulator y element and mediates its high translational activity. Plant Cell (2000) 0.96
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Transient dissociation of polyribosomes and concurrent recruitment of calreticulin and calmodulin transcripts in gravistimulated maize pulvini. Plant Physiol (2001) 0.83
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Heat shock protein HSP101 binds to the Fed-1 internal light regulator y element and mediates its high translational activity. Plant Cell (2000) 0.96