Published in Plant Biotechnol J on January 01, 2007
Characterization of a new rice glutelin gene GluD-1 expressed in the starchy endosperm. J Exp Bot (2008) 1.32
Expression pattern and activity of six glutelin gene promoters in transgenic rice. J Exp Bot (2008) 1.04
Induction of protein body formation in plant leaves by elastin-like polypeptide fusions. BMC Biol (2009) 1.04
Deposition of a recombinant peptide in ER-derived protein bodies by retention with cysteine-rich prolamins in transgenic rice seed. Planta (2009) 0.96
Engineering soya bean seeds as a scalable platform to produce cyanovirin-N, a non-ARV microbicide against HIV. Plant Biotechnol J (2015) 0.88
The use of plants for the production of therapeutic human peptides. Plant Cell Rep (2012) 0.87
Isolation of the endosperm-specific LPAAT gene promoter from coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) and its functional analysis in transgenic rice plants. Plant Cell Rep (2010) 0.84
Expression of the major mugwort pollen allergen Art v 1 in tobacco plants and cell cultures: problems and perspectives for allergen production in plants. Plant Cell Rep (2011) 0.83
Proteomic analysis of endoplasmic reticulum stress responses in rice seeds. Sci Rep (2015) 0.82
Transgenic rice endosperm as a bioreactor for molecular pharming. Plant Cell Rep (2014) 0.82
Expression of hypoallergenic Der f 2 derivatives with altered intramolecular disulphide bonds induces the formation of novel ER-derived protein bodies in transgenic rice seeds. J Exp Bot (2012) 0.81
Analysis of rice ER-resident J-proteins reveals diversity and functional differentiation of the ER-resident Hsp70 system in plants. J Exp Bot (2013) 0.80
Production of cecropin A antimicrobial peptide in rice seed endosperm. BMC Plant Biol (2014) 0.78
Endosperm-specific expression of human acid beta-glucosidase in a waxy rice. Rice (N Y) (2012) 0.77
Recent advances in understanding the control of secretory proteins by the unfolded protein response in plants. Int J Mol Sci (2013) 0.76
Emerging features of ER resident J-proteins in plants. Plant Signal Behav (2014) 0.75
The trafficking pathway of a wheat storage protein in transgenic rice endosperm. Ann Bot (2014) 0.75
Overexpression of Thiamin Biosynthesis Genes in Rice Increases Leaf and Unpolished Grain Thiamin Content But Not Resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Front Plant Sci (2016) 0.75
Rice-based mucosal vaccine as a global strategy for cold-chain- and needle-free vaccination. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 1.51
Characterization of a new rice glutelin gene GluD-1 expressed in the starchy endosperm. J Exp Bot (2008) 1.32
Spin-liquid state in the S=1/2 hyperkagome antiferromagnet Na4Ir3O8. Phys Rev Lett (2007) 1.31
Reducing rice seed storage protein accumulation leads to changes in nutrient quality and storage organelle formation. Plant Physiol (2010) 1.27
A natural variant of NAL1, selected in high-yield rice breeding programs, pleiotropically increases photosynthesis rate. Sci Rep (2013) 1.25
Null mutation of the MdACS3 gene, coding for a ripening-specific 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase, leads to long shelf life in apple fruit. Plant Physiol (2009) 1.18
Signal transduction by IRE1-mediated splicing of bZIP50 and other stress sensors in the endoplasmic reticulum stress response of rice. Plant J (2011) 1.18
Expression of ER quality control-related genes in response to changes in BiP1 levels in developing rice endosperm. Plant J (2011) 1.15
Analysis of ER stress in developing rice endosperm accumulating beta-amyloid peptide. Plant Biotechnol J (2010) 1.09
Overexpression of BiP has inhibitory effects on the accumulation of seed storage proteins in endosperm cells of rice. Plant Cell Physiol (2009) 1.08
Prevention of allergic asthma by vaccination with transgenic rice seed expressing mite allergen: induction of allergen-specific oral tolerance without bystander suppression. Plant Biotechnol J (2011) 0.97
Deposition of a recombinant peptide in ER-derived protein bodies by retention with cysteine-rich prolamins in transgenic rice seed. Planta (2009) 0.96
Direct imaging of lithium atoms in LiV₂O₄ by spherical aberration-corrected electron microscopy. J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) (2010) 0.94
A rice transmembrane bZIP transcription factor, OsbZIP39, regulates the endoplasmic reticulum stress response. Plant Cell Physiol (2011) 0.91
Rice seed ER-derived protein body as an efficient delivery vehicle for oral tolerogenic peptides. Peptides (2010) 0.90
Development of an efficient agrobacterium-mediated gene targeting system for rice and analysis of rice knockouts lacking granule-bound starch synthase (Waxy) and β1,2-xylosyltransferase. Plant Cell Physiol (2012) 0.89
Biochemical safety evaluation of transgenic rice seeds expressing T cell epitopes of Japanese cedar pollen allergens. J Agric Food Chem (2006) 0.88
Functional integration between defence and IRE1-mediated ER stress response in rice. Sci Rep (2012) 0.87
Development of transgenic rice seed accumulating a major Japanese cedar pollen allergen (Cry j 1) structurally disrupted for oral immunotherapy. Plant Biotechnol J (2007) 0.87
Resonant x-ray diffraction study of the strongly spin-orbit-coupled mott insulator CaIrO3. Phys Rev Lett (2013) 0.87
Identification of a cis-element that mediates multiple pathways of the endoplasmic reticulum stress response in rice. Plant J (2013) 0.86
Increased lysine content in rice grains by over-accumulation of BiP in the endosperm. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem (2010) 0.85
Recombinant protein yield in rice seed is enhanced by specific suppression of endogenous seed proteins at the same deposit site. Plant Biotechnol J (2012) 0.84
Herbicide resistance of transgenic rice plants expressing human CYP1A1. Biotechnol Adv (2006) 0.84
Oral immunotherapy with transgenic rice seed containing destructed Japanese cedar pollen allergens, Cry j 1 and Cry j 2, against Japanese cedar pollinosis. Plant Biotechnol J (2012) 0.84
Phytoremediation of the herbicides atrazine and metolachlor by transgenic rice plants expressing human CYP1A1, CYP2B6, and CYP2C19. J Agric Food Chem (2006) 0.83
RNA silencing induced by an artificial sequence that prevents proper transcription termination in rice. Plant Physiol (2012) 0.83
Separation of N2@C60 and N@C60. Chemistry (2002) 0.82
RNA sequencing-mediated transcriptome analysis of rice plants in endoplasmic reticulum stress conditions. BMC Plant Biol (2014) 0.81
Chemically induced expression of rice OSB2 under the control of the OsPR1.1 promoter confers increased anthocyanin accumulation in transgenic rice. J Agric Food Chem (2007) 0.81
Magnetic-field induced transition to the 1/2 magnetization plateau state in the geometrically frustrated magnet CdCr2O4. Phys Rev Lett (2005) 0.81
Expression of hypoallergenic Der f 2 derivatives with altered intramolecular disulphide bonds induces the formation of novel ER-derived protein bodies in transgenic rice seeds. J Exp Bot (2012) 0.81
Phytoremediation of metolachlor by transgenic rice plants expressing human CYP2B6. J Agric Food Chem (2005) 0.80
Analysis of rice ER-resident J-proteins reveals diversity and functional differentiation of the ER-resident Hsp70 system in plants. J Exp Bot (2013) 0.80
Antihypertensive activity of transgenic rice seed containing an 18-repeat novokinin peptide localized in the nucleolus of endosperm cells. Plant Biotechnol J (2010) 0.80
ER stress response induced by the production of human IL-7 in rice endosperm cells. Plant Mol Biol (2013) 0.79
Transgenic rice plants expressing human p450 genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism for phytoremediation. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol (2008) 0.79
Vibrational properties of noble gas endohedral fullerenes. Phys Chem Chem Phys (2011) 0.79
The 3'-untranslated region of rice glutelin GluB-1 affects accumulation of heterologous protein in transgenic rice. Biotechnol Lett (2009) 0.78
Anisotropy of the superconducting gap of the borocarbide superconductor YNi2B2C with ultrasonic attenuation. Phys Rev Lett (2004) 0.78
Memory effect in a topological surface state of Bi2Te2Se. ACS Nano (2013) 0.77
5d iridium oxide as a material for spin-current detection. Nat Commun (2013) 0.77
Recent advances in understanding the control of secretory proteins by the unfolded protein response in plants. Int J Mol Sci (2013) 0.76
Generation of a transgenic rice seed-based edible vaccine against house dust mite allergy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2007) 0.76
Suppression of collagen-induced arthritis by oral administration of transgenic rice seeds expressing altered peptide ligands of type II collagen. Plant Biotechnol J (2014) 0.76
Biopharming to increase bioactive peptides in rice seed. J AOAC Int (2008) 0.76
Transgenic rice plants expressing human CYP1A1 remediate the triazine herbicides atrazine and simazine. J Agric Food Chem (2005) 0.76
The hypocholesterolemic activity of transgenic rice seed accumulating lactostatin, a bioactive peptide derived from bovine milk β-lactoglobulin. J Agric Food Chem (2011) 0.76
Laser microdissection-based gene expression analysis in the aleurone layer and starchy endosperm of developing rice caryopses in the early storage phase. Rice (N Y) (2015) 0.75
Expression of unprocessed glutelin precursor alters polymerization without affecting trafficking and accumulation. J Exp Bot (2009) 0.75
Generation of transgenic rice with reduced content of major and novel high molecular weight allergens. Rice (N Y) (2014) 0.75
Superconductivity. Coppers in the right place. Nat Mater (2007) 0.75
26-Week oral safety study in macaques for transgenic rice containing major human T-cell epitope peptides from Japanese cedar pollen allergens. J Agric Food Chem (2009) 0.75
An orbital-selective spin liquid in a frustrated heavy fermion spinel LiV₂O₄. Nat Commun (2012) 0.75
Superconducting phase at 7.7 K in the HgxReO3 compound with a hexagonal bronze structure. Phys Rev Lett (2011) 0.75
Prophylactic effect of the oral administration of transgenic rice seeds containing altered peptide ligands of type II collagen on rheumatoid arthritis. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem (2014) 0.75
Analysis of substrate specificity of pig CYP2B22 and CYP2C49 towards herbicides by transgenic rice plants. Transgenic Res (2005) 0.75
Band Jahn-Teller instability and formation of valence bond solid in a mixed-valent spinel oxide LiRh2O4. Phys Rev Lett (2008) 0.75
[Curative strategy against allergic and infection diseases using rice-based edible vaccine]. Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso (2006) 0.75
Growth of Na-doped Ca(2)CuO(2)Cl(2) single crystals under high pressures of several GPa. J Am Chem Soc (2002) 0.75