Published in J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care on January 02, 2009
Perceived HIV stigma and life satisfaction among persons living with HIV infection in five African countries: a longitudinal study. Int J Nurs Stud (2009) 1.33
Comparing the job satisfaction and intention to leave of different categories of health workers in Tanzania, Malawi, and South Africa. Glob Health Action (2013) 1.28
Measuring HIV stigma for PLHAs and nurses over time in five African countries. SAHARA J (2009) 1.14
The effects of midwives' job satisfaction on burnout, intention to quit and turnover: a longitudinal study in Senegal. Hum Resour Health (2012) 1.07
A brief, standardized tool for measuring HIV-related stigma among health facility staff: results of field testing in China, Dominica, Egypt, Kenya, Puerto Rico and St. Christopher & Nevis. J Int AIDS Soc (2013) 1.02
Stigma, an important source of dissatisfaction of health workers in HIV response in Vietnam: a qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res (2012) 0.81
Health behaviour change of people living with HIV after a comprehensive community-based HIV stigma reduction intervention in North-West Province in South Africa. SAHARA J (2014) 0.77
The Development and Piloting of Parallel Scales Measuring External and Internal HIV and Tuberculosis Stigma Among Healthcare Workers in the Free State Province, South Africa. Clin Infect Dis (2016) 0.75
Impact of Job Satisfaction on Greek Nurses' Health-Related Quality of Life. Saf Health Work (2015) 0.75
The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Med Care (1992) 144.02
Disclosure of HIV status: experiences and perceptions of persons living with HIV/AIDS and nurses involved in their care in Africa. Qual Health Res (2008) 2.25
Validation of the HIV/AIDS Stigma Instrument - PLWA (HASI-P). AIDS Care (2007) 2.14
Understanding and measuring AIDS-related stigma in health care settings: a developing country perspective. SAHARA J (2007) 2.07
A conceptual model of HIV/AIDS stigma from five African countries. J Adv Nurs (2007) 1.98
Nurses on the move: a global overview. Health Serv Res (2007) 1.82
Coping with HIV-related stigma in five African countries. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2008) 1.77
Verbal and physical abuse and neglect as manifestations of HIV/AIDS stigma in five African countries. Public Health Nurs (2007) 1.55
Nursing shortages and international nurse migration. Int Nurs Rev (2005) 1.53
Stigmatization and shame: consequences of caring for HIV/AIDS patients in China. AIDS Care (2007) 1.53
"Eating plastic," "winning the lotto," "joining the www"...descriptions of HIV/AIDS in Africa. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2006) 1.45
HIV and AIDS stigma violates human rights in five African countries. Nurs Ethics (2006) 1.37
Nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and practice related to HIV transmission in northeastern China. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2004) 1.32
HIV-positive patients' experiences of stigma during hospitalization. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2001) 1.32
Discrimination in health care to patients living with HIV/AIDS. Nurs J India (2003) 1.21
The development and validation of the HIV/AIDS Stigma Instrument - Nurse (HASI-N). AIDS Care (2009) 1.17
Urban and rural differences in HIV/AIDS stigma in five African countries. Afr J AIDS Res (2007) 1.16
The development of a measure of job satisfaction for use in monitoring the morale of community nurses in four trusts. J Adv Nurs (1993) 1.07
Nurses' health education program in India increases HIV knowledge and reduces fear. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2007) 1.03
The changing nature of nurses' job satisfaction: an exploration of sources of satisfaction in the 1990s. J Adv Nurs (1999) 0.97
A job-satisfaction measure for internal medicine residency program directors. Acad Med (1999) 0.95
Burnout and related factors among HIV/AIDS health care workers. AIDS Care (1996) 0.92
The perceptions of nurses in a district health system in KwaZulu-Natal of their supervision, self-esteem and job satisfaction. Curationis (2004) 0.91
Telephone support for Canadian nurses in HIV/AIDS care. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2000) 0.87
Job satisfaction and self-esteem of South African nurses. Curationis (1996) 0.83
A study on burnout syndrome in healthcare providers to people living with HIV. AIDS Care (2007) 0.81
The effectiveness of Web-based vs. non-Web-based interventions: a meta-analysis of behavioral change outcomes. J Med Internet Res (2004) 7.81
HIV/AIDS stigma and refusal of HIV testing among pregnant women in rural Kenya: results from the MAMAS Study. AIDS Behav (2011) 2.59
Disclosure of HIV status: experiences and perceptions of persons living with HIV/AIDS and nurses involved in their care in Africa. Qual Health Res (2008) 2.25
Validation of the HIV/AIDS Stigma Instrument - PLWA (HASI-P). AIDS Care (2007) 2.14
A conceptual model of HIV/AIDS stigma from five African countries. J Adv Nurs (2007) 1.98
Coping with HIV-related stigma in five African countries. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2008) 1.77
Why give birth in health facility? Users' and providers' accounts of poor quality of birth care in Tanzania. BMC Health Serv Res (2013) 1.68
A systematic review of the effectiveness of peer-based interventions on health-related behaviors in adults. Am J Public Health (2009) 1.68
HIV stigma and missed medications in HIV-positive people in five African countries. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2009) 1.62
Verbal and physical abuse and neglect as manifestations of HIV/AIDS stigma in five African countries. Public Health Nurs (2007) 1.55
"Eating plastic," "winning the lotto," "joining the www"...descriptions of HIV/AIDS in Africa. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2006) 1.45
HIV and AIDS stigma violates human rights in five African countries. Nurs Ethics (2006) 1.37
Perceived HIV stigma and life satisfaction among persons living with HIV infection in five African countries: a longitudinal study. Int J Nurs Stud (2009) 1.33
Nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and practice related to HIV transmission in northeastern China. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2004) 1.32
The impact of taking or not taking ARVs on HIV stigma as reported by persons living with HIV infection in five African countries. AIDS Care (2009) 1.30
Self-care strategies and sources of information for HIV/AIDS symptom management. Nurs Res (2004) 1.30
Evaluation of a health setting-based stigma intervention in five African countries. AIDS Patient Care STDS (2009) 1.29
Reconciling incompatibilities: a grounded theory of HIV medication adherence and symptom management. Qual Health Res (2002) 1.25
Quality of life and the concept of "living well" with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. J Nurs Scholarsh (2005) 1.17
The development and validation of the HIV/AIDS Stigma Instrument - Nurse (HASI-N). AIDS Care (2009) 1.17
Waiting for attention and care: birthing accounts of women in rural Tanzania who developed obstetric fistula as an outcome of labour. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2011) 1.17
Urban and rural differences in HIV/AIDS stigma in five African countries. Afr J AIDS Res (2007) 1.16
A randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of an HIV/AIDS symptom management manual. J Pain Symptom Manage (2008) 1.16
Measuring HIV stigma for PLHAs and nurses over time in five African countries. SAHARA J (2009) 1.14
The symptom experience of people living with HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2006) 1.11
"I am nothing": experiences of loss among women suffering from severe birth injuries in Tanzania. BMC Womens Health (2011) 1.11
Gender roles and informal care for patients with AIDS: a qualitative study from an urban area in Tanzania. J Transcult Nurs (2008) 1.11
Transmen: the HIV risk of gay identity. AIDS Educ Prev (2011) 1.07
A cross-sectional description of social capital in an international sample of persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH). BMC Public Health (2012) 1.07
Does "asymptomatic" mean without symptoms for those living with HIV infection? AIDS Care (2009) 1.02
Differences in health care seeking behaviour between rural and urban communities in South Africa. Int J Equity Health (2012) 1.01
Promoting research integrity in Africa: an African voice of concern on research misconduct and the way forward. Dev World Bioeth (2013) 1.00
Symptom cluster of fatigue and depression in HIV/AIDS. J Prev Interv Community (2007) 0.99
Balancing collective responsibility, individual opportunities and risks: a qualitative study on how police officers reason around volunteering in an HIV vaccine trial in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. BMC Public Health (2010) 0.98
Focus on increasing treatment self-efficacy to improve human immunodeficiency virus treatment adherence. J Nurs Scholarsh (2012) 0.98
Task shifting of HIV management from doctors to nurses in Africa: clinical outcomes and evidence on nurse self-efficacy and job satisfaction. AIDS Care (2013) 0.97
Validation of a Chinese version of the sign and symptom checklist for persons with HIV diseases. J Pain Symptom Manage (2003) 0.96
Gender differences in use of prayer as a self-care strategy for managing symptoms in African Americans living with HIV/AIDS. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2006) 0.96
Reasons for declining to enroll in a phase I and II HIV vaccine trial after randomization among eligible volunteers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. PLoS One (2011) 0.95
Self-care management of anxiety and fear in HIV disease. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2003) 0.94
Complementary therapy use in persons with HIV/AIDS. J Holist Nurs (2002) 0.92
Does perceived HIV stigma contribute to nurses' intent to migrate in five African countries? J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care (2010) 0.92
Self-care for fatigue in patients With HIV. Oncol Nurs Forum (2002) 0.91
Symptoms and quality of life of people living with HIV infection in Puerto Rico. P R Health Sci J (2009) 0.90
A model for the incorporation of the traditional healers into the national health care delivery system of South Africa. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med (2012) 0.89
Fatigue in HIV/AIDS patients with comorbidities. Appl Nurs Res (2008) 0.87
Experiences of people living with HIV and people living close to them of a comprehensive HIV stigma reduction community intervention in an urban and a rural setting. SAHARA J (2014) 0.87
A qualitative evaluation of volunteers' experiences in a phase I/II HIV vaccine trial in Tanzania. BMC Infect Dis (2011) 0.86
Symptom management in Taiwanese patients with HIV/AIDS. J Pain Symptom Manage (2002) 0.86
HIV symptoms. Annu Rev Nurs Res (2007) 0.86