Published in Alcohol Alcohol on September 04, 2013
Representations of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in UK newspapers: a case study of a public health policy debate. J Public Health (Oxf) (2014) 0.98
How did policy actors use mass media to influence the Scottish alcohol minimum unit pricing debate? Comparative analysis of newspapers, evidence submissions and interviews. Drugs (Abingdon Engl) (2014) 0.87
Factors influencing women's decisions to drink alcohol during pregnancy: findings of a qualitative study with implications for health communication. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2014) 0.78
An examination of Australian newspaper coverage of the link between alcohol and cancer 2005 to 2013. BMC Public Health (2017) 0.75
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet (2012) 41.47
Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet (2012) 26.95
Common values in assessing health outcomes from disease and injury: disability weights measurement study for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet (2012) 11.32
The relation between different dimensions of alcohol consumption and burden of disease: an overview. Addiction (2010) 5.14
The relationship of average volume of alcohol consumption and patterns of drinking to burden of disease: an overview. Addiction (2003) 4.92
Under-reporting of alcohol consumption in household surveys: a comparison of quantity-frequency, graduated-frequency and recent recall. Addiction (2004) 3.76
Impact of tobacco control policies and mass media campaigns on monthly adult smoking prevalence. Am J Public Health (2008) 3.72
The global distribution of average volume of alcohol consumption and patterns of drinking. Eur Addict Res (2003) 3.72
Mass media campaigns to promote smoking cessation among adults: an integrative review. Tob Control (2012) 3.34
Moderate alcohol use and reduced mortality risk: systematic error in prospective studies and new hypotheses. Ann Epidemiol (2007) 3.30
Alcohol as a risk factor for global burden of disease. Eur Addict Res (2003) 3.11
Impact of news of celebrity illness on breast cancer screening: Kylie Minogue's breast cancer diagnosis. Med J Aust (2005) 2.87
Surveying the range and magnitude of alcohol's harm to others in Australia. Addiction (2011) 2.80
The impact of retail cigarette marketing practices on youth smoking uptake. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2007) 2.64
Introduction effects of the Australian plain packaging policy on adult smokers: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open (2013) 2.57
Reduction in alcohol consumption and health status. Addiction (2010) 2.56
Changes in volume of drinking after changes in alcohol taxes and travellers' allowances: results from a panel study. Addiction (2007) 2.55
The association between alcohol use, alcohol use disorders and tuberculosis (TB). A systematic review. BMC Public Health (2009) 2.39
Global burden of disease from alcohol, illicit drugs and tobacco. Drug Alcohol Rev (2006) 2.33
Changing the density of alcohol outlets to reduce alcohol-related problems. Drug Alcohol Rev (2007) 2.17
Local government alcohol policy development: case studies in three New Zealand communities. Addiction (2012) 2.13
Reducing intoxication among bar patrons: some lessons from prevention of drinking and driving. Addiction (2013) 2.02
Do graphic health warning labels have an impact on adolescents' smoking-related beliefs and behaviours? Addiction (2008) 1.96
An experimental study of effects on schoolchildren of exposure to point-of-sale cigarette advertising and pack displays. Health Educ Res (2006) 1.87
State tobacco control spending and youth smoking. Am J Public Health (2005) 1.86
Lower Risk Cannabis use Guidelines for Canada (LRCUG): a narrative review of evidence and recommendations. Can J Public Health (2011) 1.81
The effect of antismoking advertisement executional characteristics on youth comprehension, appraisal, recall, and engagement. J Health Commun (2005) 1.74
Smoker sensitivity to retail tobacco displays and quitting: a cohort study. Addiction (2009) 1.62
What impact have tobacco control policies, cigarette price and tobacco control programme funding had on Australian adolescents' smoking? Findings over a 15-year period. Addiction (2011) 1.58
The effects of smoking-related television advertising on smoking and intentions to quit among adults in the United States: 1999-2007. Am J Public Health (2012) 1.53
Personal tobacco pack display before and after the introduction of plain packaging with larger pictorial health warnings in Australia: an observational study of outdoor café strips. Addiction (2014) 1.52
Contemporary management of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in Victoria: implications for longer term outcomes and costs. BJU Int (2013) 1.50
Multi-level analysis of causal attribution of injury to alcohol and modifying effects: Data from two international emergency room projects. Drug Alcohol Depend (2005) 1.49
Affective disorders and anxiety disorders predict the risk of drug harmful use and dependence. Addiction (2011) 1.49
Drinking patterns and their gender differences in Europe. Alcohol Alcohol Suppl (2006) 1.48
International regulation of alcohol. BMJ (2008) 1.48
Adolescents' use of purpose built shade in secondary schools: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ (2009) 1.47
Alcohol's involvement in recurrent child abuse and neglect cases. Addiction (2012) 1.47
Alcohol intoxication in the context of major public holidays, sporting and social events: a time-series analysis in Melbourne, Australia, 2000-2009. Addiction (2012) 1.44
What did you drink yesterday? Public health relevance of a recent recall method used in the 2004 Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey. Addiction (2008) 1.41
Alcohol use disorders in EU countries and Norway: an overview of the epidemiology. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol (2005) 1.39
Response to Dr Kari Poikolainen: The persistent, alternative argument to apparent cardioprotective effects of alcohol. Addiction (2008) 1.39
Can home smoking restrictions influence adolescents' smoking behaviors if their parents and friends smoke? Addict Behav (2006) 1.39
Alcohol control strategies: the gap between evidence and practice. Br J Gen Pract (2013) 1.39
The good news about smoking: how do U.S. newspapers cover tobacco issues? J Public Health Policy (2006) 1.39
Prohibition of cannabis. BMJ (2010) 1.38
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Tobacco Control: a global assessment of harms, remedies, and controversies. Annu Rev Public Health (2007) 1.37
Impact of smoking cessation aids and mass media among recent quitters. Am J Prev Med (2006) 1.37
Antismoking television advertising and socioeconomic variations in calls to Quitline. J Epidemiol Community Health (2007) 1.36
Do larger pictorial health warnings diminish the need for plain packaging of cigarettes? Addiction (2012) 1.36
Alcoholics anonymous careers: patterns of AA involvement five years after treatment entry. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2005) 1.36
Method for moderation: measuring lifetime risk of alcohol-attributable mortality as a basis for drinking guidelines. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res (2008) 1.35
Tobacco packaging and mass media campaigns: research needs for Articles 11 and 12 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Nicotine Tob Res (2012) 1.34
The societal cost of alcohol consumption: an estimation of the economic and human cost including health effects in Sweden, 2002. Eur J Health Econ (2007) 1.32
Access to commercial indoor tanning facilities by adults with highly sensitive skin and by under-age youth: compliance tests at solarium centres in Melbourne, Australia. Eur J Cancer Prev (2006) 1.32
Teen smokers reach their mid twenties. J Adolesc Health (2006) 1.29
Investigating the relation between placement of Quit antismoking advertisements and number of telephone calls to Quitline: a semiparametric modelling approach. J Epidemiol Community Health (2006) 1.27
Smokers' responses to television advertisements about the serious harms of tobacco use: pre-testing results from 10 low- to middle-income countries. Tob Control (2011) 1.24
Alcohol and infectious diseases: an overlooked causal linkage? Addiction (2009) 1.21
Generic and therapeutic substitution: a viewpoint on achieving best practice in Europe. Br J Clin Pharmacol (2011) 1.20
The drinker's effect on the social environment: a conceptual framework for studying alcohol's harm to others. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2010) 1.20
Evaluation of smoke-free dining in South Australia: support and compliance among the community and restaurateurs. Aust N Z J Public Health (2002) 1.19
Media advocacy and newspaper coverage of tobacco issues: a comparative analysis of 1 year's print news in the United States and Australia. Nicotine Tob Res (2005) 1.18
The relationship between self-reported drinking and BAC level in emergency room injury cases: is it a straight line? Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2010) 1.16
Mapping Australian public opinion on alcohol policies in the new millennium. Drug Alcohol Rev (2009) 1.15
Accuracy of self-reported drinking: observational verification of 'last occasion' drink estimates of young adults. Alcohol Alcohol (2011) 1.14
Validity of self-reported drinking before injury compared with a physiological measure: cross-national analysis of emergency-department data from 16 countries. J Stud Alcohol Drugs (2007) 1.14
Association between commercial television exposure and fast-food consumption among adults. Public Health Nutr (2008) 1.13
News on tobacco and public attitudes toward smokefree air policies in the United States. Health Policy (2007) 1.13
Changes in alcohol-related problems after alcohol policy changes in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. J Stud Alcohol Drugs (2010) 1.11
The importance of environmental modifiers of the relationship between substance use and harm. Addiction (2004) 1.10
Dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviour among Australian secondary students in 2005. Health Promot Int (2007) 1.10
Non-response bias in a community survey of drinking, alcohol-related experiences and public opinion on alcohol policy. Drug Alcohol Depend (2012) 1.09
Disability associated with alcohol abuse and dependence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2010) 1.08
Transitions and turning points: examining the links between child maltreatment and juvenile offending. Child Abuse Negl (2007) 1.07
Constructing and responding to low-risk drinking guidelines: conceptualisation, evidence and reception. Drug Alcohol Rev (2012) 1.07
Textual analysis of tobacco editorials: how are Key media gatekeepers framing the issues? Am J Health Promot (2005) 1.06
Alcohol use and prostate cancer: a meta-analysis. Mol Nutr Food Res (2009) 1.06
Results of a national mass media campaign in India to warn against the dangers of smokeless tobacco consumption. Tob Control (2011) 1.05
Men's adjustment to fatherhood: implications for obstetric health care. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs (2003) 1.05
Warnings on alcohol containers and advertisements: international experience and evidence on effects. Drug Alcohol Rev (2009) 1.05
Diverging trends in alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm in Victoria. Aust N Z J Public Health (2010) 1.04
Variations by age and sex in alcohol-related problematic behaviour per drinking volume and heavier drinking occasion. Drug Alcohol Depend (2009) 1.04
Familial hypercholesterolaemia: a model of care for Australasia. Atheroscler Suppl (2011) 1.04
Televised antismoking advertising: effects of level and duration of exposure. Am J Public Health (2013) 1.03
Preliminary results of 2009 pandemic influenza surveillance in the United States using the Aggregate Hospitalization and Death Reporting Activity. Influenza Other Respir Viruses (2011) 1.03
Insurance repercussions of mammographic screening: what do women think? Med Sci Monit (2002) 1.02
Revealing the link between licensed outlets and violence: counting venues versus measuring alcohol availability. Drug Alcohol Rev (2011) 1.01
Attribution of alcohol to violence-related injury: self and other's drinking in the event. J Stud Alcohol Drugs (2012) 1.01
Real people, real stories: a new mass media campaign that could help smokers quit. Ann Intern Med (2012) 1.01
Determination of lifetime injury mortality risk in Canada in 2002 by drinking amount per occasion and number of occasions. Am J Epidemiol (2008) 1.01