Published in Addict Behav on March 12, 2014
Real-world effectiveness of e-cigarettes when used to aid smoking cessation: a cross-sectional population study. Addiction (2014) 2.73
E-cigarettes and smoking cessation in real-world and clinical settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Respir Med (2016) 2.54
A longitudinal study of electronic cigarette use among a population-based sample of adult smokers: association with smoking cessation and motivation to quit. Nicotine Tob Res (2014) 2.53
Is the use of electronic cigarettes while smoking associated with smoking cessation attempts, cessation and reduced cigarette consumption? A survey with a 1-year follow-up. Addiction (2015) 2.37
Modeling the Health Effects of Expanding e-Cigarette Sales in the United States and United Kingdom: A Monte Carlo Analysis. JAMA Intern Med (2015) 1.76
Reasons for starting and stopping electronic cigarette use. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2014) 1.72
Associations Between E-Cigarette Type, Frequency of Use, and Quitting Smoking: Findings From a Longitudinal Online Panel Survey in Great Britain. Nicotine Tob Res (2015) 1.53
A mixed methods feasibility study of nicotine-assisted smoking reduction programmes delivered by community pharmacists - The RedPharm study. BMC Public Health (2017) 1.38
NIH electronic cigarette workshop: developing a research agenda. Nicotine Tob Res (2014) 1.31
Use of E-Cigarettes Among Current Smokers: Associations Among Reasons for Use, Quit Intentions, and Current Tobacco Use. Nicotine Tob Res (2015) 1.28
Development of a questionnaire for assessing dependence on electronic cigarettes among a large sample of ex-smoking E-cigarette users. Nicotine Tob Res (2014) 1.23
The Application of a Decision-Theoretic Model to Estimate the Public Health Impact of Vaporized Nicotine Product Initiation in the United States. Nicotine Tob Res (2016) 1.19
Electronic cigarettes: what are they and what do they do? Ann N Y Acad Sci (2016) 1.13
Using Twitter Data to Gain Insights into E-cigarette Marketing and Locations of Use: An Infoveillance Study. J Med Internet Res (2015) 1.11
Toxicity assessment of refill liquids for electronic cigarettes. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2015) 1.09
Perceived relative harm of electronic cigarettes over time and impact on subsequent use. A survey with 1-year and 2-year follow-ups. Drug Alcohol Depend (2015) 1.02
Nicotine, Carcinogen, and Toxin Exposure in Long-Term E-Cigarette and Nicotine Replacement Therapy Users: A Cross-sectional Study. Ann Intern Med (2017) 1.00
Overview of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems: A Systematic Review. Am J Prev Med (2016) 0.95
Tobacco Use, Quitting Behavior, and Health Characteristics Among Current Electronic Cigarette Users in a National Tri-Ethnic Adult Stable Smoker Sample. Nicotine Tob Res (2014) 0.92
Reasons for electronic cigarette use beyond cigarette smoking cessation: A concept mapping approach. Addict Behav (2016) 0.88
Altered placental DNA methylation patterns associated with maternal smoking: current perspectives. Adv Genomics Genet (2015) 0.87
Waterpipes and electronic cigarettes: increasing prevalence and expanding science. Chem Res Toxicol (2014) 0.86
Cigarette Smoking and Electronic Cigarettes Use: A Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2016) 0.85
Electronic Cigarette Trial and Use among Young Adults: Reasons for Trial and Cessation of Vaping. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2015) 0.83
Awareness and Current Use of Electronic Cigarettes in Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar, and Greece: Findings From 2011-2013 Global Adult Tobacco Surveys. Nicotine Tob Res (2015) 0.83
Electronic Cigarettes on Twitter - Spreading the Appeal of Flavors. Tob Regul Sci (2015) 0.82
Comparison of the characteristics of long-term users of electronic cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy: A cross-sectional survey of English ex-smokers and current smokers. Drug Alcohol Depend (2015) 0.82
Changing Perceptions of Harm of E-Cigarettes Among U.S. Adults, 2012-2015. Am J Prev Med (2016) 0.81
E-Cigarette Design Preference and Smoking Cessation: A U.S. Population Study. Am J Prev Med (2016) 0.81
Electronic cigarettes: a survey of perceived patient use and attitudes among members of the British thoracic oncology group. Respir Res (2016) 0.81
Smokers' Early E-cigarette Experiences, Reasons for Use, and Use Intentions. Tob Regul Sci (2016) 0.80
E-cigarettes for the management of nicotine addiction. Subst Abuse Rehabil (2016) 0.79
Prevalence and correlates of current daily use of electronic cigarettes in the European Union: analysis of the 2014 Eurobarometer survey. Intern Emerg Med (2017) 0.79
Patterns of electronic cigarette use in current and ever users among college students in France: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open (2016) 0.79
Views from the Coalface: What Do English Stop Smoking Service Personnel Think about E-Cigarettes? Int J Environ Res Public Health (2015) 0.79
E-Cigarette Awareness, Use, and Harm Perception among Adults: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. PLoS One (2016) 0.79
Nicotine levels, withdrawal symptoms, and smoking reduction success in real world use: A comparison of cigarette smokers and dual users of both cigarettes and E-cigarettes. Drug Alcohol Depend (2016) 0.78
Snus use, smoking and survival among prostate cancer patients. Int J Cancer (2016) 0.78
Reasons for using flavored liquids among electronic cigarette users: A concept mapping study. Drug Alcohol Depend (2016) 0.76
E-Cigarettes Use Behavior and Experience of Adults: Qualitative Research Findings to Inform E-Cigarette Use Measure Development. Nicotine Tob Res (2016) 0.75
Identifying Topics for E-Cigarette User-Generated Contents: A Case Study From Multiple Social Media Platforms. J Med Internet Res (2017) 0.75
Use of aids for smoking cessation and alcohol reduction: A population survey of adults in England. BMC Public Health (2016) 0.75
Factors and motivations associated with use of e-cigarette among primary care patients in a prospective cohort study: e-TAC study protocol. BMJ Open (2016) 0.75
Electronic nicotine delivery systems and/or electronic non-nicotine delivery systems for tobacco smoking cessation or reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open (2017) 0.75
E-cigarette use in Canada: prevalence and patterns of use in a regulated market. BMJ Open (2015) 0.75
Experimentation and correlates of electronic nicotine delivery system (electronic cigarettes) among university students - A cross sectional study. Saudi Dent J (2016) 0.75
User Identified Positive Outcome Expectancies of Electronic Cigarette Use: A Concept Mapping Study. Psychol Addict Behav (2017) 0.75
Motivations and Limitations Associated with Vaping among People with Mental Illness: A Qualitative Analysis of Reddit Discussions. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2016) 0.75
Electronic cigarettes as smoking cessation tool: are we there? Curr Opin Pulm Med (2016) 0.75
'A good method of quitting smoking' or 'just an alternative to smoking'? Comparative evaluations of e-cigarette and traditional cigarette usage by dual users. Health Psychol Open (2017) 0.75
A randomized controlled trial of a smoking cessation self-help intervention for dual users of tobacco cigarettes and E-cigarettes: Intervention development and research design. Contemp Clin Trials (2017) 0.75
Tobacco Harm Reduction with Vaporised Nicotine (THRiVe): The Study Protocol of an Uncontrolled Feasibility Study of Novel Nicotine Replacement Products among People Living with HIV Who Smoke. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2017) 0.75
Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet (2013) 14.23
Effect of an electronic nicotine delivery device (e cigarette) on desire to smoke and withdrawal, user preferences and nicotine delivery: randomised cross-over trial. Tob Control (2010) 7.97
e-Cigarette awareness, use, and harm perceptions in US adults. Am J Public Health (2012) 7.71
Levels of selected carcinogens and toxicants in vapour from electronic cigarettes. Tob Control (2013) 7.69
EffiCiency and Safety of an eLectronic cigAreTte (ECLAT) as tobacco cigarettes substitute: a prospective 12-month randomized control design study. PLoS One (2013) 6.44
Electronic nicotine delivery systems: international tobacco control four-country survey. Am J Prev Med (2013) 6.35
Nicotine levels in electronic cigarettes. Nicotine Tob Res (2012) 5.74
A clinical laboratory model for evaluating the acute effects of electronic "cigarettes": nicotine delivery profile and cardiovascular and subjective effects. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2010) 5.44
'Vaping' profiles and preferences: an online survey of electronic cigarette users. Addiction (2013) 3.92
Nicotine content of electronic cigarettes, its release in vapour and its consistency across batches: regulatory implications. Addiction (2013) 3.58
Electronic cigarettes: effective nicotine delivery after acute administration. Nicotine Tob Res (2012) 3.55
E-cigarettes: prevalence and attitudes in Great Britain. Nicotine Tob Res (2013) 3.14
The electronic-cigarette: effects on desire to smoke, withdrawal symptoms and cognition. Addict Behav (2012) 2.30
Saliva cotinine levels in users of electronic cigarettes. Eur Respir J (2011) 2.27
Sex differences in the subjective and reinforcing effects of visual and olfactory cigarette smoke stimuli. Nicotine Tob Res (2001) 1.91
'The smoking toolkit study': a national study of smoking and smoking cessation in England. BMC Public Health (2011) 1.68
'Real-world' effectiveness of smoking cessation treatments: a population study. Addiction (2013) 1.60
Fundamental cause theory, technological innovation, and health disparities: the case of cholesterol in the era of statins. J Health Soc Behav (2009) 1.27
Use of nicotine replacement therapy for smoking reduction and temporary abstinence: an update of beard et al. (2011). Addiction (2012) 0.86