Published in PLoS One on August 14, 2014
Global insights into high temperature and drought stress regulated genes by RNA-Seq in economically important oilseed crop Brassica juncea. BMC Plant Biol (2015) 0.96
Harnessing Next Generation Sequencing in Climate Change: RNA-Seq Analysis of Heat Stress-Responsive Genes in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). OMICS (2015) 0.81
Omics studies of citrus, grape and rosaceae fruit trees. Breed Sci (2016) 0.80
Prunus transcription factors: breeding perspectives. Front Plant Sci (2015) 0.77
In-depth comparative transcriptome analysis of intestines of red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, infected with WSSV. Sci Rep (2016) 0.76
Mongolian Almond (Prunus mongolica Maxim): The Morpho-Physiological, Biochemical and Transcriptomic Response to Drought Stress. PLoS One (2015) 0.76
The Small-RNA Profiles of Almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) Reproductive Tissues in Response to Cold Stress. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
Comparative transcriptome and potential antiviral signaling pathways analysis of the gills in the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii infected with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV). Genet Mol Biol (2017) 0.75
De novo assembly and analysis of the transcriptome of Ocimum americanum var. pilosum under cold stress. BMC Genomics (2016) 0.75
Evolutionary Genomics of Peach and Almond Domestication. G3 (Bethesda) (2016) 0.75
Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs. Nucleic Acids Res (1997) 665.31
Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2(-Delta Delta C(T)) Method. Methods (2001) 414.27
Full-length transcriptome assembly from RNA-Seq data without a reference genome. Nat Biotechnol (2011) 53.86
RSEM: accurate transcript quantification from RNA-Seq data with or without a reference genome. BMC Bioinformatics (2011) 25.76
agriGO: a GO analysis toolkit for the agricultural community. Nucleic Acids Res (2010) 10.53
Regulatory network of gene expression in the drought and cold stress responses. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2003) 5.07
EBSeq: an empirical Bayes hierarchical model for inference in RNA-seq experiments. Bioinformatics (2013) 4.79
The high-quality draft genome of peach (Prunus persica) identifies unique patterns of genetic diversity, domestication and genome evolution. Nat Genet (2013) 4.20
Cold stress regulation of gene expression in plants. Trends Plant Sci (2007) 3.72
IDEG6: a web tool for detection of differentially expressed genes in multiple tag sampling experiments. Physiol Genomics (2003) 3.26
Function annotation of the rice transcriptome at single-nucleotide resolution by RNA-seq. Genome Res (2010) 2.73
Genomic approaches to plant stress tolerance. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2000) 2.62
Freezing tolerance in plants requires lipid remodeling at the outer chloroplast membrane. Science (2010) 2.26
Trehalose metabolism and signaling. Annu Rev Plant Biol (2008) 2.09
Massive parallel sequencing of mRNA in identification of unannotated salinity stress-inducible transcripts in rice (Oryza sativa L.). BMC Genomics (2010) 1.96
Development of microsatellite markers in peach [ Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] and their use in genetic diversity analysis in peach and sweet cherry ( Prunus avium L.). Theor Appl Genet (2002) 1.89
Identification of a receptor-like protein kinase gene rapidly induced by abscisic acid, dehydration, high salt, and cold treatments in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol (1997) 1.64
Effects of drought on gene expression in maize reproductive and leaf meristem tissue revealed by RNA-Seq. Plant Physiol (2012) 1.58
Mass spectrometric approach for identifying putative plasma membrane proteins of Arabidopsis leaves associated with cold acclimation. Plant J (2003) 1.51
Differentially expressed genes between drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive barley genotypes in response to drought stress during the reproductive stage. J Exp Bot (2009) 1.49
The CBFs: three arabidopsis transcription factors to cold acclimate. Plant Sci (2010) 1.44
De novo assembly and characterization of the root transcriptome of Aegilops variabilis during an interaction with the cereal cyst nematode. BMC Genomics (2012) 1.40
Transcriptomic profiling of the salt-stress response in the wild recretohalophyte Reaumuria trigyna. BMC Genomics (2013) 1.18
Proteomic analysis of rice leaf sheath during drought stress. J Proteome Res (2006) 1.17
RNA-Seq Assembly - Are We There Yet? Front Plant Sci (2012) 1.17
Overexpression of the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase gene OsTPS1 enhances abiotic stress tolerance in rice. Planta (2011) 1.14
De novo sequencing and transcriptome analysis of the desert shrub, Ammopiptanthus mongolicus, during cold acclimation using Illumina/Solexa. BMC Genomics (2013) 1.12
Deep-sequencing transcriptome analysis of chilling tolerance mechanisms of a subnival alpine plant, Chorispora bungeana. BMC Plant Biol (2012) 1.06
RNA-based regulation in the plant circadian clock. Trends Plant Sci (2011) 1.05
The RNase PD2 gene of almond (Prunus dulcis) represents an evolutionarily distinct class of S-like RNase genes. Mol Gen Genet (2000) 1.04
Deep RNA-Seq uncovers the peach transcriptome landscape. Plant Mol Biol (2013) 1.03
Functional interaction between two transcription factors involved in the developmental regulation of a small heat stress protein gene promoter. Plant Physiol (2005) 1.02
Genetic linkage maps of two apricot cultivars ( Prunus armeniaca L.) compared with the almond Texas x peach Earlygold reference map for Prunus. Theor Appl Genet (2003) 1.02
Four distinct types of dehydration stress memory genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol (2013) 1.00
Cold affects the transcription of fatty acid desaturases and oil quality in the fruit of Olea europaea L. genotypes with different cold hardiness. J Exp Bot (2011) 0.96
Transcriptome analysis of differentially expressed genes relevant to variegation in peach flowers. PLoS One (2014) 0.94
Comparative RNA-seq analysis of early-infected peach leaves by the invasive phytopathogen Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni. PLoS One (2013) 0.90
Phosphorylation of the mitochondrial protein Sab by stress-activated protein kinase 3. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2004) 0.90
Transcriptome profiling to identify genes involved in pathogenicity of Valsa mali on apple tree. Fungal Genet Biol (2014) 0.90
Role of ethylene in cotyledon development of microspore-derived embryos of Brassica napus. J Exp Bot (2000) 0.89
Biochemical characterization of amandin, the major storage protein in almond (Prunus dulcis L.). J Agric Food Chem (2002) 0.88
Genome-wide expression profiles of seasonal bud dormancy at four critical stages in Japanese apricot. Plant Mol Biol (2013) 0.86
Transcriptional dynamics of the developing sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) fruit: sequencing, annotation and expression profiling of exocarp-associated genes. Hortic Res (2014) 0.83
Simple and efficient isolation of high-quality total RNA from Hibiscus tiliaceus, a mangrove associate and its relatives. Prep Biochem Biotechnol (2008) 0.83
A global profiling of uncapped mRNAs under cold stress reveals specific decay patterns and endonucleolytic cleavages in Brachypodium distachyon. Genome Biol (2013) 0.82
Cerebroside C increases tolerance to chilling injury and alters lipid composition in wheat roots. PLoS One (2013) 0.82
Cold acclimation and floral development in almond bud break: insights into the regulatory pathways. J Exp Bot (2012) 0.82
Molecular switch for cold acclimation -- anatomy of the cold-inducible promoter in plants. Biochemistry (Mosc) (2013) 0.77