Published in Environ Health Perspect on June 03, 2015
Long-term exposure to PM2.5 and mortality among older adults in the Southeastern US. Epidemiology (2016) 0.77
Residential Proximity to Major Roads, Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter, and Coronary Artery Calcium: The Framingham Heart Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2016) 0.77
Effects of Air Pollution on Hospital Emergency Room Visits for Respiratory Diseases: Urban-Suburban Differences in Eastern China. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2016) 0.77
Residential proximity to major roads, exposure to fine particulate matter and aortic calcium: the Framingham Heart Study, a cohort study. BMJ Open (2017) 0.75
Implementing the US air quality standard for PM2.5 worldwide can prevent millions of premature deaths per year. Environ Health (2016) 0.75
The Associations between Types of Ambient PM2.5 and Under-Five and Maternal Mortality in Africa. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2017) 0.75
Potential lung carcinogenicity induced by chronic exposure to PM2.5 in the rat. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int (2017) 0.75
Different exposure levels of fine particulate matter and preterm birth: a meta-analysis based on cohort studies. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int (2017) 0.75
Estimating the Causal Effect of Low Levels of Fine Particulate Matter on Hospitalization. Epidemiology (2017) 0.75
An association between air pollution and mortality in six U.S. cities. N Engl J Med (1993) 38.84
Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality, and long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution. JAMA (2002) 28.72
Particulate air pollution as a predictor of mortality in a prospective study of U.S. adults. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (1995) 15.80
Long-term exposure to air pollution and incidence of cardiovascular events in women. N Engl J Med (2007) 14.90
Fine particulate air pollution and hospital admission for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. JAMA (2006) 13.43
Reduction in fine particulate air pollution and mortality: Extended follow-up of the Harvard Six Cities study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2006) 10.44
Spatial analysis of air pollution and mortality in Los Angeles. Epidemiology (2005) 8.64
Air pollution and daily mortality: a review and meta analysis. Environ Res (1994) 8.60
The effect of air pollution on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age. N Engl J Med (2004) 8.58
Increased mortality in Philadelphia associated with daily air pollution concentrations. Am Rev Respir Dis (1992) 6.09
Epidemiology of fine particulate air pollution and human health: biologic mechanisms and who's at risk? Environ Health Perspect (2000) 5.72
Quasi-Poisson vs. negative binomial regression: how should we model overdispersed count data? Ecology (2007) 4.54
Particulate air pollution induces progression of atherosclerosis. J Am Coll Cardiol (2002) 4.28
Harvesting and long term exposure effects in the relation between air pollution and mortality. Am J Epidemiol (2000) 4.15
Effects of long-term exposure to air pollution on natural-cause mortality: an analysis of 22 European cohorts within the multicentre ESCAPE project. Lancet (2013) 4.13
Long-term air pollution exposure and cardio- respiratory mortality: a review. Environ Health (2013) 4.01
Chronic fine and coarse particulate exposure, mortality, and coronary heart disease in the Nurses' Health Study. Environ Health Perspect (2009) 3.45
Risk of nonaccidental and cardiovascular mortality in relation to long-term exposure to low concentrations of fine particulate matter: a Canadian national-level cohort study. Environ Health Perspect (2012) 3.39
Chronic exposure to fine particles and mortality: an extended follow-up of the Harvard Six Cities study from 1974 to 2009. Environ Health Perspect (2012) 3.38
Association between PM2.5 and all-cause and specific-cause mortality in 27 US communities. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol (2006) 3.17
The effect of fine and coarse particulate air pollution on mortality: a national analysis. Environ Health Perspect (2009) 3.09
Rapid increases in the steady-state concentration of reactive oxygen species in the lungs and heart after particulate air pollution inhalation. Environ Health Perspect (2002) 2.92
Insights into the mechanisms and mediators of the effects of air pollution exposure on blood pressure and vascular function in healthy humans. Hypertension (2009) 2.88
Comment on Schwartz, J.; Dockery, D.W.; Neas, M.L. 1996. Is daily mortality associated specifically with fine particles?; J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 46: 927-939. J Air Waste Manag Assoc (2015) 2.45
Smoking habits and tar levels in a new American Cancer Society prospective study of 1.2 million men and women. J Natl Cancer Inst (1986) 2.34
Using meta-smoothing to estimate dose-response trends across multiple studies, with application to air pollution and daily death. Epidemiology (2000) 2.32
The effect of dose and timing of dose on the association between airborne particles and survival. Environ Health Perspect (2008) 2.30
Acute effects of ambient particulate matter on mortality in Europe and North America: results from the APHENA study. Environ Health Perspect (2008) 1.93
Chronic particulate exposure, mortality, and coronary heart disease in the nurses' health study. Am J Epidemiol (2008) 1.91
Mortality in the Medicare population and chronic exposure to fine particulate air pollution in urban centers (2000-2005). Environ Health Perspect (2008) 1.89
Epidemiological time series studies of PM2.5 and daily mortality and hospital admissions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Thorax (2014) 1.87
Effects of subchronic exposures to concentrated ambient particles (CAPs) in mice. V. CAPs exacerbate aortic plaque development in hyperlipidemic mice. Inhal Toxicol (2005) 1.87
Acute and chronic effects of particles on hospital admissions in New-England. PLoS One (2012) 1.59
Ambient source-specific particles are associated with prolonged repolarization and increased levels of inflammation in male coronary artery disease patients. Mutat Res (2007) 1.43
Long-term ambient multipollutant exposures and mortality. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2010) 1.29
Is the association of airborne particles with daily deaths confounded by gaseous air pollutants? An approach to control by matching. Environ Health Perspect (2004) 1.14
Long- and short-term exposure to PM2.5 and mortality: using novel exposure models. Epidemiology (2013) 1.13
Diesel exhaust particles stimulate human airway epithelial cells to produce cytokines relevant to airway inflammation in vitro. J Allergy Clin Immunol (1998) 1.08
Particulate air pollution and socioeconomic position in rural and urban areas of the Northeastern United States. Am J Public Health (2011) 1.08
Induction of oxidative stress and inhibition of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 production in endothelial cells following exposure to organic extracts of diesel exhaust particles and urban fine particles. Arch Toxicol (2005) 1.03
Modifiers of the temperature and mortality association in seven US cities. Am J Epidemiol (2003) 5.42
Rapid DNA methylation changes after exposure to traffic particles. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2009) 5.20
Diabetes enhances vulnerability to particulate air pollution-associated impairment in vascular reactivity and endothelial function. Circulation (2005) 5.07
The effect of weather on respiratory and cardiovascular deaths in 12 U.S. cities. Environ Health Perspect (2002) 4.62
Exposure to particulate air pollution and risk of deep vein thrombosis. Arch Intern Med (2008) 3.96
Clustering of fast-food restaurants around schools: a novel application of spatial statistics to the study of food environments. Am J Public Health (2005) 3.72
Measurement error caused by spatial misalignment in environmental epidemiology. Biostatistics (2008) 3.49
Estimating ground-level PM2.5 in the eastern United States using satellite remote sensing. Environ Sci Technol (2005) 3.34
Fine particulate air pollution and its components in association with cause-specific emergency admissions. Environ Health (2009) 3.32
Disparities by race in heat-related mortality in four US cities: the role of air conditioning prevalence. J Urban Health (2005) 3.26
Diabetes, obesity, and hypertension may enhance associations between air pollution and markers of systemic inflammation. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 3.23
Extreme temperatures and mortality: assessing effect modification by personal characteristics and specific cause of death in a multi-city case-only analysis. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 3.21
Air conditioning and source-specific particles as modifiers of the effect of PM(10) on hospital admissions for heart and lung disease. Environ Health Perspect (2002) 3.21
Mortality risk associated with short-term exposure to traffic particles and sulfates. Environ Health Perspect (2007) 3.16
The role of particle composition on the association between PM2.5 and mortality. Epidemiology (2008) 3.10
Ambient air pollution and the risk of acute ischemic stroke. Arch Intern Med (2012) 2.92
Estimating Causal Associations of Fine Particles With Daily Deaths in Boston. Am J Epidemiol (2015) 2.75
Ambient gas concentrations and personal particulate matter exposures: implications for studying the health effects of particles. Epidemiology (2005) 2.68
Modeling the association between particle constituents of air pollution and health outcomes. Am J Epidemiol (2012) 2.64
Estimating regional spatial and temporal variability of PM(2.5) concentrations using satellite data, meteorology, and land use information. Environ Health Perspect (2009) 2.51
The effect of ozone and PM10 on hospital admissions for pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a national multicity study. Am J Epidemiol (2006) 2.40
Individual-level modifiers of the effects of particulate matter on daily mortality. Am J Epidemiol (2006) 2.37
Association of air pollution with increased incidence of ventricular tachyarrhythmias recorded by implanted cardioverter defibrillators. Environ Health Perspect (2005) 2.36
Air pollution and health: a European and North American approach (APHENA). Res Rep Health Eff Inst (2009) 2.33
Traffic-related air pollution and cognitive function in a cohort of older men. Environ Health Perspect (2010) 2.28
Examination of how neighborhood definition influences measurements of youths' access to tobacco retailers: a methodological note on spatial misclassification. Am J Epidemiol (2013) 2.18
Impact of control for air pollution and respiratory epidemics on the estimated associations of temperature and daily mortality. Int J Biometeorol (2005) 2.12
Validation of walk score for estimating neighborhood walkability: an analysis of four US metropolitan areas. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2011) 2.11
Ischemic heart disease and stroke in relation to blood DNA methylation. Epidemiology (2010) 2.10
Opposing effects of particle pollution, ozone, and ambient temperature on arterial blood pressure. Environ Health Perspect (2011) 2.08
Living near major traffic roads and risk of deep vein thrombosis. Circulation (2009) 1.98
Playground safety and access in Boston neighborhoods. Am J Prev Med (2005) 1.94
The concentration-response relation between PM(2.5) and daily deaths. Environ Health Perspect (2002) 1.93
Prenatal exposure to fine particulate matter and birth weight: variations by particulate constituents and sources. Epidemiology (2010) 1.91
The impact of sugar cane-burning emissions on the respiratory system of children and the elderly. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 1.90
Lung inflammation induced by concentrated ambient air particles is related to particle composition. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2002) 1.86
The built environment and location-based physical activity. Am J Prev Med (2010) 1.85
Chronic social stress and susceptibility to concentrated ambient fine particles in rats. Environ Health Perspect (2010) 1.84
Focused exposures to airborne traffic particles and heart rate variability in the elderly. Epidemiology (2007) 1.82
Air pollution and markers of coagulation, inflammation, and endothelial function: associations and epigene-environment interactions in an elderly cohort. Epidemiology (2012) 1.80
Inhalation of concentrated ambient air particles exacerbates myocardial ischemia in conscious dogs. Environ Health Perspect (2003) 1.80
Using new satellite based exposure methods to study the association between pregnancy PM₂.₅ exposure, premature birth and birth weight in Massachusetts. Environ Health (2012) 1.74
Disrupted prenatal maternal cortisol, maternal obesity, and childhood wheeze. Insights into prenatal programming. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2013) 1.71
Incorporating local land use regression and satellite aerosol optical depth in a hybrid model of spatiotemporal PM2.5 exposures in the Mid-Atlantic states. Environ Sci Technol (2012) 1.69
Prenatal and postnatal maternal stress and wheeze in urban children: effect of maternal sensitization. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2012) 1.69
Temporal and spatial assessments of minimum air temperature using satellite surface temperature measurements in Massachusetts, USA. Sci Total Environ (2012) 1.69
Long-term effects of traffic particles on lung function decline in the elderly. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2014) 1.66
Concentrated ambient air particles induce vasoconstriction of small pulmonary arteries in rats. Environ Health Perspect (2002) 1.64
Using sulfur as a tracer of outdoor fine particulate matter. Environ Sci Technol (2002) 1.63
Feature-specific penalized latent class analysis for genomic data. Biometrics (2006) 1.62
Prediction of activity mode with global positioning system and accelerometer data. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2008) 1.62
Long-term exposure to traffic emissions and fine particulate matter and lung function decline in the Framingham heart study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (2015) 1.61
T-wave alternans, air pollution and traffic in high-risk subjects. Am J Cardiol (2009) 1.60
Summer temperature variability and long-term survival among elderly people with chronic disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.59
Symptoms and medication use in children with asthma and traffic-related sources of fine particle pollution. Environ Health Perspect (2009) 1.59
Acute and chronic effects of particles on hospital admissions in New-England. PLoS One (2012) 1.59
Associations among maternal childhood socioeconomic status, cord blood IgE levels, and repeated wheeze in urban children. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2011) 1.57
Air pollution and ST-segment depression in elderly subjects. Environ Health Perspect (2005) 1.56
Air pollution, smoking, and plasma homocysteine. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 1.53
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Particulate Matter Health Effects Research Centers Program: a midcourse report of status, progress, and plans. Environ Health Perspect (2003) 1.51
Wavelet-based functional linear mixed models: an application to measurement error-corrected distributed lag models. Biostatistics (2010) 1.51
Factors influencing relationships between personal and ambient concentrations of gaseous and particulate pollutants. Sci Total Environ (2009) 1.50
Mechanisms of inhaled fine particulate air pollution-induced arterial blood pressure changes. Environ Health Perspect (2008) 1.46
Medium-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and markers of inflammation and endothelial function. Environ Health Perspect (2011) 1.45
Mapping and measuring social disparities in premature mortality: the impact of census tract poverty within and across Boston neighborhoods, 1999-2001. J Urban Health (2006) 1.44
Factors affecting the association between ambient concentrations and personal exposures to particles and gases. Environ Health Perspect (2006) 1.38
Air pollution and risk of stroke: underestimation of effect due to misclassification of time of event onset. Epidemiology (2009) 1.37
Associations between outdoor temperature and markers of inflammation: a cohort study. Environ Health (2010) 1.36
Reduction in heart rate variability with traffic and air pollution in patients with coronary artery disease. Environ Health Perspect (2009) 1.36
Estimating fine particulate matter component concentrations and size distributions using satellite-retrieved fractional aerosol optical depth: part 1--method development. J Air Waste Manag Assoc (2007) 1.34
Susceptibility to mortality in weather extremes: effect modification by personal and small-area characteristics. Epidemiology (2013) 1.33
Relationship between outdoor temperature and blood pressure. Occup Environ Med (2010) 1.33
Race/ethnicity and changing US socioeconomic gradients in breast cancer incidence: California and Massachusetts, 1978-2002 (United States). Cancer Causes Control (2006) 1.32
Repetitive element hypomethylation in blood leukocyte DNA and cancer incidence, prevalence, and mortality in elderly individuals: the Normative Aging Study. Cancer Causes Control (2010) 1.30
Evaluating efficiency-equality tradeoffs for mobile source control strategies in an urban area. Risk Anal (2008) 1.30
Temporal Variation in Heat-Mortality Associations: A Multicountry Study. Environ Health Perspect (2015) 1.28
A 10-year time-series analysis of respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity in Nicosia, Cyprus: the effect of short-term changes in air pollution and dust storms. Environ Health (2008) 1.28
Particulate air pollution and nonfatal cardiac events. Part II. Association of air pollution with confirmed arrhythmias recorded by implanted defibrillators. Res Rep Health Eff Inst (2005) 1.27
Particulate air pollution as a risk factor for ST-segment depression in patients with coronary artery disease. Circulation (2008) 1.26
Control for confounding in the presence of measurement error in hierarchical models. Biostatistics (2003) 1.26