Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Women (Healthy Women Study)

Clinical Trial ID NCT00005160

PubWeight™ 19.42‹?›

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1 Menopause and risk factors for coronary heart disease. N Engl J Med 1989 3.84
2 Prior to use of estrogen replacement therapy, are users healthier than nonusers? Am J Epidemiol 1996 3.18
3 Prevalence, incidence and correlates of urinary incontinence in healthy, middle-aged women. J Urol 1991 2.49
4 Educational attainment and behavioral and biologic risk factors for coronary heart disease in middle-aged women. Am J Epidemiol 1989 2.39
5 The relationship between psychological risk attributes and the metabolic syndrome in healthy women: antecedent or consequence? Metabolism 2002 2.04
6 Prospective study of the determinants of age at menopause. Am J Epidemiol 1997 2.02
7 A longitudinal study of the effects of pessimism, trait anxiety, and life stress on depressive symptoms in middle-aged women. Psychol Aging 1996 1.91
8 Weight gain at the time of menopause. Arch Intern Med 1991 1.89
9 Sleep disturbance in healthy middle-aged women. Maturitas 1998 1.80
10 Coronary and aortic calcification among women 8 years after menopause and their premenopausal risk factors : the healthy women study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1999 1.65
11 Optimistic attitudes protect against progression of carotid atherosclerosis in healthy middle-aged women. Psychosom Med 2004 1.55
12 Usefulness of electron beam tomography to detect progression of coronary and aortic calcium in middle-aged women. Am J Cardiol 2001 1.45
13 Marital quality and occurrence of the metabolic syndrome in women. Arch Intern Med 2005 1.39
14 Influences of natural menopause on psychological characteristics and symptoms of middle-aged healthy women. J Consult Clin Psychol 1990 1.39
15 Waist to hip ratio in middle-aged women. Associations with behavioral and psychosocial factors and with changes in cardiovascular risk factors. Arterioscler Thromb 1991 1.20
16 Associations between psychological traits and endothelial function in postmenopausal women. Psychosom Med 2003 1.19
17 Lipoprotein subclasses and coronary artery calcium in postmenopausal women from the healthy women study. Am J Cardiol 2002 1.19
18 Marital status, marital quality, and atherosclerotic burden in postmenopausal women. Psychosom Med 2003 1.15
19 Marital status and quality in middle-aged women: Associations with levels and trajectories of cardiovascular risk factors. Health Psychol 2003 1.13
20 Can physical activity mitigate the effects of aging in middle-aged women? Circulation 1992 1.11
21 Carotid atherosclerosis in premenopausal and postmenopausal women and its association with risk factors measured after menopause. Stroke 1998 1.10
22 A greater reduction in high-frequency heart rate variability to a psychological stressor is associated with subclinical coronary and aortic calcification in postmenopausal women. Psychosom Med 2005 1.09
23 Hormone therapy, lipoprotein subclasses, and coronary calcification: the Healthy Women Study. Arch Intern Med 2005 1.08
24 Subclinical atherosclerosis in multiple vascular beds: an index of atherosclerotic burden evaluated in postmenopausal women. Atherosclerosis 2002 1.04
25 Obesity, obesity-related behaviors and coronary heart disease risk factors in black and white premenopausal women. Int J Obes 1989 1.03
26 Serum levels of C-reactive protein are associated with obesity, weight gain, and hormone replacement therapy in healthy postmenopausal women. Am J Epidemiol 2001 1.00
27 Educational attainment and coronary and aortic calcification in postmenopausal women. Psychosom Med 2001 1.00
28 Stress-induced pulse pressure change predicts women's carotid atherosclerosis. Stroke 1998 0.96
29 Anger, hostility, and visceral adipose tissue in healthy postmenopausal women. Metabolism 1999 0.96
30 A "feminine" model of vulnerability to depressive symptoms: a longitudinal investigation of middle-aged women. J Pers Soc Psychol 1996 0.95
31 Relationship of endogenous sex steroid hormones to lipids and apoproteins in postmenopausal women. Arteriosclerosis 1990 0.93
32 Apo E allele frequencies in younger (age 42-50) vs older (age 65-90) women. Genet Epidemiol 1993 0.93
33 Characteristics of noncontraceptive hormone users. Prev Med 1988 0.92
34 Anthropometric and psychosocial determinants of visceral obesity in healthy postmenopausal women. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1999 0.91
35 Physical activity and cardiovascular risk: a cross-sectional study of middle-aged premenopausal women. Prev Med 1990 0.91
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37 Hormone replacement therapy and lipoprotein changes during early menopause. Obstet Gynecol 1990 0.86
38 Premenopausal determinants of menopausal estrogen use. Prev Med 1991 0.85
39 Lifetime weight cycling and psychological health in normal-weight and overweight women. Int J Eat Disord 1998 0.85
40 Psychological, biological and health behavior predictors of blood pressure changes in middle-aged women. J Hypertens 1991 0.84
41 It is never too late: change in physical activity fosters change in cardiovascular risk factors in middle-aged women. Prev Cardiol 2003 0.84
42 Biobehavioral aspects of menopause: lessons from the Healthy Women Study. Exp Gerontol 1994 0.83
43 Prevalence of thyroid antibodies among healthy middle-aged women. Findings from the thyroid study in healthy women. Ann Epidemiol 1995 0.82
44 Occupation and subclinical carotid artery disease in women: are clerical workers at greater risk? Health Psychol 2003 0.82
45 Insulin, body mass index, and cardiovascular risk factors in premenopausal women. Arteriosclerosis 1989 0.82
46 Cardiovascular risk factors associated with enlarged diameter of the abdominal aortic and iliac arteries in healthy women. Atherosclerosis 2005 0.80
47 Relationship between premenopausal dietary intake and postmenopausal subclinical atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis 2005 0.80
48 Characteristics associated with apoprotein and lipoprotein lipid levels in middle-aged women. Arteriosclerosis 1988 0.80
49 Prevalence and determinants of carotid atherosclerosis in healthy postmenopausal women. Stroke 1997 0.80
50 Are job characteristics related to fibrinogen levels in middle-aged women? Health Psychol 1995 0.80
51 Hemostatic factors according to menopausal status and use of hormone replacement therapy. Ann Epidemiol 1992 0.80
52 Married with children: predictors of mental and physical health in middle-aged women. Psychiatry 1991 0.79
53 Effects of surgical menopause on psychological characteristics and lipid levels: the Healthy Women Study. Health Psychol 1995 0.79
54 Obesity and weight gain during adulthood: a health problem for United States women. Womens Health Issues 1992 0.78
55 Myths and realities of the menopause. Psychosom Med 1992 0.78
56 Are life stress and social support related to parity in women? Behav Med 1997 0.78
57 Employment and coronary risk in women at midlife: a longitudinal analysis. Am J Epidemiol 1996 0.77
58 Genetic determination of coagulation factor VIIc levels among healthy middle-aged women. Thromb Haemost 1995 0.77
59 Semiautomated method for the quantitation of plasma or sera androstenedione, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone in population studies. Anal Biochem 1996 0.75
60 Effect of sample storage on quantitation of lipoprotein(a) by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Lipids 1996 0.75
61 Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationship of sodium-lithium countertransport to insulin, obesity and blood pressure in healthy perimenopausal women. J Hum Hypertens 1991 0.75
62 Potential for increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, subfractions HDL2-C and HDL3-C, and apoprotein AI among middle-age women. Prev Med 1991 0.75
63 Blood pressure levels and measurement of subclinical vascular disease. J Hypertens Suppl 1999 0.75
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