Advances in genetics (Adv Genet)

Journal PubWeight™ 666.62‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 The genetics of Aspergillus nidulans. 1953 18.50
2 Map construction in Neurospora crassa. 1954 13.43
3 The phenomenon of position effect. 1950 8.07
4 Hereditary anemias of the mouse: a review for geneticists. 1979 6.91
5 Genetic analysis based on mitotic recombination. 1958 6.26
6 Localization and function of heterochromatin in Drosophila melanogaster. 1951 5.84
7 Meiotic and mitotic recombination in Aspergillus and its chromosomal aberrations. 1977 5.43
8 Classification and mapping of spontaneous and induced mutations in the histidine operon of Salmonella. 1971 5.37
9 The cytogenetics of Neurospora. 1977 5.14
10 Genetics of bacterial sporulation. 1976 4.05
11 Genotyping for human whole-genome scans: past, present, and future. 2001 3.80
12 Activation, structure, and organization of genes involved in microbial defense in plants. 1990 3.78
13 The mechanism of sex determination in dioecious flowering plants. 1958 3.64
14 Biochemical genetics of Neurospora. 1950 3.63
15 An 8-chromosome map of Aspergillus nidulans. 1958 3.52
16 DNA methylation and cancer. 2010 3.50
17 Genetics of the Enterobacteriaceae. C. Molecular relationships among members of the Enterobacteriaceae. 1971 3.43
18 Observations on the cytology of bacteria. 1950 3.38
19 DNA breakage and repair. 1998 3.38
20 Mechanisms of suppression. 1973 3.32
21 Position-effect variegation. 1968 3.02
22 The inviability, weakness, and sterility of interspecific hybrids. 1958 2.99
23 The genetics of transformation. 1961 2.90
24 The genetics of biogenic amine metabolism, sclerotization, and melanization in Drosophila melanogaster. 1987 2.86
25 The genetics of embryogenesis in Drosophila. 1970 2.82
26 Genetics of circadian rhythms in Mammalian model organisms. 2011 2.80
27 Variance component methods for detecting complex trait loci. 2001 2.78
28 Comparative incompatibility in angiosperms and fungi. 1954 2.78
29 Abnormal combinations of nuclear and cytoplasmic systems in frogs and toads. 1955 2.76
30 Genetics of Habrobracon. 1961 2.73
31 Antisense RNAs in bacteria and their genetic elements. 2002 2.68
32 Methods for handling multiple testing. 2008 2.67
33 The Mu elements of Zea mays. 1992 2.65
34 Mechanisms of heat-shock gene activation in higher eukaryotes. 1987 2.58
35 The minute genes in Drosophila and their molecular functions. 1998 2.57
36 Population dynamics of rodents and other small mammals. 1953 2.55
37 Genetic assimilation. 1961 2.44
38 Ethical, legal, and social implications of biobanks for genetics research. 2008 2.35
39 Possible significances of duplication in evolution. 1951 2.34
40 Molecular and genetic organization of the antennapedia gene complex of Drosophila melanogaster. 1990 2.31
41 Expression of ribosomal genes in bacteria. 1982 2.26
42 Enabling a community to dissect an organism: overview of the Neurospora functional genomics project. 2007 2.19
43 Mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 1982 2.18
44 The future of genetic case-control studies. 2001 2.11
45 Developmental genetics of homoeosis. 1976 2.09
46 Genetics of P2 and related phages. 1971 2.05
47 Molecular genetic analysis of circadian timekeeping in Drosophila. 2011 2.04
48 Neurogenetics of courtship and mating in Drosophila. 2008 2.00
49 The population genetics of Drosophila robusta. 1958 1.99
50 The molecular genetics of crown gall tumorigenesis. 1984 1.94
Next 50