Journal of mechanochemistry & cell motility (J Mechanochem Cell Motil)

Journal PubWeight™ 46.92‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Polymerization polarity of actin. 1976 1.97
2 Donnan and osmotic effects in muscle fibres without membranes. 1973 1.88
3 Motility evaluation of bull spermatozoa by photon correlation spectroscopy. 1976 1.56
4 Computer simulation of flagellar movement. III. Models incorporating cross-bridge kinetics. 1975 1.46
5 The myofilament lattice: studies on isolated fibers. IV. Lattice equilibria in striated muscle. 1975 1.26
6 Computer simulation of flagellar movement. V. oscillation of cross-bridge models with an ATP-concentration-dependent rate function. 1977 1.24
7 Analysis of form and speed of flagellar waves according to a sliding filament model. 1972 1.22
8 Very high tension with very little ATP breakdown by active skeletal muscle. 1975 1.19
9 Control of bull sperm motility. Effects of viscosity, KCN and thiourea. 1973 1.16
10 Theoretical analysis of chemotactic movement in bacteria. 1973 1.15
11 Crosslinking of myosin and myosin filaments. 1973 1.00
12 The incorporation of radioactive phosphate into ATP in glycerinated fibres stretched or released during contraction. 1974 0.97
13 Cinemicrographic analysis of the movement of flagellated bacteria. II. The ratio of the propulsive velocity to the frequency of the wave propagation along flagellar tail. 1976 0.97
14 A regulatory mechanism of muscle contraction based on the flexibility change of the thin filaments. 1974 0.94
15 Regulation of myoplasmic calcium concentration in intact crayfish muscle fibers. 1974 0.94
16 Sarcomere length changes during stimulation of frog semitendinosus muscle. 1976 0.94
17 Is the 9+2 pattern of flagellar and ciliary axonemes an efficient arrangement for generating planar bending? 1977 0.93
18 A theoretical mechanism of spirochete locomotion. 1974 0.91
19 Biochemical efficiency of smooth muscle and different types of striated muscle. 1972 0.91
20 On the location of myosin in the myxomycete Physarum polycephalum and its possible function in cytoplasmic streaming. 1972 0.89
21 Locomotion of flagellates with mastigonemes. 1976 0.88
22 The efficiency of muscular contraction. 1974 0.88
23 Dynamic characteristics of F-actin and thin filaments in vivo and in vitro. 1977 0.88
24 Persistence as a concept in the motility of chemotactic bacteria. 1973 0.88
25 Model studies on the effects of neutral salts on the conformational stability of biological macromolecules. 1973 0.85
26 Cinemicrographic analysis of the movement of flagellated bacteria. I. The ratio of the propulsive velocity to the frequency of bodily rotation. 1975 0.85
27 Electromechanical transforms and the mechanism of excitation-contraction coupling. 1973 0.84
28 Changes in axon birefringence associated with excitation: implications for the structure of the axon membrane. 1973 0.84
29 Model of the bacterial flagellar motor: response to varying viscous load. 1977 0.84
30 Behaviour of flagella isolated from Crithidia oncopelti. 1972 0.82
31 Ionic changes during smooth muscle fixation for electron microscopy. 1973 0.82
32 Mechanochemical coupling in flagella. IV. Absence of coupling between metabolism and motility in Chaetopterus spermatozoa. 1976 0.82
33 Structure and function in the spermatozoon of Tenebrio molitor (the spermatozoon of Arthropoda. XX). 1973 0.81
34 Heavy metals and spermatozoan motility. III conformational changes induced by divalent cations and by ATP in flagellar proteins. 1976 0.79
35 Tension generation by isolated myofibrils. 1977 0.79
36 Studies on the low molecular weight protein of myosin. 1972 0.79
37 A simple procedure for the preparation of tropomyosin-free F-actin. 1972 0.79
38 Demonstration of mechanochemical coupling in systems containing actin, atp and non-aggregating active myosin derivatives. 1974 0.79
39 Electron microscopic studies of superprecipitation with special reference to its optical properties. 1974 0.78
40 Relation of membrane vesicles to volume and Na+ transport in smooth muscle: effect of metabolic and transport inhibition on fresh tissues. 1977 0.78
41 The interaction of myosin, actin and ATP in the intact muscle. 1973 0.78
42 ATP splitting in relation to isometric tension-oscillation and crossbridge cycling of insect fibrillar muscle. 1973 0.78
43 Isomers of desmosine and isodesmosine and related reduced compounds in elastin. 1974 0.78
44 Comparative studies on the structure and aggregative properties of the myosin molecule. I. The structure of the lobster myosin molecule. 1976 0.77
45 Fluorescence studies on the interaction between heavy meromyosin and magnesium ions. Effect of EDTA. 1973 0.77
46 Numerical study of the behavior of an activation parameter in a sliding filament cat papillary muscle model. 1977 0.76
47 Relation of membrane vesicles to volume control and Na+-transport in smooth muscle: studies on Na+-rich tissues. 1977 0.76
48 Polymerization of tubulin: the linear polymer and its side-by-side aggregates. 1972 0.76
49 The chemo-mechanical coupling relation in the oscillatory contraction-relaxation cycles of insect fibrillar muscle. 1976 0.75
50 Gliding edge dislocations and flipping in the conformational change of helical proteins. 1977 0.75
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