Mental health and physical activity (Ment Health Phys Act)

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1 A Pilot Study of Aerobic Exercise as an Adjunctive Treatment for Drug Dependence. 2010 1.13
2 Non-Exercise Estimated Cardiorespiratory Fitness: Associations with Brain Structure, Cognition, and Memory Complaints in Older Adults. 2011 0.98
3 Gender, mental health service use and objectively measured physical activity: Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2003-2004). 2008 0.92
4 Wearable Devices and Smartphones for Activity Tracking Among People with Serious Mental Illness. 2016 0.89
5 Indirect and direct relations between aerobic fitness, physical activity, and academic achievement in elementary school students. 2013 0.88
6 STimulant Reduction Intervention using Dosed Exercise (STRIDE) - Description of the Exercise Intervention and Behavioral Program to Ensure Adherence. 2012 0.86
7 Impact of aerobic exercise on neurobehavioral outcomes. 2013 0.85
9 Life events, perceived stress and depressive symptoms in a physical activity intervention with young adult women. 2012 0.84
10 The Healthy for Life Taekwondo Pilot Study: A Preliminary Evaluation of Effects on Executive Function and BMI, Feasibility, and Acceptability. 2013 0.84
11 Design and Rationale for a Randomized Controlled Trial Testing the Efficacy of Aerobic Exercise for Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. 2012 0.82
12 Screen time, physical activity and depression risk in minority women. 2013 0.81
13 Smoking Status and Exercise in relation to PTSD Symptoms: A Test among Trauma-Exposed Adults. 2013 0.81
14 DATE: Depressed adolescents treated with exercise: Study rationale and design for a pilot study. 2009 0.80
15 A Long Time Coming - The Creation of an Evidence Base for Physical Activity Prescription to Improve Health Outcomes in Bipolar Disorder. 2010 0.80
16 Depressed Adolescents Treated with Exercise (DATE): A pilot randomized controlled trial to test feasibility and establish preliminary effect sizes. 2013 0.80
17 Rationale, design and baseline data for the Activating Consumers to Exercise through Peer Support (ACE trial): A randomized controlled trial to increase fitness among adults with mental illness. 2012 0.79
18 Sitting Time, But Not Level Of Physical Activity, Is Associated With Depression In Methadone-Maintained Smokers. 2013 0.79
19 Physical activity and sleep: Day-to-day associations among individuals with and without Bipolar Disorder. 2014 0.79
20 Gender moderates the effect of exercise on anxiety sensitivity. 2014 0.79
21 A commentary on 'Exercise and Depression' (): And the Verdict Is… 2009 0.79
22 Effects of Exercise on Sleep Among Young Women With Generalized Anxiety Disorder. 2015 0.78
23 Exercise as an intervention for sedentary hazardous drinking college students: A pilot study. 2014 0.78
24 A Latent Growth Model of Adolescent Physical Activity as a Function of Depressive Symptoms. 2012 0.78
25 Design and methods for a pilot randomized clinical trial involving exercise and behavioral activation to treat comorbid type 2 diabetes and major depressive disorder. 2011 0.78
26 Measuring self-regulation in a physically active context: Psychometric analyses of scores derived from an observer-rated measure of self-regulation. 2013 0.77
27 Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Smoking Among Psychiatrically Hospitalized Adolescents. 2012 0.77
28 Exercise Self-Efficacy Moderates the Relation between Anxiety Sensitivity and Body Mass Index and Exercise Tolerance in Treatment-Seeking Smokers. 2016 0.76
29 Preferences for Exercise as a Treatment for Depression. 2016 0.76
30 A Health Education Intervention as the Control Condition in the CTN-0037 STRIDE multi-site exercise trial: Rationale and Description. 2014 0.75
31 Physical Activity Counseling Promotes Physical and Psychological Resilience in Older Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. 2016 0.75
32 BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism as a Moderator of Exercise Enhancement of Smoking Cessation Treatment in Anxiety Vulnerable Adults. 2016 0.75
33 Efficacy of Resistance Training as an Aid to Smoking Cessation: Rationale and Design of the Strength To Quit Study. 2014 0.75
34 Intermittent exercise in response to cigarette cravings in the context of an Internet-based smoking cessation program. 2012 0.75
35 Challenges in implementing an exercise intervention within residential psychiatric care: A mixed methods study. 2017 0.75
36 The Role of Physical Activity Enjoyment on the Acute Mood Experience of Exercise among Smokers with Elevated Depressive Symptoms. 2017 0.75
37 The relationship between physical activity and mental health in a sample of the UK public: A cross-sectional study during the implementation of COVID-19 social distancing measures. 2020 0.75
38 Exploring the public health potential of RED January, a social media campaign supporting physical activity in the community for mental health: a qualitative study. 2021 0.75
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