Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina (Rev Asoc Odontol Argent)

Journal PubWeight™ 8.85‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 [Frequency and distribution of oral lesions in elderly patients]. 1991 0.93
2 [Action and speed of reabsorption of distinct root canal filling materials in the periapical connective tissue]. 1981 0.83
3 [Use of the step-back technic and a mechanical reamer in root canal preparation]. 1984 0.82
4 [Initial stages of enamel caries due to Lactobacillus salivarius]. 1978 0.81
6 [Myxoma of the upper jaw; clinical case]. 1986 0.79
7 [Action of isoproterenol on normal and pathological salivary glands]. 1965 0.78
8 [Foramen and retromolar triangle of the mandible]. 1966 0.77
9 [Distribution of components of the retromolar mandibular canal in the buccinator muscle]. 1967 0.77
10 [Chemical surface treatment of acrylic resins]. 1971 0.77
11 [The morphologic changes in atypical deglutition]. 1968 0.77
12 [Practical methods for bacteriological control. II. Microbiological investigation of sterility of root canals; taking of specimens]. 1955 0.75
13 [Acrylic resins as embedding material]. 1955 0.75
14 [Derivatives and appendages of the dental lamina]. 1955 0.75
15 [Morphoanatomical instruments in root canal therapy]. 1955 0.75
16 [Summary of the status and effectiveness of antibiotics for general use in dental and stomatological practice]. 1955 0.75
17 [Centripetal permeability of dental tissues with radioactive isotope I131]. 1955 0.75
18 [Cooperative of Dental Prosthesis: preliminary note]. 1955 0.75
19 [Intraoral radiology: stereo-roentgenoscopy]. 1955 0.75
20 [Our ally: bone]. 1955 0.75
21 [Pedodontia and the non-specialized dentist]. 1955 0.75
22 [Use of germ-free animals in experimental study of dental caries. I. Basic study in rats kept free from all micro-organisms]. 1955 0.75
23 [Neurinoma, neurofibroma of Recklinghausen of lemmocytoma, lemocytofibroma of Río Hortega-Polak; considerations on three cases]. 1955 0.75
24 [Functional orthopedics versus fixed apparatus]. 1955 0.75
25 [Current trends in microbiological control in endodontics]. 1955 0.75
26 [Abnormal colorations of the bucal mucosa]. 1955 0.75
27 [Alginate impressions encased in alginate]. 1955 0.75
28 [Use of preserved bone in oral surgery]. 1955 0.75
29 [Surgical cases]. 1955 0.75
30 [Uptake of radiocalcium by the bones and teeth of rats with experimental fluorosis]. 1955 0.75
31 [Histochemical study of alkaline phosphatase in periodontal tissues]. 1955 0.75
32 [Alexander Fleming, 1881-1955]. 1955 0.75
33 [Fixed prosthesis]. 1955 0.75
34 [Functional orthopedics in the Municipal Institute of Orthodontics]. 1955 0.75
35 [Gangrenous stomatitis]. 1955 0.75
36 [Dental economics: statistics and their useful results]. 1955 0.75
37 [Spectrographical and x-ray study of human teeth]. 1955 0.75
38 [Root canal therapy: lectures of a course given at the School of Professional Advanced Training of the Argentine Dental Association]. 1955 0.75
39 [Academic freedom and scientific research in Latin America]. 1955 0.75
40 [Role of fluorine in tooth development]. 1955 0.75
41 [The infectious problem in relation to dental formation]. 1955 0.75
42 [Mass prevention of caries]. 1955 0.75
43 [The present state of impression materials in fixed prosthesis]. 1968 0.75
44 [Autologous and homologous transplantation of teeth]. 1968 0.75
45 [Extension restorations in primary teeth]. 1968 0.75
46 [Reinforced amalgams in devitalized teeth and in teeth with vital pulp]. 1968 0.75
47 [Prevalence of clinically observable dental anomalies]. 1968 0.75
48 [Pleomorphic adenoma (mixed tumor) of the lip]. 1968 0.75
49 [Periodontometry: a new diagnostic method in odontology]. 1955 0.75
50 [Vesicular and bullous stomatitis]. 1955 0.75
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