Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice (Wounds)

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Rank Title Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Degree of the hazards of silver-containing dressings on MRSA-infected wounds in Sprague-Dawley and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. 2015 1.96
2 Author Response. 2016 1.40
3 Letter to The Editor: Femoral Vein Cannulation in the Treatment of Osteomyelitis. 2016 1.38
4 Wound Care Outcomes and Associated Cost Among Patients Treated in US Outpatient Wound Centers: Data From the US Wound Registry. 2012 1.18
5 A Review of Collagen and Collagen-based Wound Dressings. 2008 1.14
6 Honey: A Biologic Wound Dressing. 2015 1.10
7 Letter to the Editor. 2015 1.08
8 Successful Outpatient Treatment of Full-thickness, Necrotic, Lower- extremity Ulcers Caused by Traumatic Hematomas in Anticoagulated Patients. 2011 1.06
9 Use of negative pressure wound therapy in the management of wound dehiscence in a pregnant patient. 2008 1.05
10 Extracellular Wound Matrices: Novel Stabilization and Sterilization Method for Collagen-based Biologic Wound Dressings. 2007 1.04
11 Use of a new acellular dermal matrix for treatment of nonhealing wounds in the lower extremities of patients with diabetes. 2013 1.02
12 Limited access dressing. 2008 1.00
13 Effects of three types of honey on cutaneous wound healing. 2010 0.97
14  prediction of wound healing outcome using skin perfusion pressure and transcutaneous oximetry: a single-center experience in 100 patients. 2009 0.94
15 Tissue ingrowth into foam but not into gauze during negative pressure wound therapy. 2009 0.92
16 Relevance of animal models for wound healing. 2008 0.92
17 A comparative study of spray keratinocytes and autologous meshed split-thickness skin graft in the treatment of acute burn injuries. 2015 0.89
18 Pressure relief with visco-elastic foam or with combined static air overlay? A prospective, crossover randomized clinical trial in a dutch nursing home. 2013 0.89
19 Scientific and clinical support for the use of dehydrated amniotic membrane in wound management. 2012 0.89
20 Importance of skin perfusion pressure in treatment of critical limb ischemia. 2008 0.89
21 Wounds measured from digital photographs using photodigital planimetry software: validation and rater reliability. 2011 0.88
22 Vacuum-assisted Closure Therapy Attenuates the Inflammatory Response in a Porcine Acute Wound Healing Model. 2007 0.88
23 The pain and stress of wound treatment in patients with burns: an international burn specialist perspective. 2013 0.88
24 Current microbiology of surgical site infections associated with breast cancer surgery . 2010 0.88
25 Comparison of two silver dressings for wound management in pediatric burns. 2008 0.88
26 Antibacterial Honey (Medihoney™): in-vitro Activity Against Clinical Isolates of MRSA, VRE, and Other Multiresistant Gram-negative Organisms Including Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 2007 0.87
27 The effect of a simple 3-step pressure relieving strategy for preventing pressure ulcers: an explorative longitudinal study from 2002-2011. 2014 0.87
28 Five-year Follow-up and Recurrence Rates Following Surgery for Acute and Chronic Pilonidal Disease: A Survey of 421 Cases. 2016 0.87
29 Clinical Experience and Best Practices Using Epidermal Skin Grafts on Wounds. 2015 0.86
30 Clinical experience with the surgicel family of absorbable hemostats (oxidized regenerated cellulose) in neurosurgical applications: a review. 2013 0.86
31 Post-traumatic Pyoderma Gangrenosum. 2009 0.86
32 A Continuous Bedside Pressure Mapping System for Prevention of Pressure Ulcer Development in the Medical ICU: A Retrospective Analysis. 2013 0.86
33 Comparison Between Tc-99m WBC SPECT/CT and MRI for the Diagnosis of Biopsy-proven Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis. 2016 0.85
34 Effectiveness of indonesian honey on the acceleration of cutaneous wound healing: an experimental study in mice. 2012 0.85
35 Wound Bed Preparation With a Dermal Substitute (Hyalomatrix® PA) Facilitates Re-epithelialization and Healing: Results of a Multicenter, Prospective, Observational Study on Complex Chronic Ulcers (The FAST Study). 2011 0.85
36 The increasing role of epidermal grafting utilizing a novel harvesting system in chronic wounds. 2015 0.85
37 Human bite wounds: a swiss emergency department experience. 2012 0.85
38 Limited access dressing and maggots. 2009 0.84
39 Wound healing kinetics of the genetically diabetic mouse. 2008 0.84
40 Volume Measures Using a Digital Image Analysis System are Reliable in Diabetic Foot Ulcers. 2012 0.84
41 Quality of life of patients with chronic venous ulcers and socio-demographic factors. 2012 0.84
42 Initial clinical experience using a novel ultraportable negative pressure wound therapy device. 2010 0.84
43 A comprehensive review of plants and their active constituents with wound healing activity in traditional Iranian medicine. 2014 0.84
44 Clinical evaluation of a wound measurement and documentation system. 2008 0.84
45 Streamlining the management of patients with problematic wounds: must a multidisciplinary team formulate all patient management plans? 2007 0.84
46 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy With Instillation: Review of Evidence and Recommendations. 2015 0.84
47 Limitations of Daily Living Activities in Patients With Venous Stasis Ulcers Undergoing Compression Bandaging: Problems With the Concept of Self-bandaging. 2007 0.84
48 A comparison of collagenase to hydrogel dressings in wound debridement. 2010 0.83
49 The limited access dressing for damage control in trauma patients . 2010 0.83
50 The effects of normal saline instillation in conjunction with negative pressure wound therapy on wound healing in a porcine model. 2010 0.83
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