Published in Am J Health Promot on August 26, 1993
Genetic variation in the 5q31 cytokine gene cluster confers susceptibility to Crohn disease. Nat Genet (2001) 11.12
Tumor microsatellite instability and clinical outcome in young patients with colorectal cancer. N Engl J Med (2000) 8.68
Genomewide search in Canadian families with inflammatory bowel disease reveals two novel susceptibility loci. Am J Hum Genet (2000) 3.52
Fall in mean arterial pressure and fetal growth restriction in pregnancy hypertension: a meta-analysis. Lancet (2000) 3.36
Survey of the clinical use of pressurized aerosol inhalers. Can Med Assoc J (1979) 3.18
Institutional addiction to tobacco. Tob Control (1999) 3.14
Tuberculosis in immigrants to Canada. A study of present-day patterns in relation to immigration trends and birthplace. Am Rev Respir Dis (1979) 2.90
neu/erbB-2 amplification identifies a poor-prognosis group of women with node-negative breast cancer. Toronto Breast Cancer Study Group. J Clin Oncol (1998) 2.42
Fetal and maternal hemodynamic responses to exercise in pregnancy assessed by Doppler ultrasonography. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1989) 2.10
Smoking and the health professional: recognition and performance of roles. Can J Public Health (1979) 2.02
Isolation of C-reactive protein by affinity chromatography. Clin Exp Immunol (1977) 1.97
Tobacco industry litigation and the role of government: a public health perspective. Can J Public Health (2001) 1.94
A longitudinal study of falls in an elderly population: I. Incidence and morbidity. Age Ageing (1977) 1.86
Analysis of affected sib pairs, with covariates--with and without constraints. Am J Hum Genet (1999) 1.81
On the emerging paradigm of drinking patterns and their social and health consequences. Addiction (1996) 1.60
Post-transfusion hepatitis: impact of non-A, non-B hepatitis surrogate tests. Canadian Post-Transfusion Hepatitis Prevention Study Group. Lancet (1995) 1.60
A longitudinal study of falls in an elderly population II. Some circumstances of falling. Age Ageing (1977) 1.58
Tuberculin sensitivity following the intradermal and multiple puncture methods of BCG vaccination. Can Med Assoc J (1967) 1.57
The influence of immigration on tuberculosis in Ontario. Am Rev Respir Dis (1974) 1.56
The epidemiology of active tuberculosis in hospital employees in Ontario, 1966-1969. Am Rev Respir Dis (1971) 1.50
Tobacco commerce on the internet: a threat to comprehensive tobacco control. Tob Control (2001) 1.46
Sexual and socioeconomic factors affecting the risk of past infections with herpes simplex virus type 2. Am J Epidemiol (1983) 1.45
Low-risk drinking guidelines: the scientific evidence. Can J Public Health (1999) 1.43
Heterogeneity among smokers and non-smokers in attitudes and behaviour regarding smoking and smoking restrictions. Tob Control (2000) 1.39
Political ideology and tobacco control. Tob Control (2000) 1.38
Non-respiratory tuberculosis in Canada. Epidemiologic and bacteriologic features. Am J Epidemiol (1980) 1.33
Morbidity in alcoholics. Evidence for accelerated development of physical disease in women. Arch Intern Med (1977) 1.26
The physical disease characteristics of inpatient alcoholics. J Stud Alcohol (1981) 1.20
Restrictions on smoking: changes in knowledge, attitudes and predicted behaviour in metropolitan Toronto from 1983 to 1988. Can J Public Health (1993) 1.18
Alcohol consumption and hypertension--the evidence from hazardous drinking and alcoholic populations. Aust N Z J Med (1979) 1.16
The value of amoebic serology in an area of low endemicity. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1976) 1.13
Support among smokers and nonsmokers for restrictions on smoking. Am J Prev Med (1996) 1.09
Two variants of the CIP1/WAF1 gene occur together and are associated with human cancer. Hum Mol Genet (1995) 1.08
Tuberculosis in the foreign born. Am Rev Respir Dis (1977) 1.08
Chemoprophylaxis in inactive tuberculosis: long-term evaluation of a Canadian trial. Can Med Assoc J (1976) 1.07
Risks and benefits of beta-receptor blockers for pregnancy hypertension: overview of the randomized trials. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol (2000) 1.07
Down-weighting of multiple affected sib pairs leads to biased likelihood-ratio tests, under the assumption of no linkage. Am J Hum Genet (1999) 1.07
Bovine tuberculosis in humans in Ontario. The epidemiologic features of 31 active cases occurring between 1964 and 1970. Am Rev Respir Dis (1972) 1.07
An evaluation of the workplace smoking bylaw in the city of Toronto. Am J Public Health (1993) 1.06
Incorporation of covariates into genome scanning using sib-pair analysis in bipolar affective disorder. Genet Epidemiol (1997) 1.06
Tuberculin skin sensitivity following BCG vaccination with vaccines of high and low viable counts. Can Med Assoc J (1967) 1.06
Preventing alcohol problems: survey of Canadian medical schools. CMAJ (1990) 1.05
Interactions between smokers and non-smokers in public places: a qualitative study. Can J Public Health (1999) 1.04
Multivariate statistical models for predicting change in smoking behavior following physician advice to quit smoking. Prev Med (1982) 1.02
The effects of counseling on smoking cessation among patients hospitalized with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized clinical trial. Int J Addict (1991) 1.02
Alcohol consumption and blood pressure: analysis of data from the Canada Health Survey. Prev Med (1985) 1.02
A population survey on legislative measures to restrict smoking in Ontario: 2. Knowledge, attitudes, and predicted behavior. Am J Prev Med (1988) 1.01
Meta-analyses of p53 tumor suppressor gene alterations and clinicopathological features in resected lung cancers. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (1999) 1.01
Preferential allelic expression can lead to reduced expression of BRCA1 in sporadic breast cancers. Int J Cancer (1998) 1.01
Effect of placental embolization on the umbilical arterial velocity waveform in fetal sheep. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1989) 1.00
Preventing alcohol problems: preparing physicians for their roles and responsibilities. CMAJ (1990) 0.98
Natural history of aberrant crypt foci. A surgical approach. Dis Colon Rectum (1996) 0.98
Molecular and epidemiologic study of multiresistant Serratia marcescens infections in a spinal cord injury rehabilitation unit. Infect Control (1988) 0.98
Hib vaccine coverage in children attending day care/nursery school in East York. Can J Public Health (1990) 0.97
The health risks of passive smoking. The growing case for control measures in enclosed environments. Chest (1983) 0.97
Preliminary report on the Mount Sinai Hospital Inflammatory Bowel Disease Genetics Project. Dis Colon Rectum (1997) 0.94
MDR1 gene expression and outcome in osteosarcoma: a prospective, multicenter study. J Clin Oncol (2000) 0.93
Smoking in the workplace: do smoking patterns and attitudes reflect the legislative environment? Tob Control (1996) 0.93
Fertility of the sibs of schizophrenic patients. Br J Psychiatry (1975) 0.92
Restrictions on smoking: growth in population support between 1983 and 1991 in Ontario, Canada. J Public Health Policy (1994) 0.92
Hazardous alcohol consumption and diseases of the circulatory system. J Stud Alcohol (1980) 0.92
Vasomotor responses of the umbilical circulation in fetal sheep. Am J Physiol (1989) 0.91
Grain dust and the lungs. Can Med Assoc J (1978) 0.91
Pi phenotypes and the prevalence of chest symptoms and lung function abnormalities in workers employed in dusty industris. Am Rev Respir Dis (1978) 0.90
A respiratory survey of cedar mill workers. I. Prevalence of symptoms and pulmonary function abnormalities. J Occup Med (1978) 0.90
Prognosis in reconstructive surgery for urinary tuberculoss. Br J Urol (1970) 0.89
Smoking, dust exposure, and serum alpha 1-antitrypsin. Am Rev Respir Dis (1980) 0.89
Alcohol and breast cancer mortality in a cohort study. Breast Cancer Res Treat (2000) 0.88
Evaluation of a latex agglutination test for amoebiasis. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (1973) 0.88
Letter: Not so double-blind? Br Med J (1976) 0.87
Using cancer registry data: agreement in cause-of-death data between the Ontario Cancer Registry and a longitudinal study of breast cancer patients. Chronic Dis Can (2009) 0.85
Alcohol use during pregnancy: a challenge for the '80s. Can Med Assoc J (1981) 0.85
A population survey on legislative measures to restrict smoking in Ontario: 3. Variables related to attitudes of smokers and nonsmokers. Am J Prev Med (1990) 0.85
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in chronic stable multiple sclerosis: double-blind study. Neurology (1986) 0.85
A search for transmissible birth defects of virologic origin in members of the nursing profession. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1969) 0.84
Intensity of follow-up. Effects on estimates in a population telephone survey with an extension of Kish's (1965) approach. Am J Epidemiol (1988) 0.84
Maternal cigarette smoking: the effects on umbilical and uterine blood flow velocity. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1988) 0.84
Predictors of Canadian legislators' support for public health policy interventions. Can J Public Health (2001) 0.83
Dimensions underlying legislator support for tobacco control policies. Tob Control (2003) 0.83
Is nicotine dependence related to smokers' support for restrictions on smoking? Nicotine Tob Res (2001) 0.83
The carcinogenic and toxic effects of tobacco smoke: are women particularly susceptible? J Gend Specif Med (2001) 0.83
A respiratory survey of cedar mill workers. II. Influence of work-related and host factors on the prevalence of symptoms and pulmonary function abnormalities. J Occup Med (1978) 0.83
Do Ontarians drink in moderation? a baseline assessment against Canadian low risk drinking guidelines. Can J Public Health (1999) 0.82
A tree-based model for allele-sharing-based linkage analysis in human complex diseases. Genet Epidemiol (2006) 0.82
A study of smoking, p53 tumor suppressor gene alterations and non-small cell lung cancer. Ann Epidemiol (2000) 0.82
A population survey in Ontario regarding restrictive measures on smoking: relationship of smoking status to knowledge, attitudes and predicted behaviour. Int J Epidemiol (1987) 0.82
Morbidity patterns in hazardous drinkers: relevance of demographic, sociologic, drinking, and drug use characteristics. Int J Addict (1981) 0.82
Short report. How provincial and territorial legislators view tobacco and tobacco control: findings from a Canadian study. Chronic Dis Can (1998) 0.81