J R Sommer

Author PubWeight™ 50.75‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Cardiac muscle. A comparative study of Purkinje fibers and ventricular fibers. J Cell Biol 1968 5.34
2 A strand of cardiac muscle. Its ultrastructure and the electrophysiological implications of its geometry. J Cell Biol 1967 2.69
3 Genetically engineered large animal model for studying cone photoreceptor survival and degeneration in retinitis pigmentosa. Nat Biotechnol 1997 2.42
4 Cardiac muscle. A comparative ultrastructural study with special reference to frog and chicken hearts. Z Zellforsch Mikrosk Anat 1969 2.15
5 The functional role of structural complexities in the propagation of depolarization in the atrium of the dog. Cardiac conduction disturbances due to discontinuities of effective axial resistivity. Circ Res 1982 1.89
6 The ultrastructure of the mammalian cardiac muscle cell--with special emphasis on the tubular membrane systems. A review. Am J Pathol 1976 1.68
7 Corbular sarcoplasmic reticulum of rabbit cardiac muscle. J Ultrastruct Res 1984 1.33
8 Extended junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum of avian cardiac muscle contains functional ryanodine receptors. J Biol Chem 1994 1.28
9 Comparative stereology of the mouse and finch left ventricle. Tissue Cell 1978 1.27
10 Cardiac muscle. Its ultrastructure in the finch and hummingbird with special reference to the sarcoplasmic reticulum. J Cell Biol 1971 1.26
11 The effect of glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde on the calcium pump of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. J Cell Biol 1967 1.18
12 Purkinje fibers of the heart examined with the peroxidase reaction. J Cell Biol 1968 1.18
13 Chicken cardiac muscle: its elusive extended junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum and sarcoplasmic reticulum fenestrations. J Cell Biol 1973 1.17
14 Comparative ultrastructure of cardiac cell membrane specializations. A review. Am J Cardiol 1970 1.10
15 Chicken dystrophy. The geometry of the transverse tubules. Am J Pathol 1976 1.06
16 Peripheral couplings in adult vertebrate skeletal muscle. Anatomical observations and functional implications. J Cell Biol 1974 1.01
17 Cell division in Astasia longa. Exp Cell Res 1965 1.00
18 Comparative stereology of mouse atria. Tissue Cell 1981 0.99
19 Geometry of cell and bundle appositions in cardiac muscle: light microscopy. Am J Physiol 1985 0.98
20 Cardiac muscle: an attempt to relate structure to function. J Mol Cell Cardiol 1976 0.94
21 Ultrastructural considerations concerning cardiac muscle. J Mol Cell Cardiol 1982 0.93
22 Fenestrations of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Delineation by lanthanum acting as a fortuitous tracer and in situ negative stain. J Cell Biol 1973 0.93
23 Comparative stereology of the lizard and frog myocardium. Tissue Cell 1984 0.91
24 Composition and structure of cytoplasmic globules in leukemic lymphocytes. Blood 1967 0.91
25 Familial subepithelial corneal amyloidosis (gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy): exclusion of linkage to lactoferrin gene. Mol Vis 1998 0.90
26 The intermediate cisterna of the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle. J Ultrastruct Res 1980 0.88
27 Filipin-cholesterol complexes in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of frog skeletal muscle. J Ultrastruct Res 1980 0.86
28 Discontinuous propagation: an hypothesis based on known cardiac structural complexities. Int J Cardiol 1985 0.86
29 Lamellar junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum. A specialization of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. J Cell Biol 1974 0.83
30 The collapse of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscle. Z Naturforsch C 1978 0.83
31 Intramembranous particle aggregation in toad urinary bladder after vasopressin stimulation. Lab Invest 1979 0.83
32 The quick-freezing of single intact skeletal muscle fibers at known time intervals following electrical stimulation. Scan Electron Microsc 1986 0.82
33 Modulation of platelet shape and membrane receptor binding by Ca2+-calmodulin complex. Nature 1981 0.82
34 Real-time quantitative elemental analysis and mapping: microchemical imaging in cell physiology. J Microsc 1992 0.81
35 Some biochemical, cytological, and morphogenetic comparisons between Astasia longa and a bleached Euglena gracilis. J Protozool 1965 0.80
36 Quick-freezing of cultured cardiac cells in situ with special attention to the mitochondrial ultrastructure. J Microsc 1992 0.79
37 Filipin-sterol complexes in the membranes of cardiac muscle. J Ultrastruct Res 1982 0.79
38 Implications of structure and geometry on cardiac electrical activity. Ann Biomed Eng 1983 0.79
39 The anatomy of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in vertebrate skeletal muscle: its implications for excitation contraction coupling. Z Naturforsch C 1982 0.79
40 Morphology of Leishmania braziliensis: changes during reversible heat-induced transformation from promastigote to an ellipsoidal form. J Parasitol 1989 0.78
41 Cryopreservation evaluated with mitochondrial and Z line ultrastructure in striated muscle. J Microsc 1992 0.77
42 Ultrastructure of heart muscle. Environ Health Perspect 1978 0.77
43 Transgenic animals as models for human disease. Transgenic Res 2000 0.77
44 Dr. Wiley Forbus--the third Hopkins man to cast his lot with Davison and Duke. N C Med J 1983 0.75
45 Wrinkle-free thick sections of tissue embedded in hard plastics. Stain Technol 1979 0.75
46 A stimulus timing device for capturing fast physiologic events by quick-freezing. Scanning Microsc 1992 0.75
47 Membrane skeleton in cultured chick cardiac myocytes revealed by high resolution immunocytochemistry. Histochem Cell Biol 1999 0.75
48 Preferential sputtering effects in the ion microanalysis of biological tissues. J Microsc 1981 0.75
49 Ultrastructural comparison of ion beam and radiofrequency plasma etching effects on biological tissue sections. J Microsc 1984 0.75