Published in Subst Use Misuse on November 01, 1999
Participation in treatment and Alcoholics Anonymous: a 16-year follow-up of initially untreated individuals. J Clin Psychol (2006) 1.97
Cognitive-behavioral treatment with adult alcohol and illicit drug users: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Stud Alcohol Drugs (2009) 1.94
Retracted Different models to mobilize peer support to improve diabetes self-management and clinical outcomes: evidence, logistics, evaluation considerations and needs for future research. Fam Pract (2009) 1.83
Alcoholics anonymous effectiveness: faith meets science. J Addict Dis (2009) 1.63
Helping other alcoholics in alcoholics anonymous and drinking outcomes: findings from project MATCH. J Stud Alcohol (2004) 1.54
Project Masihambisane: a cluster randomised controlled trial with peer mentors to improve outcomes for pregnant mothers living with HIV. Trials (2011) 1.54
Gambling: an addictive behavior with health and primary care implications. J Gen Intern Med (2002) 1.52
Facilitating involvement in Alcoholics Anonymous during out-patient treatment: a randomized clinical trial. Addiction (2009) 1.37
Social network variables in alcoholics anonymous: a literature review. Clin Psychol Rev (2007) 1.36
Gender, treatment and self-help in remission from alcohol use disorders. Clin Med Res (2006) 1.11
An Exploratory Investigation of the Association between Clinicians' Attitudes toward Twelve-step Groups and Referral Rates. Alcohol Treat Q (2005) 1.07
Emerging adults' treatment outcomes in relation to 12-step mutual-help attendance and active involvement. Drug Alcohol Depend (2012) 1.03
Facilitating comprehensive assessment of 12-step experiences: A Multidimensional Measure of Mutual-Help Activity. Alcohol Treat Q (2011) 1.01
Services received and treatment outcomes in day-hospital and residential programs. J Subst Abuse Treat (2008) 0.97
High effectiveness of self-help programs after drug addiction therapy. BMC Psychiatry (2006) 0.87
Does Alcoholics Anonymous work differently for men and women? A moderated multiple-mediation analysis in a large clinical sample. Drug Alcohol Depend (2012) 0.87
Convicted driving-while-impaired offenders' views on effectiveness of sanctions and treatment. Qual Health Res (2011) 0.86
Oxford House and Alcoholics Anonymous: The Impact of Two Mutual-help Models on Abstinence. J Groups Addict Recover (2009) 0.86
The role of mutual-help groups in extending the framework of treatment. Alcohol Res Health (2011) 0.85
Predictors of engagement in the Alcoholics Anonymous group or to psychotherapy among Brazilian alcoholics : a six-month follow-up study. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (2007) 0.83
A Comparison of First Time and Repeat Rural DUI Offenders. J Offender Rehabil (2015) 0.78
Access to Care for Methadone Maintenance Patients in the United States. Int J Ment Health Addict (2009) 0.77
Resilience Associated with Self-Disclosure and Relapse Risks in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorders. Yonago Acta Med (2016) 0.75
Behavioral Couples Treatment for Substance Use Disorder: Secondary Effects on the Reduction of Youth Internalizing Symptoms. J Abnorm Child Psychol (2016) 0.75
Outcome, attrition, and family-couples treatment for drug abuse: a meta-analysis and review of the controlled, comparative studies. Psychol Bull (1997) 2.87
How much weight gain occurs following smoking cessation? A comparison of weight gain using both continuous and point prevalence abstinence. J Consult Clin Psychol (1997) 1.80
The development of occupational aspirations and expectations among inner-city boys. Child Dev (1996) 1.08
How interchangeable are different estimators of effect size? J Consult Clin Psychol (1996) 0.99
Policy research. Lessons from the implementation of deinstitutionalization. Am Psychol (1984) 0.93
A review and critique of controlled studies of the effectiveness of preventive child health care. Health Policy Q (1982) 0.91
Orbicularis oris muscle in the cleft lip repair. Cleft Palate J (1969) 0.87
Leisure interest patterns and subjective stress in college students. Behav Res Ther (1989) 0.84
Criteria for success in deinstitutionalization: perceptions of nursing homes by different interest groups. Am J Community Psychol (1982) 0.84
Nursing homes: the new total institution in mental-health policy. Int J Partial Hosp (1984) 0.79
Mental patients in nursing homes: their characteristics and treatment. Int J Partial Hosp (1984) 0.78
Preliminary development of the Children's Physical Self-Concept Scale. J Dev Behav Pediatr (1998) 0.77
Private-sector care for chronically mentally ill individuals. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Am Psychol (1989) 0.75
Laws of war. Mil Med (1992) 0.75
The social integration of psychiatric patients in nursing homes. Am J Psychiatry (1984) 0.75
Nonverbal interventions in clinical groups. J Consult Clin Psychol (1980) 0.75
Nursing homes and chronic mental patients. Schizophr Bull (1981) 0.75
Nursing home care for mental patients: descriptive data and some propositions. Am J Community Psychol (1981) 0.75
The Foley catheter in facial plastic surgery. Arch Otolaryngol (1966) 0.75
Long-term community care: mental health policy in the face of reality. Schizophr Bull (1981) 0.75
Psychological problems of spinal cord injury patients: emotional distress as a function of time and locus of control. J Consult Clin Psychol (1981) 0.75
A method for monitoring the impact of sex-role stereotypes on the therapeutic behavior of beginning psychotherapists. Am J Orthopsychiatry (1982) 0.75
The subjective well-being of mental patients in nursing homes. Eval Program Plann (1985) 0.75
Assessing emotional distress at the internist's office. Behav Res Ther (1991) 0.75
Psychometric structure of psychiatric rating scales. J Abnorm Psychol (1987) 0.75