Published in Physiol Behav on November 01, 1999
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Suppression of hippocampal plasticity-related gene expression by sleep deprivation in rats. J Physiol (2006) 1.17
Metabolic effects of chronic sleep restriction in rats. Sleep (2012) 1.10
Sleep deprivation of rats: the hyperphagic response is real. Sleep (2008) 1.03
Chronic caffeine treatment prevents sleep deprivation-induced impairment of cognitive function and synaptic plasticity. Sleep (2010) 1.01
Experimental sleep deprivation as a tool to test memory deficits in rodents. Front Syst Neurosci (2013) 0.99
Effects of sleep deprivation on memory in mice: role of state-dependent learning. Sleep (2010) 0.93
Neurobiological consequences of sleep deprivation. Curr Neuropharmacol (2013) 0.80
Effects of rapid eye movement sleep deprivation on hypocretin neurons in the hypothalamus of a rat model of depression. Neuropeptides (2007) 0.80
Clock genes and sleep. Pflugers Arch (2011) 0.78
Sleep deprivation impairs spatial retrieval but not spatial learning in the non-human primate grey mouse lemur. PLoS One (2013) 0.77
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Fatty acid oxidation affects food intake by altering hepatic energy status. Am J Physiol (1999) 0.90
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Apolipoprotein-E deficiency results in an altered stress responsiveness in addition to an impaired spatial memory in young mice. Brain Res (1998) 0.89
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Overexpression of agouti protein and stress responsiveness in mice. Physiol Behav (2001) 0.87
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Voluntary wheel running decreases adipose tissue mass and expression of leptin mRNA in Osborne-Mendel rats. Diabetes (1997) 0.85
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National survey of aseptic tracheotomy care techniques in hospitals with head and neck/ENT surgical departments. Cancer Nurs (1984) 0.84
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Prevalence of binge eating disorder in obese adults seeking weight loss treatment. Eat Weight Disord (1997) 0.83
The role of neutrophils in peritoneal adhesion formation. J Surg Res (1996) 0.83
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Reproducibility and relative validity of a questionnaire to assess intake of black tea polyphenols in epidemiological studies. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2001) 0.83
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Does beta(3)-adrenoreceptor blockade attenuate acute exercise-induced reductions in leptin mRNA? J Appl Physiol (1985) (1999) 0.83