Published in Med Care on March 01, 2000
Patient safety and error management: what causes adverse events and how can they be prevented? Dtsch Arztebl Int (2010) 3.39
Bioethics for clinicians: 23. Disclosure of medical error. CMAJ (2001) 2.81
What can hospitalized patients tell us about adverse events? Learning from patient-reported incidents. J Gen Intern Med (2005) 2.46
Preventable in-hospital medical injury under the "no fault" system in New Zealand. Qual Saf Health Care (2003) 1.84
Patient perceptions of mistakes in ambulatory care. Arch Intern Med (2010) 1.62
Health care market trends and the evolution of hospitalist use and roles. J Gen Intern Med (2005) 1.48
Relationship between complaints and quality of care in New Zealand: a descriptive analysis of complainants and non-complainants following adverse events. Qual Saf Health Care (2006) 1.46
Causes and costs of a decade of litigation following emergency appendectomy in England. World J Surg (2013) 1.40
Defensive medicine and tort reform: a wide view. J Gen Intern Med (2010) 1.17
Organization and representation of patient safety data: current status and issues around generalizability and scalability. J Am Med Inform Assoc (2004) 1.13
"Health courts" and accountability for patient safety. Milbank Q (2006) 1.04
Predictors of radiologists' perceived risk of malpractice lawsuits in breast imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol (2009) 0.95
Process of care failures in breast cancer diagnosis. J Gen Intern Med (2009) 0.92
Cognitive errors and logistical breakdowns contributing to missed and delayed diagnoses of breast and colorectal cancers: a process analysis of closed malpractice claims. J Gen Intern Med (2012) 0.90
Evaluating the medical malpractice system and options for reform. J Econ Perspect (2011) 0.90
The regulation of medical malpractice in Japan. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2008) 0.83
Building a National Surveillance System for Malpractice Claims. Health Serv Res (2016) 0.81
Coverage of patient safety terms in the UMLS metathesaurus. AMIA Annu Symp Proc (2003) 0.80
Factors predisposing to claims and compensations for patient injuries following total hip and knee arthroplasty. Acta Orthop (2012) 0.77
Health and life insurance as an alternative to malpractice tort law. BMC Health Serv Res (2010) 0.75
Medical malpractice: treating the causes instead of the symptoms. Med Care (2000) 0.75
Patient injuries in primary total hip replacement. Acta Orthop (2016) 0.75
Liability implications of physician-directed care coordination. Ann Fam Med (2005) 0.75
Using risk management files to identify and address causative factors associated with adverse events in pediatrics. Ther Clin Risk Manag (2007) 0.75
Medical malpractice: can we rescue a decaying system? Mayo Clin Proc (2011) 0.75
Does litigation increase or decrease health care quality?: a national study of negligence claims against nursing homes. Med Care (2013) 0.75
Out of court settlement of malpractice claims relating to the treatment of fractures in children: experience of the arbitration board of the North German Medical Associations. Dtsch Arztebl Int (2009) 0.75
The errors of our ways. CMAJ (2002) 0.75
Reducing risk with clinical decision support: a study of closed malpractice claims. Appl Clin Inform (2014) 0.75
What can we learn from patient claims? - A retrospective analysis of incidence and patterns of adverse events after orthopaedic procedures in Sweden. Patient Saf Surg (2012) 0.75
The nature of adverse events in hospitalized patients. Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study II. N Engl J Med (1991) 26.50
Error, stress, and teamwork in medicine and aviation: cross sectional surveys. BMJ (2000) 13.66
Incidence and types of adverse events and negligent care in Utah and Colorado. Med Care (2000) 13.46
The incidence and nature of surgical adverse events in Colorado and Utah in 1992. Surgery (1999) 10.85
Does housestaff discontinuity of care increase the risk for preventable adverse events? Ann Intern Med (1994) 10.29
Derivation and prospective validation of a simple index for prediction of cardiac risk of major noncardiac surgery. Circulation (1999) 8.17
Relation between malpractice claims and adverse events due to negligence. Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study III. N Engl J Med (1991) 6.13
Impact of language barriers on patient satisfaction in an emergency department. J Gen Intern Med (1999) 5.35
Drug complications in outpatients. J Gen Intern Med (2000) 5.04
Relation between negligent adverse events and the outcomes of medical-malpractice litigation. N Engl J Med (1996) 4.99
Using a computerized sign-out program to improve continuity of inpatient care and prevent adverse events. Jt Comm J Qual Improv (1998) 4.92
Participation of physicians in capital punishment. N Engl J Med (1993) 4.78
Physician reporting compared with medical-record review to identify adverse medical events. Ann Intern Med (1993) 4.60
Epidemiology of sepsis syndrome in 8 academic medical centers. JAMA (1997) 4.49
Predictors of atrial fibrillation after coronary artery surgery. Current trends and impact on hospital resources. Circulation (1996) 4.40
Paying more fairly for Medicare capitated care. N Engl J Med (1998) 4.36
A randomized trial of a computer-based intervention to reduce utilization of redundant laboratory tests. Am J Med (1999) 4.24
Quality of life and clinical outcomes in elderly patients treated with ventricular pacing as compared with dual-chamber pacing. Pacemaker Selection in the Elderly Investigators. N Engl J Med (1998) 4.22
Potential identifiability and preventability of adverse events using information systems. J Am Med Inform Assoc (1995) 4.14
Female sex and drug dose as risk factors for late cardiotoxic effects of doxorubicin therapy for childhood cancer. N Engl J Med (1995) 4.03
Is the professional satisfaction of general internists associated with patient satisfaction? J Gen Intern Med (2000) 3.83
Do the poor sue more? A case-control study of malpractice claims and socioeconomic status. JAMA (1993) 3.73
Causes of death in homeless adults in Boston. Ann Intern Med (1997) 3.71
A comparison of iatrogenic injury studies in Australia and the USA. I: Context, methods, casemix, population, patient and hospital characteristics. Int J Qual Health Care (2000) 3.55
Socioeconomic status and risk for substandard medical care. JAMA (1992) 3.50
Incidence and types of preventable adverse events in elderly patients: population based review of medical records. BMJ (2000) 3.35
Effects of oral administration of type II collagen on rheumatoid arthritis. Science (1993) 3.32
Costs of medical injuries in Utah and Colorado. Inquiry (1999) 3.23
Preventing medical injury. QRB Qual Rev Bull (1993) 3.14
Rapid and sensitive method for detection of Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli in ground beef using the polymerase chain reaction. Appl Environ Microbiol (1992) 3.14
Detection and characterization of the eae gene of Shiga-like toxin-producing Escherichia coli using polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol (1993) 3.03
Double-blind pilot trial of oral tolerization with myelin antigens in multiple sclerosis. Science (1993) 2.97
A study of medical injury and medical malpractice. N Engl J Med (1989) 2.90
The efficacy of preemployment drug screening for marijuana and cocaine in predicting employment outcome. JAMA (1990) 2.89
A comparison of iatrogenic injury studies in Australia and the USA. II: Reviewer behaviour and quality of care. Int J Qual Health Care (2000) 2.68
The "To Err is Human" report and the patient safety literature. Qual Saf Health Care (2006) 2.67
Using information systems to measure and improve quality. Int J Med Inform (1999) 2.55
Determinants of patient satisfaction and willingness to return with emergency care. Ann Emerg Med (2000) 2.49
Practice guidelines and malpractice litigation: a two-way street. Ann Intern Med (1995) 2.48
Informed consent and the prescription of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Arthritis Rheum (1992) 2.42
Disease steps in multiple sclerosis: a simple approach to evaluate disease progression. Neurology (1995) 2.42
A better-quality alternative. Single-payer national health system reform. Physicians for a National Health Program Quality of Care Working Group. JAMA (1994) 2.42
Disease steps in multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study comparing disease steps and EDSS to evaluate disease progression. Mult Scler (1999) 2.35
Relationship between malpractice claims and cesarean delivery. JAMA (1993) 2.32
No-fault compensation for medical injuries: the prospect for error prevention. JAMA (2001) 2.31
Understanding diagnostic errors in medicine: a lesson from aviation. Qual Saf Health Care (2006) 2.29
Factors associated with unplanned hospital readmission among patients 65 years of age and older in a Medicare managed care plan. Am J Med (1999) 2.26
Medical malpractice implications of alternative medicine. JAMA (1998) 2.16
Risk factors for death in homeless adults in Boston. Arch Intern Med (1998) 2.13
Performance of generalized estimating equations in practical situations. Biometrics (1994) 2.12
The relationship of postoperative delirium with psychoactive medications. JAMA (1994) 2.09
Frequent PTEN/MMAC mutations in endometrioid but not serous or mucinous epithelial ovarian tumors. Cancer Res (1998) 2.07
Cardiac dysfunction and mortality in HIV-infected children: The Prospective P2C2 HIV Multicenter Study. Pediatric Pulmonary and Cardiac Complications of Vertically Transmitted HIV Infection (P2C2 HIV) Study Group. Circulation (2000) 2.04
Supraventricular arrhythmia in patients having noncardiac surgery: clinical correlates and effect on length of stay. Ann Intern Med (1998) 2.04
The problems with punitive damages in lawsuits against managed-care organizations. N Engl J Med (2000) 2.01
Does the computerized display of charges affect inpatient ancillary test utilization? Arch Intern Med (1997) 2.01
Clinical trials in developing countries: scientific and ethical issues. Med J Aust (1998) 1.99
Right heart catheterization and cardiac complications in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: an observational study. JAMA (2001) 1.99
Insurance or a regular physician: which is the most powerful predictor of health care? Am J Public Health (1998) 1.97
The association of physician attitudes about uncertainty and risk taking with resource use in a Medicare HMO. Med Decis Making (1998) 1.93
Improved visual function and attenuation of declines in health-related quality of life after cataract extraction. Arch Ophthalmol (1994) 1.93
The association of intraoperative factors with the development of postoperative delirium. Am J Med (1998) 1.92
Cardiac structure and function in children with human immunodeficiency virus infection treated with zidovudine. N Engl J Med (1992) 1.92
Defining and classifying medical error: lessons for patient safety reporting systems. Qual Saf Health Care (2004) 1.87
Absence of cardiac toxicity of zidovudine in infants. Pediatric Pulmonary and Cardiac Complications of Vertically Transmitted HIV Infection Study Group. N Engl J Med (2000) 1.87
Influence of age-related maculopathy on visual functioning and health-related quality of life. Am J Ophthalmol (1999) 1.86
Intermittent cyclophosphamide pulse therapy in progressive multiple sclerosis: final report of the Northeast Cooperative Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Group. Neurology (1993) 1.81
Double-blind study of true vs. sham plasma exchange in patients treated with immunosuppression for acute attacks of multiple sclerosis. Neurology (1989) 1.77
Hospital peer review and clinical privileges actions: to report or not report. JAMA (1999) 1.74
A follow-up study of morbidity and mortality associated with hepatitis C virus infection and its interaction with human T lymphotropic virus type I in Miyazaki, Japan. J Infect Dis (2000) 1.71
Can practice guidelines reduce the number and costs of malpractice claims? JAMA (1991) 1.70
Nonurgent emergency department visits: the effect of having a regular doctor. Med Care (1998) 1.70
Adenosine, inosine, and hypoxanthine/xanthine measured in tissue and plasma by a luminescence method. Clin Chem (1990) 1.69
Evaluation of screening criteria for adverse events in medical patients. Med Care (1995) 1.65
Design and implementation of the North American Pediatric Cardiomyopathy Registry. Am Heart J (2000) 1.65
Cardiac morbidity and related mortality in children with HIV infection. JAMA (1993) 1.65
Integrated health care, capitated payment, and quality: the role of regulation. Ann Intern Med (1996) 1.64
Variation in caregiver perceptions of teamwork climate in labor and delivery units. J Perinatol (2006) 1.62
Reliability of multicenter pediatric echocardiographic measurements of left ventricular structure and function: the prospective P(2)C(2) HIV study. Circulation (2001) 1.61
Influence of financial productivity incentives on the use of preventive care. Am J Med (2001) 1.61