Published in J Nutr on September 01, 2000
Interactions of metals and Apolipoprotein E in Alzheimer's disease. Front Aging Neurosci (2014) 0.88
Impact of dietary fat type within the context of altered cholesterol homeostasis on cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism in the F1B hamster. Metabolism (2010) 0.80
Small bowel review: Normal physiology, part 1. Dig Dis Sci (2003) 0.76
Room-temperature ultraviolet nanowire nanolasers. Science (2001) 9.79
Impaired recruitment of bone-marrow-derived endothelial and hematopoietic precursor cells blocks tumor angiogenesis and growth. Nat Med (2001) 9.53
Synergism between vascular endothelial growth factor and placental growth factor contributes to angiogenesis and plasma extravasation in pathological conditions. Nat Med (2001) 6.73
The co-chaperone CHIP regulates protein triage decisions mediated by heat-shock proteins. Nat Cell Biol (2001) 6.10
A high-resolution absolute-dated late Pleistocene Monsoon record from Hulu Cave, China. Science (2001) 5.52
Human keratinocytes that express hTERT and also bypass a p16(INK4a)-enforced mechanism that limits life span become immortal yet retain normal growth and differentiation characteristics. Mol Cell Biol (2000) 5.28
Identification of CHIP, a novel tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein that interacts with heat shock proteins and negatively regulates chaperone functions. Mol Cell Biol (1999) 4.98
CHIP is a U-box-dependent E3 ubiquitin ligase: identification of Hsc70 as a target for ubiquitylation. J Biol Chem (2001) 4.14
Highly constrained backprojection for time-resolved MRI. Magn Reson Med (2006) 3.53
Directional guidance of neuronal migration in the olfactory system by the protein Slit. Nature (1999) 3.51
Signal transduction in neuronal migration: roles of GTPase activating proteins and the small GTPase Cdc42 in the Slit-Robo pathway. Cell (2001) 3.44
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Disruption of alpha3 connexin gene leads to proteolysis and cataractogenesis in mice. Cell (1997) 3.10
Early diabetes and abnormal postnatal pancreatic islet development in mice lacking Glut-2. Nat Genet (1997) 2.97
An Arabidopsis brassinosteroid-dependent mutant is blocked in cell elongation. Plant Cell (1998) 2.96
Retracted Calmodulin kinase determines calcium-dependent facilitation of L-type calcium channels. Nat Cell Biol (2000) 2.86
Genomic DNA transfer with a high-capacity adenovirus vector results in improved in vivo gene expression and decreased toxicity. Nat Genet (1998) 2.65
Sino-MONICA project: a collaborative study on trends and determinants in cardiovascular diseases in China, Part i: morbidity and mortality monitoring. Circulation (2001) 2.56
Control of oligodendrocyte differentiation by the Nkx2.2 homeodomain transcription factor. Development (2001) 2.43
Neutralization sensitivity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is determined in part by the cell in which the virus is propagated. J Virol (1994) 2.40
Association of genetic variation in FTO with risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes with data from 96,551 East and South Asians. Diabetologia (2011) 2.37
Relation of calcium, vitamin D, and dairy food intake to ischemic heart disease mortality among postmenopausal women. Am J Epidemiol (1999) 2.36
Vertebrate slit, a secreted ligand for the transmembrane protein roundabout, is a repellent for olfactory bulb axons. Cell (1999) 2.35
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Familial endometrial cancer in female carriers of MSH6 germline mutations. Nat Genet (1999) 2.32
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KORRIGAN, an Arabidopsis endo-1,4-beta-glucanase, localizes to the cell plate by polarized targeting and is essential for cytokinesis. Plant Cell (2000) 2.15
An anti-Axl monoclonal antibody attenuates xenograft tumor growth and enhances the effect of multiple anticancer therapies. Oncogene (2010) 2.14
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Autocrine stimulation of VEGFR-2 activates human leukemic cell growth and migration. J Clin Invest (2000) 2.08
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Inactivation of AtRac1 by abscisic acid is essential for stomatal closure. Genes Dev (2001) 2.02
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Inhibition of both paracrine and autocrine VEGF/ VEGFR-2 signaling pathways is essential to induce long-term remission of xenotransplanted human leukemias. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 1.90
Evidence for a role for AtMYB2 in the induction of the Arabidopsis alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH1) by low oxygen. Genetics (1998) 1.88
Titin-based modulation of calcium sensitivity of active tension in mouse skinned cardiac myocytes. Circ Res (2001) 1.88
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The mouse SLIT family: secreted ligands for ROBO expressed in patterns that suggest a role in morphogenesis and axon guidance. Dev Biol (1999) 1.87
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Helicobacter pylori seropositivity and subsite-specific gastric cancer risks in Linxian, China. J Natl Cancer Inst (2001) 1.84
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A retrospective study of the application on double-balloon enteroscopy in 378 patients with suspected small-bowel diseases. Endoscopy (2007) 1.81
Redox regulation of cell signaling by selenocysteine in mammalian thioredoxin reductases. J Biol Chem (1999) 1.77
Interleukin (IL)-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) requirement for optimal induction of multiple IL-1 signaling pathways and IL-6 production. J Exp Med (1998) 1.75
BID mediates neuronal cell death after oxygen/ glucose deprivation and focal cerebral ischemia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 1.74
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Messenger RNA targeting of rice seed storage proteins to specific ER subdomains. Nature (2000) 1.72
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Hyperglycemia, insulin and slower growth velocity may increase the risk of retinopathy of prematurity. J Perinatol (2011) 1.67
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LRRK2 Gly2385Arg variant is a risk factor of Parkinson's disease among Han-Chinese from mainland China. Eur J Neurol (2008) 1.64
DNA mismatch repair gene mutations in 55 kindreds with verified or putative hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer. Hum Mol Genet (1996) 1.64
Caspase-9 activation results in downstream caspase-8 activation and bid cleavage in 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced Parkinson's disease. J Neurosci (2001) 1.64
Localization of the high and low affinity [3H]ryanodine binding sites on the skeletal muscle Ca2+ release channel. J Biol Chem (1994) 1.62
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Vascular endothelial growth factor and receptor interaction is a prerequisite for murine hepatic fibrogenesis. Gut (2003) 1.60
Liver-specific igf-1 gene deletion leads to muscle insulin insensitivity. Diabetes (2001) 1.59
Titin-actin interaction in mouse myocardium: passive tension modulation and its regulation by calcium/S100A1. Biophys J (2001) 1.59
FDG-PET/MRI coregistration improves detection of cortical dysplasia in patients with epilepsy. Neurology (2008) 1.59
A naphthyl analog of the aminostyryl pyridinium class of potentiometric membrane dyes shows consistent sensitivity in a variety of tissue, cell, and model membrane preparations. J Membr Biol (1992) 1.59
Mice with gene disruption of both endothelial and neuronal nitric oxide synthase exhibit insulin resistance. Diabetes (2000) 1.59
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Altered expression of HOXA10 in endometriosis: potential role in decidualization. Mol Hum Reprod (2007) 1.57
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TRPV4 mutations and cytotoxic hypercalcemia in axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies. Neurology (2011) 1.56
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Fungal pathogen protection in potato by expression of a plant defensin peptide. Nat Biotechnol (2000) 1.55
Chlorophyllin intervention reduces aflatoxin-DNA adducts in individuals at high risk for liver cancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 1.54
Aberrant splicing of tau pre-mRNA caused by intronic mutations associated with the inherited dementia frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17. Mol Cell Biol (2000) 1.53
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Phase 2 early afterdepolarization as a trigger of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in acquired long-QT syndrome : direct evidence from intracellular recordings in the intact left ventricular wall. Circulation (2001) 1.50