Published in Health Expect on June 01, 2000
A systematic review of information in decision aids. Health Expect (2007) 1.16
A qualitative exploration of treatment decision-making role preference in adult asthma patients. Health Expect (2002) 0.97
Clinical issues in shared decision-making applied to breast cancer. Health Expect (2003) 0.92
From information to shared decision-making in medicine. Health Expect (2003) 0.82
Editorial. Health Expect (2000) 0.79
Treatment-related experiences and preferences of patients with lung cancer: a qualitative analysis. Health Expect (2015) 0.75
[Moroccan patient participation with cancer to therapeutic choice: results of a survey of 272 patients]. Pan Afr Med J (2015) 0.75
The framing of decisions and the psychology of choice. Science (1981) 23.80
Shared decision-making in the medical encounter: what does it mean? (or it takes at least two to tango). Soc Sci Med (1997) 19.00
Four models of the physician-patient relationship. JAMA (1992) 12.91
Polychemotherapy for early breast cancer: an overview of the randomised trials. Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group. Lancet (1998) 12.78
Information and participation preferences among cancer patients. Ann Intern Med (1980) 11.05
Decision-making in the physician-patient encounter: revisiting the shared treatment decision-making model. Soc Sci Med (1999) 10.94
Doctor-patient communication: a review of the literature. Soc Sci Med (1995) 10.48
Partnerships with patients: the pros and cons of shared clinical decision-making. J Health Serv Res Policy (1997) 9.78
Attitudes to chemotherapy: comparing views of patients with cancer with those of doctors, nurses, and general public. BMJ (1990) 8.90
Sharing decisions with patients: is the information good enough? BMJ (1999) 7.54
Decision making during serious illness: what role do patients really want to play? J Clin Epidemiol (1992) 6.66
Do patients want to participate in medical decision making? JAMA (1984) 6.40
Evidence based patient information. is important, so there needs to be a national strategy to ensure it. BMJ (1998) 6.09
A bedside decision instrument to elicit a patient's preference concerning adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. Ann Intern Med (1992) 4.60
A patient decision aid regarding antithrombotic therapy for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA (1999) 4.31
Information and decision-making preferences of hospitalized adult cancer patients. Soc Sci Med (1988) 4.19
The physician-patient encounter: the physician as a perfect agent for the patient versus the informed treatment decision-making model. Soc Sci Med (1998) 4.19
The patient's role in clinical decision-making. Ann Intern Med (1980) 4.12
Patient information-seeking behaviors when communicating with doctors. Med Care (1990) 4.00
Cancer patients: their desire for information and participation in treatment decisions. J R Soc Med (1989) 3.76
When competent patients make irrational choices. N Engl J Med (1990) 3.72
Randomized trial of a portable, self-administered decision aid for postmenopausal women considering long-term preventive hormone therapy. Med Decis Making (1998) 3.18
Evidence-informed patient choice. Practical issues of involving patients in decisions about health care technologies. Int J Technol Assess Health Care (1998) 2.95
Agency in health care. Examining patients' preferences for attributes of the doctor-patient relationship. J Health Econ (1998) 2.80
Patients' willingness to enter clinical trials: measuring the association with perceived benefit and preference for decision participation. Soc Sci Med (1991) 2.77
Offering choice of treatment to patients with cancers. A review based on a symposium held at the 10th annual conference of The British Psychosocial Oncology Group, December 1993. Eur J Cancer (1995) 2.66
The understanding of common health terms by doctors, nurses and patients. Soc Sci Med (1991) 2.28
Effects of outcome framing on treatment decisions in the real world: impact of framing on adjuvant breast cancer decisions. Med Decis Making (1989) 1.97
Patients' preferences for therapy in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: development, testing, and application of a bedside decision instrument. Gynecol Oncol (1996) 1.91
Patient involvement in health care. A procedural justice viewpoint. Med Care (1991) 1.88
Cancer patients, doctors and nurses vary in their willingness to undertake cancer chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer (1995) 1.78
Breast irradiation postlumpectomy: development and evaluation of a decision instrument. J Clin Oncol (1995) 1.66
Adjuvant chemotherapy plus tamoxifen compared with tamoxifen alone for postmenopausal breast cancer: meta-analysis of quality-adjusted survival. Lancet (1996) 1.58
Reflections on the changing times. BMJ (1990) 1.48
Development of a patient decision aid for choice of surgical treatment for breast cancer. Health Expect (1998) 1.48
Influence of patient characteristics, socioeconomic factors, geography, and systemic risk on the use of breast-sparing treatment in women enrolled in adjuvant breast cancer studies: an analysis of two intergroup trials. J Clin Oncol (1996) 1.43
Mastectomy or lumpectomy? Helping women make informed choices. J Clin Oncol (1999) 1.42
Someone to live for: social well-being, parenthood status, and decision-making in oncology. J Clin Oncol (1995) 1.23
Communication in the hospital setting: a survey of medical and everyday language use amongst patients, nurses and doctors. Soc Sci Med (1989) 1.20
Effectiveness of adjuvant chemotherapy in combination with tamoxifen for node-positive postmenopausal breast cancer patients. J Clin Oncol (1997) 1.18
Describing health states. Methodologic issues in obtaining values for health states. Med Care (1984) 1.13
[Methodology of the development of diagnostic and therapeutic standards, options and recommendations in oncology]. Bull Cancer (1995) 1.01
Development and Evaluation of a Decision Aid About Prenatal Testing for Women of Advanced Maternal Age. J Genet Couns (1999) 0.95
[Breast neoplasms: information in question(s). A survey of patients and physicians at a cancer treatment center]. Bull Cancer (1995) 0.93
Design and validation of a bedside decision instrument to elicit a patient's preference concerning allogenic bone marrow transplantation in chronic myeloid leukemia. Am J Hematol (1995) 0.90
Outcomes research, patient preference, and the primary care physician. J Am Board Fam Pract (1992) 0.78
[Acting on clinical trials. Experience of organizations for the fight against AIDS]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique (1998) 0.77
Epirubicin increases long-term survival in adjuvant chemotherapy of patients with poor-prognosis, node-positive, early breast cancer: 10-year follow-up results of the French Adjuvant Study Group 05 randomized trial. J Clin Oncol (2005) 1.56
Shared decision making in the medical encounter: are we all talking about the same thing? Med Decis Making (2007) 1.53
Prospective multicentric randomized study comparing periareolar and peritumoral injection of radiotracer and blue dye for the detection of sentinel lymph node in breast sparing procedures: FRANSENODE trial. J Clin Oncol (2007) 1.14
Contribution of BRCA1 and BRCA2 germ-line mutations to the incidence of breast cancer in young women: results from a prospective population-based study in France. Genes Chromosomes Cancer (2005) 1.07
Randomized trial comparing six versus three cycles of epirubicin-based adjuvant chemotherapy in premenopausal, node-positive breast cancer patients: 10-year follow-up results of the French Adjuvant Study Group 01 trial. J Clin Oncol (2003) 1.06
Prognosis of early-onset breast cancer based on BRCA1/2 mutation status in a French population-based cohort and review. Breast Cancer Res Treat (2006) 1.03
Elaborating patient information with patients themselves: lessons from a cancer treatment focus group. Health Expect (2003) 0.99
A qualitative approach to the use of economic data in the selection of medicines for hospital formularies: a French survey. Pharm World Sci (2003) 0.97
Core competencies for shared decision making training programs: insights from an international, interdisciplinary working group. J Contin Educ Health Prof (2013) 0.96
Clinical issues in shared decision-making applied to breast cancer. Health Expect (2003) 0.92
From information to shared decision-making in medicine. Health Expect (2003) 0.82
[Standards, Options and Recommendations for the management of invasive cervical cancer patients (non metastastic)]. Bull Cancer (2003) 0.80
Cost comparison of two surgical strategies in the treatment of breast cancer: sentinel lymph node biopsy versus axillary lymph node dissection. Int J Technol Assess Health Care (2004) 0.80
Focus group approach for developing written patient information in oncogenetics. Genet Test (2007) 0.80
Shared decision-making in the physician-patient encounter in France: a general overview. Z Arztl Fortbild Qualitatssich (2007) 0.80
The statutory duty of physicians to inform patients versus unmet patients' information needs: the case of breast cancer in France. Health Policy (2009) 0.77
[Patient treatment preferences elicitation process: a French perspective]. Bull Cancer (2006) 0.75