Published in Acta Orthop Scand on February 01, 2001
Radiotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma of the proximal lower extremity. Sarcoma (2010) 0.86
Local recurrence after initial multidisciplinary management of soft tissue sarcoma: is there a way out? Clin Orthop Relat Res (2010) 0.81
Comparative study of planned and unplanned excisions for the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities. Clinics (Sao Paulo) (2014) 0.79
Bacterial community structures of phosphate-removing and non-phosphate-removing activated sludges from sequencing batch reactors. Appl Environ Microbiol (1995) 11.83
Safety and efficacy of imatinib (STI571) in metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumours: a phase I study. Lancet (2001) 6.11
Directed tagging of the Arabidopsis FATTY ACID ELONGATION1 (FAE1) gene with the maize transposon activator. Plant Cell (1995) 4.15
Procedures for the purification of interleukin 3 to homogeneity. J Immunol (1982) 3.96
Randomized study of initial versus late chest irradiation combined with chemotherapy in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer. Aarhus Lung Cancer Group. J Clin Oncol (1997) 3.45
Esophageal motility in reflux disease before and after fundoplication: a prospective, randomized, clinical, and manometric study. Gastroenterology (2001) 3.38
A clinician's guide for conducting randomized trials in individual patients. CMAJ (1988) 3.35
Progression-free rate as the principal end-point for phase II trials in soft-tissue sarcomas. Eur J Cancer (2002) 3.26
Defining active sacroiliitis on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for classification of axial spondyloarthritis: a consensual approach by the ASAS/OMERACT MRI group. Ann Rheum Dis (2009) 3.15
Morphological and immunocytochemical characteristics of human tumor cell lines for use in a disease-oriented anticancer drug screen. Anticancer Res (1992) 2.62
Identification of polyphosphate-accumulating organisms and design of 16S rRNA-directed probes for their detection and quantitation. Appl Environ Microbiol (2000) 2.57
An index of scientific quality for health reports in the lay press. J Clin Epidemiol (1993) 2.47
Phase II study of ET-743 in advanced soft tissue sarcomas: a European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) soft tissue and bone sarcoma group trial. J Clin Oncol (2005) 2.39
N of 1 randomized trials for investigating new drugs. Control Clin Trials (1990) 2.37
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Cancer-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome: analysis of 85 cases from a national registry. J Clin Oncol (1989) 2.33
The Danish case-control study of cutaneous malignant melanoma. II. Importance of UV-light exposure. Int J Cancer (1988) 2.26
Trends in malignant melanoma of the skin. World Health Stat Q (1980) 2.09
Effects of prehospital care on outcome in patients with cardiac illness. Ann Emerg Med (1995) 2.09
Prevalence of polyps in an autopsy series from areas with varying incidence of large-bowel cancer. Int J Cancer (1985) 2.08
Surgical treatment of lung metastases: The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group study of 255 patients. Cancer (1996) 2.06
Catalysis research of relevance to carbon management: progress, challenges, and opportunities. Chem Rev (2001) 1.99
Extraskeletal osteosarcomas: a clinicopathologic study of 25 cases. Am J Surg Pathol (1998) 1.86
MRI bone oedema is the strongest predictor of subsequent radiographic progression in early rheumatoid arthritis. Results from a 2-year randomised controlled trial (CIMESTRA). Ann Rheum Dis (2008) 1.71
Different age and sex relationship for cancer of subsites of the large bowel. Br J Cancer (1984) 1.70
Advanced soft-tissue sarcoma: a disease that is potentially curable for a subset of patients treated with chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer (2003) 1.70
Women living with HIV: disclosure, violence, and social support. J Urban Health (2000) 1.69
Validation of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire developed in Denmark. Int J Epidemiol (1991) 1.68
Phenotypic characteristics of cell lines requiring interleukin 3 for growth. J Immunol (1982) 1.67
Microbiology of a nitrite-oxidizing bioreactor. Appl Environ Microbiol (1998) 1.67
Transverse-momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in pp collisions at square root of s = 7 TeV. Phys Rev Lett (2010) 1.67
The structure of the glycopeptide of human gamma G myeloma proteins. J Biol Chem (1971) 1.63
Identification of some of the major groups of bacteria in efficient and nonefficient biological phosphorus removal activated sludge systems. Appl Environ Microbiol (1999) 1.62
Changing mortality from esophageal cancer in males in Denmark and other European countries, in relation to changing levels of alcohol consumption. Cancer Causes Control (1990) 1.57
Study of the mass and spin-parity of the Higgs boson candidate via its decays to Z boson pairs. Phys Rev Lett (2013) 1.56
Incidence of childhood cancer in Denmark 1943-1984. Int J Epidemiol (1989) 1.54
Imaging of sacroiliitis in early seronegative spondylarthropathy. Assessment of abnormalities by MR in comparison with radiography and CT. Acta Radiol (2003) 1.50
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The Scandinavian Sarcoma Group Skeletal Metastasis Register. Survival after surgery for bone metastases in the pelvis and extremities. Acta Orthop Scand Suppl (2004) 1.45
The bone-marrow infiltration pattern in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia is not an important prognostic factor. Danish CLL Study Group. Eur J Haematol (1996) 1.45
The IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No 1 (ADM1). Water Sci Technol (2002) 1.44
Dietary and endogenous cholesterol and human cancer. Epidemiol Rev (1984) 1.44
Sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis in children: a report of eight cases. AJR Am J Roentgenol (1998) 1.43
Hypoxia in human soft tissue sarcomas: adverse impact on survival and no association with p53 mutations. Br J Cancer (2001) 1.42
Muscle mass and function in thyrotoxic patients before and during medical treatment. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) (1999) 1.42
Results of randomised studies of the EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group (STBSG) with two different ifosfamide regimens in first- and second-line chemotherapy in advanced soft tissue sarcoma patients. Eur J Cancer (2002) 1.41
Intradermal and subcutaneous leiomyosarcoma: a clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study of 41 cases. J Cutan Pathol (1996) 1.40
McDonald cerclage under pudendal nerve block. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1993) 1.40
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Measuring functional status in chronic lung disease: conclusions from a randomized control trial. Respir Med (1989) 1.35
Development of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire to assess food, energy and nutrient intake in Denmark. Int J Epidemiol (1991) 1.34
Interval appendectomy. A retrospective study. Acta Chir Scand (1979) 1.34
Phenotypes of murine leukemia virus-induced tumors: influence of 3' viral coding sequences. J Virol (1992) 1.33
Interleukin 3: possible roles in the regulation of lymphocyte differentiation and growth. Immunol Rev (1982) 1.33
Cancer registration in Denmark and the study of multiple primary cancers, 1943-80. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr (1985) 1.31
Parental employment at time of conception and risk of cancer in offspring. Eur J Cancer (1991) 1.29
Studies of blood pressure in Tecumseh, Michigan. I. Blood pressure in young people and its relationship to personal and familial characteristics and complications of pregnancy in mothers. Am J Epidemiol (1980) 1.28
Familial occurrence of chronic respiratory disease and familial resemblance in ventilatory capacity. J Chronic Dis (1975) 1.27
Clinical usefulness of amitriptyline in fibromyalgia: the results of 23 N-of-1 randomized controlled trials. J Rheumatol (1991) 1.26
The reliability of questionnaire-derived historical dietary information and temporal stability of food habits in individuals. Am J Epidemiol (1984) 1.26
The Danish case-control study of cutaneous malignant melanoma. I. Importance of host factors. Int J Cancer (1988) 1.25
Testicular cancer risk in boys with maldescended testis: a cohort study. J Urol (1987) 1.25
Modifications to Rives technique for midline incisional hernia repair. Hernia (2001) 1.25
Accuracy of sphygmomanometers in hospital practice. Arch Intern Med (1970) 1.23
Measurement of the electron charge asymmetry in inclusive W production in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=7 TeV. Phys Rev Lett (2012) 1.23
Summary: multiple primary cancers in Denmark, 1943-80. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr (1985) 1.23
Trends in the incidence of leukemia in Denmark, 1943-77: an epidemiologic study of 14,000 patients. J Natl Cancer Inst (1983) 1.22
The Caenorhabditis elegans SH2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-2 participates in signal transduction during oogenesis and vulval development. Genes Dev (1998) 1.21
Occupational formaldehyde exposure and increased nasal cancer risk in man. Int J Cancer (1984) 1.20
Infection of immune mast cells by Harvey sarcoma virus: immortalization without loss of requirement for interleukin-3. Mol Cell Biol (1985) 1.20
Search for new physics in the multijet and missing transverse momentum final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV. Phys Rev Lett (2012) 1.19
Increasing incidence of trunk melanoma in young Danish women. Br J Cancer (1987) 1.19
Identification and characterization of novel low-temperature-inducible promoters of Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol (1992) 1.19
Azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles at high transverse momenta in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 2.76 TeV. Phys Rev Lett (2012) 1.19
Interactions between Yersinia enterocolitica and rabbit ileal mucus: growth, adhesion, penetration, and subsequent changes in surface hydrophobicity and ability to adhere to ileal brush border membrane vesicles. Infect Immun (1991) 1.18
Diet, bowel function, fecal characteristics, and large bowel cancer in Denmark and Finland. Nutr Cancer (1982) 1.18
Genital anomalies and risk for testicular cancer in Danish men. Epidemiology (1996) 1.18
A future for hyperthermia in cancer treatment? Eur J Cancer (2001) 1.17
The 6-O-methylglucose-containing lipopolysaccharide of Mycobacterium phlei. Identification of the lipid components. J Biol Chem (1968) 1.16
Occupation and risk of cancer in Denmark. An analysis of 93,810 cancer cases, 1970-1979. Scand J Work Environ Health (1987) 1.16
Gemcitabine in advanced adult soft-tissue sarcomas. A phase II study of the EORTC Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group. Eur J Cancer (2002) 1.16
Cancer morbidity and causes of death among Danish brewery workers. Int J Cancer (1979) 1.15
Case-control study of risk factors for cervical neoplasia in Denmark. I: Role of the "male factor" in women with one lifetime sexual partner. Int J Cancer (1991) 1.15
Magnetic resonance imaging of sacroiliitis in early seronegative spondylarthropathy. Abnormalities correlated to clinical and laboratory findings. Rheumatology (Oxford) (2003) 1.14
Right-posterior face processing anomaly in depression. J Abnorm Psychol (2000) 1.14
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The Copenhagen case-referent study on bladder cancer. Risks among drivers, painters and certain other occupations. Scand J Work Environ Health (1987) 1.12
D-Mannitol dehydrogenase from Absidia glauca. Purification, metabolic role, and subunit interactions. Biochemistry (1976) 1.12
The relationship between tumor oxygenation and cell proliferation in human soft tissue sarcomas. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys (1996) 1.11