Published in Am J Public Health on October 01, 2001
The past, present, and future of public health surveillance. Scientifica (Cairo) (2012) 0.98
The governance of standard-setting to improve health. Prev Chronic Dis (2010) 0.91
Modeling and reinforcement to combat HIV: the MARCH approach to behavior change. Am J Public Health (2001) 2.00
Challenges in implementing a point-of-use water quality intervention in rural Kenya. Am J Public Health (2001) 1.91
Collaboration, cholera, and cyclones: a project to improve point-of-use water quality in Madagascar. Am J Public Health (2001) 1.52
Transportation for maternal emergencies in Tanzania: empowering communities through participatory problem solving. Am J Public Health (2001) 1.27
Monitoring behavioral risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Russia. Am J Public Health (2001) 0.96
From piety to platitudes to pork: the changing politics of health workforce policy. J Health Polit Policy Law (1996) 3.71
Social policy and city politics: tuberculosis reporting in New York, 1889-1900. Bull Hist Med (1975) 2.44
Conjunctival neurilemoma. Report of 3 cases. Arch Ophthalmol (1997) 1.47
From TB to AIDS: value conflicts in reporting disease. Hastings Cent Rep (1986) 1.44
The decline of historicism: the case of compulsory health insurance in the United States. Bull Hist Med (1983) 1.30
The movement toward a safe maternity: physician accountability in New York City, 1915-1940. Bull Hist Med (1976) 1.24
Public spending for health care approaches 60 percent. Health Aff (Millwood) (2000) 1.14
The politics of the NIH extramural program, 1937-1950. J Hist Med Allied Sci (1987) 1.14
AIDS cost analysis and social policy. Law Med Health Care (1988) 0.97
The contemporary historiography of AIDS. J Soc Hist (1989) 0.97
The power of professionalism: policies for AIDS in Britain, Sweden, and the United States. Daedalus (1989) 0.91
The politics of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Health Aff (Millwood) (1997) 0.90
Abraham Flexner's unpublished report: foundations and medical education, 1909-1928. Bull Hist Med (1980) 0.89
Black lung: miners' militancy and medical uncertainty, 1968-1972. Bull Hist Med (1980) 0.89
From reform to relativism: a history of economists and health care. Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc (1979) 0.86
The history of responses to epidemic disease in the United States since the 18th century. Mt Sinai J Med (1989) 0.84
History and health policy: an autobiographical note on the decline of historicism. J Soc Hist (1985) 0.84
Intensive home health care in the United States. Financing as technology. Int J Technol Assess Health Care (1987) 0.83
The impact of routine inquiry laws on organ donation. Health Aff (Millwood) (1988) 0.83
Who we are: the political origins of the medical humanities. Theor Med (1985) 0.81
Differential visual field-interhemispheric transfer: can it explain sex and handedness differences in lateralization? Percept Mot Skills (1987) 0.78
A transillumination technique for lingual bonding. J Clin Orthod (1987) 0.77
Epibulbar granular cell tumor. Report of a case and review of the literature. Ophthalmology (1997) 0.76
The consequences of consensus: American health policy in the twentieth century. Milbank Q (1986) 0.76
Health professions education and public policy: a research agenda. J Med Educ (1978) 0.76
Peace, health, and the national purpose: health policy and the cold war. Bull N Y Acad Med (1994) 0.75
Two fringe discourses in search of influence on policy. J Health Polit Policy Law (1994) 0.75
A note on policymakers as research subjects. Am J Public Health (1998) 0.75
Dental faculty and labor unions: the perils of passivity. J Dent Educ (1977) 0.75
The cost of treating persons with AIDS in four hospitals in metropolitan New York in 1985. Health Matrix (1988) 0.75
AIDS on Long Island:the regional history of an epidemic 1981-1988. Long Island Hist J (1989) 0.75
Recent Marxist interpretation of the history of medicine in the United States. Essay review. Clio Med (1982) 0.75
Chances for comprehensive NHI are slim in the U.S. Hospitals (1978) 0.75
History of drug use and drug control. Mt Sinai J Med (1991) 0.75
Financing health care for persons with HIV infection: guidelines for state action. Am J Law Med (1990) 0.75
Physicians at work: self- and public images, 1890-1930. Med Herit (1986) 0.75
The new historiography of American medical education. Hist Educ Q (1986) 0.75
Photographs tells more than meets the eye. J Biol Photogr (1980) 0.75
Question and Answer Session III. Bull N Y Acad Med (1997) 0.75
Photography and the self image of American physicians, 1880-1920. Bull Hist Med (1978) 0.75
From reform to relativism: rejoinder. Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc (1979) 0.75
Dr Widger's war. A photographic history of the 41st Portable Surgical Hospital 1943-1945. N Y State J Med (1986) 0.75
Becoming a public health dentist--or life begins at thirty. J Am Dent Assoc (1975) 0.75
The segregation of medical ethics: a problem in modern intellectual history. J Med Philos (1979) 0.75
The power of professionalism: policies for AIDS in Britain, Sweden, and the United States. Daedalus (1989) 0.75
The new historiography of American medical education. Hist Educ Q (1986) 0.75
Making medical institutions. Rev Am Hist (1989) 0.75
A right to what? : toward adequate minimum standards for personal health services. Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc (1978) 0.75
Creation of presidential assistant for health affairs urged. AIDS Policy Law (2001) 0.75
Three views of history: view the second. Hastings Cent Rep (1994) 0.75
Health policy and changing epidemiology in the United States: chronic disease in the twentieth century. Trans Stud Coll Physicians Phila (1988) 0.75
History of medicine archives in New York State. N Y State J Med (1990) 0.75
AIDS on Long Island: the regional history of an epidemic 1981-1988. Long Island Hist J (1989) 0.75
The Milbank Quarterly and health services research, 1977-1990. Milbank Q (1991) 0.75