Wayne Hall

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Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet 2012 50.94
2 Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet 2012 41.47
3 Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet 2012 26.95
4 Grand challenges in global mental health. Nature 2011 8.40
5 Effects of a sustained heroin shortage in three Australian States. Addiction 2005 6.62
6 Extent of illicit drug use and dependence, and their contribution to the global burden of disease. Lancet 2012 6.36
7 An invitation to an alcohol industry lobby to help decide public funding of alcohol research and professional training: a decision that should be reversed. Addiction 2004 5.61
8 Direct-to-consumer genetic testing for addiction susceptibility: a premature commercialisation of doubtful validity and value. Addiction 2012 3.91
9 The temporal dynamics of relationships between cannabis, psychosis and depression among young adults with psychotic disorders: findings from a 10-month prospective study. Psychol Med 2007 3.45
10 Addiction, neuroscience and ethics. Addiction 2003 3.44
11 The integrity of the science base: a test case. Addiction 2005 3.40
12 Cannabis use and mental health in young people: cohort study. BMJ 2002 3.26
13 Who is responsible for the public's health? The role of the alcohol industry in the WHO global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. Addiction 2013 3.24
14 Exploring the association between cannabis use and depression. Addiction 2003 2.92
15 Ethical concerns in the community about technologies to extend human life span. Am J Bioeth 2009 2.87
16 Heroin overdose: research and evidence-based intervention. J Urban Health 2003 2.66
17 Is cannabis use a contributory cause of psychosis? Can J Psychiatry 2006 2.42
18 Impact of supervision of methadone consumption on deaths related to methadone overdose (1993-2008): analyses using OD4 index in England and Scotland. BMJ 2010 2.41
19 Mortality among clients of a state-wide opioid pharmacotherapy program over 20 years: risk factors and lives saved. Drug Alcohol Depend 2009 2.20
20 Proposals to trial deep brain stimulation to treat addiction are premature. Addiction 2011 2.17
21 Compulsory detention, forced detoxification and enforced labour are not ethically acceptable or effective ways to treat addiction. Addiction 2012 2.15
22 A randomised controlled trial of methadone maintenance treatment versus wait list control in an Australian prison system. Drug Alcohol Depend 2003 2.05
23 Heroin-assisted treatment as a response to the public health problem of opiate dependence. Eur J Public Health 2002 1.89
24 Lower Risk Cannabis use Guidelines for Canada (LRCUG): a narrative review of evidence and recommendations. Can J Public Health 2011 1.81
25 Causes of death in a cohort treated for opioid dependence between 1985 and 2005. Addiction 2013 1.64
26 The Pain and Opioids IN Treatment study: characteristics of a cohort using opioids to manage chronic non-cancer pain. Pain 2015 1.62
27 Trajectories of adolescent alcohol and cannabis use into young adulthood. Addiction 2007 1.60
28 Assessing evidence for a causal link between cannabis and psychosis: a review of cohort studies. Int J Drug Policy 2009 1.53
29 Testing hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis. Drug Alcohol Depend 2003 1.49
30 Benzodiazepine use among chronic pain patients prescribed opioids: associations with pain, physical and mental health, and health service utilization. Pain Med 2014 1.49
31 Depot naltrexone use for opioid dependence in Australia: large-scale use of an unregistered medication in the absence of data on safety and efficacy. Drug Alcohol Rev 2008 1.44
32 What data are available on the extent of illicit drug use and dependence globally? Results of four systematic reviews. Drug Alcohol Depend 2011 1.43
33 Heroin use in New South Wales, Australia, 1996-2000: 5 year monitoring of trends in price, purity, availability and use from the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS). Addiction 2002 1.42
34 Drug trafficking: time to abolish the death penalty. Addiction 2009 1.41
35 Standardizing terminology in addiction science: to achieve the impossible dream. Addiction 2007 1.39
36 Systematic review of interventions to improve prescribing. Ann Pharmacother 2009 1.35
37 Does cannabis use increase the risk of death? Systematic review of epidemiological evidence on adverse effects of cannabis use. Drug Alcohol Rev 2010 1.24
38 Mortality among amphetamine users: a systematic review of cohort studies. Drug Alcohol Depend 2009 1.21
39 Prevalence and correlates of DSM-IV alcohol abuse and dependence in Australia: findings of the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Addiction 2010 1.20
40 A systematic review of research examining benzodiazepine-related mortality. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2009 1.18
41 Epidemiology of alcohol-related burden of disease among Indigenous Australians. Aust N Z J Public Health 2010 1.17
42 Another mirror shattered? Tobacco industry involvement suspected in a book which claims that nicotine is not addictive. Addiction 2002 1.13
43 Decreased heroin availability in Sydney in early 2001. Addiction 2003 1.13
44 Systematic review of prospective studies investigating "remission" from amphetamine, cannabis, cocaine or opioid dependence. Addict Behav 2010 1.12
45 Psychosis in Indigenous populations of Cape York and the Torres Strait. Med J Aust 2012 1.12
46 Beware of allowing the ideal to be the enemy of the good. Addiction 2011 1.09
47 Ending inequities in access to effective pain relief? Lancet 2010 1.09
48 The ethics of paying drug users who participate in research: a review and practical recommendations. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics 2006 1.07
49 Effects of reduction in heroin supply on injecting drug use: analysis of data from needle and syringe programmes. BMJ 2004 1.03
50 Patterns of co-morbidity between alcohol use and other substance use in the Australian population. Drug Alcohol Rev 2003 1.03
51 Hair morphine concentrations of fatal heroin overdose cases and living heroin users. Addiction 2002 1.02
52 Mobile Phones in Research and Treatment: Ethical Guidelines and Future Directions. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2015 1.02
53 Evaluating explanations of the Australian 'heroin shortage'. Addiction 2005 1.01
54 Analysis of socio-political and health practices influencing sex ratio at birth in Viet Nam. Reprod Health Matters 2008 1.01
55 The impact of a reduction in drug supply on demand for and compliance with treatment for drug dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend 2005 1.01
56 Australian university students' attitudes towards the use of prescription stimulants as cognitive enhancers: perceived patterns of use, efficacy and safety. Drug Alcohol Rev 2012 1.00
57 The "lessons" of the Australian "heroin shortage". Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 2006 0.99
58 Getting the cannabis withdrawal question into proper perspective: comments on Smith. Addiction 2002 0.99
59 Using intervention time series analyses to assess the effects of imperfectly identifiable natural events: a general method and example. BMC Med Res Methodol 2006 0.98
60 Stereotactic neurosurgical treatment of addiction: minimizing the chances of another 'great and desperate cure'. Addiction 2006 0.96
61 Cannabis use in Canada: the need for a 'public health' approach. Can J Public Health 2009 0.95
62 Alcohol and other drug use disorders among older-aged people. Drug Alcohol Rev 2003 0.94
63 Refining the estimation of illicit drug consumptions from wastewater analysis: co-analysis of prescription pharmaceuticals and uncertainty assessment. Water Res 2011 0.94
64 Establishing and Governing e-Mental Health Care in Australia: A Systematic Review of Challenges and A Call For Policy-Focussed Research. J Med Internet Res 2016 0.93
65 British drinking: a suitable case for treatment? BMJ 2005 0.92
66 Real-time monitoring of Schedule 8 medicines in Australia: evaluation is essential. Med J Aust 2013 0.91
67 Navigating the enhancement landscape. Ethical issues in research on cognitive enhancers for healthy individuals. EMBO Rep 2013 0.90
68 The persistence of adolescent binge drinking into adulthood: findings from a 15-year prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 2013 0.89
69 The potential role of snus in tobacco harm reduction. Addiction 2009 0.88
70 Thinking about the unthinkable: a de facto prohibition on smoked tobacco products. Addiction 2008 0.88
71 Documenting the heroin shortage in New South Wales. Drug Alcohol Rev 2006 0.88
72 Better evidence for safety and efficacy is needed before neurologists prescribe drugs for neuroenhancement to healthy people. Neurocase 2011 0.87
73 The issue of consent in research that administers drugs of addiction to addicted persons. Account Res 2008 0.87
74 Informed consent to opioid agonist maintenance treatment: recommended ethical guidelines. Int J Drug Policy 2008 0.87
75 Prevalence, correlates and comorbidity of DSM-IV Cannabis Use and Cannabis Use Disorders in Australia. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2012 0.87
76 How will information about the genetic risk of mental disorders impact on stigma? Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2008 0.86
77 Cannabis and the increased incidence and persistence of psychosis. BMJ 2011 0.86
78 E-cigarettes and the law in Australia. Aust Fam Physician 2015 0.86
79 Preventing drug misuse by young people: we need to do more than 'just say no'. Addiction 2002 0.86
80 Public attitudes towards the acceptability of using drugs to treat depression and ADHD. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2012 0.85
81 Who wants to live forever? EMBO Rep 2005 0.85
82 Age differentials in the impacts of reduced heroin: effects of a "heroin shortage" in NSW, Australia. Drug Alcohol Depend 2005 0.85
83 Testing for cannabis in the work-place: a review of the evidence. Addiction 2010 0.85
84 Psychological distress is associated with tobacco smoking and quitting behaviour in the Australian population: evidence from national cross-sectional surveys. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2010 0.84
85 Cannabis and psychosis. Curr Psychiatry Rep 2002 0.84
86 Forecasting future tobacco control policy: where to next? Aust N Z J Public Health 2010 0.84
87 Mental disorders and socioeconomic status: impact on population risk of attempted suicide in australia. Suicide Life Threat Behav 2009 0.84
88 Over-diagnosed and over-treated: a survey of Australian public attitudes towards the acceptability of drug treatment for depression and ADHD. BMC Psychiatry 2014 0.83
89 Harm reduction policies for tobacco users. Int J Drug Policy 2009 0.83
90 The implications of genetic susceptibility for the prevention of colorectal cancer: a qualitative study of older adults' understanding. Community Genet 2008 0.83
91 Changes in the initiation of heroin use after a reduction in heroin supply. Drug Alcohol Rev 2006 0.81
92 Is deep brain stimulation a prospective "cure" for addiction? F1000 Med Rep 2011 0.81
93 Avoiding selective ethical objections to nudges. Am J Bioeth 2012 0.81
94 Cannabis use and cancer. Addiction 2002 0.81
95 Ethical, social, and personal implications of extended human lifespan identified by members of the public. Rejuvenation Res 2009 0.81
96 Public attitudes in Australia towards the claim that addiction is a (brain) disease. Drug Alcohol Rev 2014 0.81
97 Statins down under. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2006 0.81
98 The perceived health risks of cannabis use in an Australian household survey. Drug Alcohol Rev 2012 0.80
99 Differences in associations between cannabis and stimulant disorders in first admission psychosis. Schizophr Res 2013 0.80
100 Regulating opioid prescribing to provide access to effective treatment while minimizing diversion: an overdue topic for research. Addiction 2007 0.80
101 A randomized male tolerance study of dapivirine gel following multiple topical penile exposures (MTN 012/IPM 010). AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2013 0.80
102 Heroin addiction and the capacity for consent: a reply to Charland. Addiction 2003 0.80
103 Delivering on the promise of human stem-cell research. What are the real barriers? EMBO Rep 2006 0.80
104 Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines: A Comprehensive Update of Evidence and Recommendations. Am J Public Health 2017 0.79
105 The search for Methuselah. Should we endeavour to increase the maximum human lifespan? EMBO Rep 2007 0.79
106 Excess mortality among opioid-using patients treated with oral naltrexone in Australia. Drug Alcohol Rev 2014 0.78
107 Prevalence and Correlates of Suicidal Thoughts and Suicide Attempts in People Prescribed Pharmaceutical Opioids for Chronic Pain. Clin J Pain 2016 0.78
108 State of the nation's mental health 2007. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2009 0.78
109 Factors influencing women's decisions to drink alcohol during pregnancy: findings of a qualitative study with implications for health communication. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2014 0.78
110 Compulsive use of dopamine replacement therapy: a model for stimulant drug addiction? Addiction 2011 0.78
111 Profiles of illicit drug use during annual key holiday and control periods in Australia: wastewater analysis in an urban, a semi-rural and a vacation area. Addiction 2012 0.78
112 Was an increase in cocaine use among injecting drug users in New South Wales, Australia, accompanied by an increase in violent crime? BMC Public Health 2005 0.78
113 Stimulant use disorders: characteristics and comorbidity in an Australian population sample. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2012 0.77
114 Should doctors prescribe cannabinoids? BMJ 2014 0.77
115 A systematic review and meta-analysis of naltrexone implants for the treatment of opioid dependence. Drug Alcohol Rev 2013 0.77
116 Estimating the burden of disease attributable to illicit drug use and mental disorders: what is 'Global Burden of Disease 2005' and why does it matter? Addiction 2009 0.77
117 A randomized clinical trial of a financial education intervention with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for low socio-economic status Australian smokers: a study protocol. Addiction 2014 0.77
118 The social implications of neurobiological explanations of resistible compulsions. Am J Bioeth 2007 0.77
119 Public attitudes toward the treatment of nicotine addiction. Nicotine Tob Res 2013 0.77
120 Alcohol industry and government revenue derived from underage drinking by Australian adolescents 2005. Addict Behav 2008 0.77
121 Analysis of national data shows mixed evidence of hardening among Australian smokers. Aust N Z J Public Health 2012 0.77
122 The impact of changes to heroin supply on blood-borne virus notifications and injecting related harms in New South Wales, Australia. BMC Public Health 2005 0.77
123 The contribution of injecting drug users in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane to rising benzodiazepine use in Australia 2000 to 2006. Aust N Z J Public Health 2010 0.76
124 Systematic and day-to-day effects of chemical-derived population estimates on wastewater-based drug epidemiology. Environ Sci Technol 2015 0.76
125 Ethical implications of research on craving. Addict Behav 2012 0.76
126 Collecting real-time data from substance users raises unique legal and ethical issues: reply to Kuntsche & Labhart. Addiction 2014 0.76
127 The psychotogenic effects of cannabis use: challenges in reducing residual uncertainties and communicating the risks. Addiction 2004 0.76
128 Using quantitative wastewater analysis to measure daily usage of conventional and emerging illicit drugs at an annual music festival. Drug Alcohol Rev 2013 0.75
129 In the face of uncertainty about the risks of low-level drinking, abstinence is prudent, not misogynistic, advice. Am J Bioeth 2011 0.75
130 Listening to public concerns about human life extension. The public view of life-extension technologies is more nuanced than expected and researchers must engage in discussions if they hope to promote awareness and acceptance. EMBO Rep 2010 0.75
131 Addiction editors respond to Mr. Leverton. Addiction 2014 0.75
132 Smoking and mental health in young women – challenges in interpretation : a reply. Psychol Med 2013 0.75
133 Response to reitan. Addiction 2013 0.75
134 Begging important questions about cognitive enhancement, again. Am J Bioeth 2011 0.75
135 Australian heroin seizures and the causes of the 2001 heroin shortage. Int J Drug Policy 2008 0.75
136 Is deep brain stimulation for addiction an acceptable crime control measure? Addiction 2012 0.75
137 Scare-mongering and the anticipatory ethics of experimental technologies. Am J Bioeth 2009 0.75
138 Commentary on Kelty & Hulse (2012): is the comparison of mortality between patients prescribed implanted or oral naltrexone an unbiased and unconfounded comparison? Addiction 2012 0.75
139 Persons and personification. Am J Bioeth 2007 0.75
140 Canadian heroin supply and the Australian 'heroin shortage'. Addiction 2006 0.75
141 Mapping community concerns about radical extensions of human life expectancy. Am J Bioeth 2009 0.75
142 Response to commentaries: Slowing down the rush to translation in personal genomics. Addiction 2012 0.75
143 Stimulating debate in the field of addiction. Addiction 2012 0.75
144 Driving while under the influence of cannabis. BMJ 2012 0.75
145 Ensuring that addiction science is deserving of public trust. Addiction 2006 0.75
146 A prospectus for ethical analysis of ageing individuals' responsibility to prevent cognitive decline. Bioethics 2017 0.75
147 Commentary on Ort et al. (2014): What next to deliver on the promise of large scale sewage-based drug epidemiology? Addiction 2014 0.75
148 Alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drugs: the relationship with illicit drugs in the treatment of substance users. Subst Use Misuse 2012 0.75
149 What would evidence-informed drug policies look like? Addiction 2010 0.75
150 Estimating the proportion of prescription opioids that is consumed by people who inject drugs in Australia. Drug Alcohol Rev 2013 0.75
151 National trends in the community prescribing of second-generation antipsychotic medications in Australian children and youth: the incomplete story. Australas Psychiatry 2013 0.75
152 Cost-effectiveness analysis of genetic screening for the Taq1B polymorphism in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res 2007 0.75
153 Avoiding potential misuses of addiction brain science. Addiction 2006 0.75
154 A renewed call for action on alcohol policy. Addiction 2010 0.75
155 Patterns of tobacco smoking among illicit drug users in Australia 2001-2010. Drug Alcohol Rev 2014 0.75
156 Research methods and statistical techniques in addiction. Addiction 2012 0.75
157 Community attitudes to the regulation of life extension. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2007 0.75
158 Defining problematic pharmaceutical opioid use among people prescribed opioids for chronic noncancer pain: do different measures identify the same patients? Pain 2016 0.75