Published in Arch Dis Child on November 01, 1975
Phosphatidylglycerol in tracheal aspirates for diagnosis of hyaline membrane disease. Arch Dis Child (1987) 0.78
Rapid test for lung maturity, based on spectroscopy of gastric aspirate, predicted respiratory distress syndrome with high sensitivity. Acta Paediatr (2016) 0.75
Sexually transmitted disease surveillance in Britain: 1982. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1984) 0.75
Specificity of surfactant deficiency in neonatal respiratory disorders. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1984) 0.75
Surface properties in relation to atelectasis and hyaline membrane disease. AMA J Dis Child (1959) 7.97
Diagnosis of the respiratory distress syndrome by amniocentesis. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1971) 5.14
Neonatal pulmonary ischemia. I. Clinical and physiological studies. Pediatrics (1967) 3.60
Transient tachypnea of newborn. Possible delayed resorption of fluid at birth. Am J Dis Child (1966) 1.90
Distending pressure in infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Arch Dis Child (1974) 1.37
The biochemical development of surface activity in mammalian lung. I. The surface-active phospholipids; the separation and distribution of surface-active lecithin in the lung of the developing rabbit fetus. Pediatr Res (1967) 1.25
The interpretation and significance of the lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid. Am J Obstet Gynecol (1974) 1.16
Respiratory distress syndrome. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) using the Gregory box. Proc R Soc Med (1974) 1.06
Effect of temperature on rabbit lung surfactant and pressure-volume hysteresis. J Appl Physiol (1971) 1.03
Lung phospholipids and surface tension correlations in infants with and without hyaline membrane disease and in adults. Pediatrics (1967) 1.02
Lecithin-sphingomyelin ratios in tracheal and pharyngeal aspirates in respiratory distress syndrome. A preliminary report. J Pediatr (1974) 0.89
Permanent sensitive stain for choline-containing phospholipids on thin-layer chromatograms. J Lipid Res (1966) 0.83
Factors influencing breast feeding. Arch Dis Child (1975) 4.65
Children's consent to treatment. BMJ (1994) 4.52
Creamatocrit: simple clinical technique for estimating fat concentration and energy value of human milk. Br Med J (1978) 4.27
Informed consent for population-based research involving genetics. JAMA (2001) 4.10
The reliability and validity of a brief diabetes knowledge test. Diabetes Care (1998) 3.81
Rapid susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by a radiometric technique. J Antimicrob Chemother (1982) 3.52
Drip breast milk: it's composition, collection and pasteurization. Early Hum Dev (1977) 3.47
Efficacy of BCG vaccine against leprosy and tuberculosis in northern Malawi. Lancet (1992) 2.77
A co-operative numerical analysis of rapidly growing mycobacteria. J Gen Microbiol (1972) 2.63
Nesidioblastosis of the pancreas: definition of the syndrome and the management of the severe neonatal hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia. Arch Dis Child (1981) 2.36
Incidence of insulin dependent diabetes in children aged under 15 years in the British Isles during 1988. BMJ (1991) 2.29
Mycobacterium malmoense. Tubercle (1985) 2.26
Support after perinatal death: a study of support and counselling after perinatal bereavement. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1982) 2.24
Patterns of initial and acquired antituberculosis drug resistance in Karonga District, Malawi. Lancet (1995) 2.24
Is transient neonatal diabetes a risk factor for diabetes in later life? Lancet (1993) 2.22
Evidence of transmission of tuberculosis by DNA fingerprinting. BMJ (1992) 2.22
Research ethics committee audit: differences between committees. J Med Ethics (1996) 2.16
Low levels of zinc in hair, anorexia, poor growth, and hypogeusia in children. Pediatr Res (1972) 2.12
Pulmonary infection with Mycobacterium malmoense--a review of treatment and response. Tubercle (1985) 1.99
Social and emotional complications in a clinical trial among adolescents with diabetes mellitus. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1983) 1.95
Contribution of preterm delivery to perinatal mortality. Br Med J (1976) 1.95
Lipid analysis for the identification of mycobacteria: an appraisal. Rev Infect Dis (1982) 1.91
Pattern of milk flow in breast-fed infants. Lancet (1979) 1.89
Self-heating of hay and grain in Dewar flasks and the development of farmer's lung antigens. J Gen Microbiol (1965) 1.86
The silver swaddler. Device for preventing hypothermia in the newborn. Lancet (1968) 1.79
Empowerment: an idea whose time has come in diabetes education. Diabetes Educ (1991) 1.76
Infections with Mycobacterium malmoense in England and Wales. Tubercle (1979) 1.74
Increasing breast feeding in a community. Arch Dis Child (1977) 1.73
Further evidence for an imprinted gene for neonatal diabetes localised to chromosome 6q22-q23. Hum Mol Genet (1996) 1.68
Nutritional value of human milk. Obstet Gynecol (1971) 1.68
Aetiopathology and genetic basis of neonatal diabetes. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed (1997) 1.67
Antimycobacterial activity of 'Virkon'. J Hosp Infect (1993) 1.67
Is microalbuminuria progressive? Arch Dis Child (1995) 1.66
Head shape and size of pre-term low-birthweight infants. Dev Med Child Neurol (1971) 1.66
An imprinted gene(s) for diabetes? Nat Genet (1995) 1.65
Development of co-ordination of sucking, swallowing and breathing: ultrasound study of term and preterm infants. Dev Med Child Neurol (1990) 1.65
A co-operative numerical analysis of nonscoto- and nonphotochromogenic slowly growing mycobacteria. J Gen Microbiol (1974) 1.64
Effects of incubator noise on the cochlea of the newborn. Lancet (1977) 1.64
Utility of PCR in diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis. J Clin Microbiol (1996) 1.64
Non-tuberculous mycobacterial lymphadenitis. Arch Dis Child (1986) 1.63
Whole foods and increased dietary fibre improve blood glucose control in diabetic children. Arch Dis Child (1982) 1.62
Lipid chromatography and seroagglutination in the classification of rapidly growing mycobacteria. Am Rev Respir Dis (1971) 1.62
Classification of Mycobacterium avium and related opportunist mycobacteria met in England and Wales. J Hyg (Lond) (1967) 1.61
PCR amplification of variable sequence upstream of katG gene to subdivide strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. J Clin Microbiol (1994) 1.59
Relation between arterial blood pressure and blood volume and effect of infused albumin in sick preterm infants. Pediatrics (1977) 1.58
Home monitoring of diabetic control. Arch Dis Child (1981) 1.55
Establishing demand feeding in hospital. Arch Dis Child (1978) 1.53
Mycobacterium malmoense in the north-east of England. Tubercle (1985) 1.51
Pulmonary infection with mycobacterium xenopi: review of treatment and response. Thorax (1984) 1.50
Emotional, behavioural, and educational disorders in diabetic children. Arch Dis Child (1980) 1.50
Mycobacterium szulgai--a new pathogen. Tubercle (1972) 1.49
A family study of the association between insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, autoantibodies and the HLA system. Tissue Antigens (1984) 1.44
Thin-layer chromatography of mycobacterial lipids as an aid to classification: technical improvements: mycobacterium avium, M. intracellulare (Battey bacilli). Tubercle (1971) 1.43
Trends in antituberculosis drug resistance in Karonga District, Malawi, 1986-1998. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis (2000) 1.42
A co-operative numerical anaysis of scotochromogenic slowly growing mycobacteria. J Gen Microbiol (1971) 1.40
Helen House--a hospice for children: analysis of the first year. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) (1984) 1.40
Life threatening illness and hospice care. Arch Dis Child (1989) 1.38
Distending pressure in infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Arch Dis Child (1974) 1.37
Foot pathology in insulin dependent diabetes. Arch Dis Child (1995) 1.37
Pulmonary infection with Mycobacterium malmoense: a report of 4 cases. Tubercle (1985) 1.36
Drug resistance in initial isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in England and Wales, 1982-1991. Commun Dis Rep CDR Rev (1993) 1.36
An iatrogenic autoantibody: immunological responses to 'pituitary snuff' in patients with diabetes insipidus. Clin Exp Immunol (1966) 1.35
Treatment of pulmonary infections caused by mycobacteria of the Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex. Thorax (1981) 1.35
Thin-layer chromatography of mycobacterial lipids as an aid to classification; Mycobacterium kansasii; and Mycobacterium marinum (balnei). Tubercle (1966) 1.35
Pulmonary infection with Mycobacterium kansasii in Wales, 1970-9: review of treatment and response. Thorax (1983) 1.32
Lymphocyte reactivity in pregnant women and newborn infants. Br Med J (1975) 1.31
Feline tuberculosis: a literature review and discussion of 19 cases caused by an unusual mycobacterial variant. Vet Rec (1996) 1.30
Mycobacterium szulgai-a new pathogen. Serologic identification and report of five new cases. Am Rev Respir Dis (1973) 1.29
Newly diagnosed diabetes: a study of parental satisfaction. Arch Dis Child (1992) 1.26
Is HIV infection a risk factor for leprosy? Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis (1991) 1.25
The opportunist mycobacteria--a 20-year retrospect. Postgrad Med J (1971) 1.24
Opportunist mycobacteria in England and Wales: 1982 to 1994. Commun Dis Rep CDR Rev (1996) 1.24
The steatocrit: a simple method for estimating stool fat content in newborn infants. Arch Dis Child (1981) 1.24
Head shape and size of newborn infants. Dev Med Child Neurol (1971) 1.24
Timing of pre-breakfast insulin injection and postprandial metabolic control in diabetic children. Br Med J (1980) 1.23
Environmental mycobacteria in northern Malawi: implications for the epidemiology of tuberculosis and leprosy. Epidemiol Infect (2001) 1.22
Infection with the avian-Battey group of mycobacteria in England and Wales. Br Med J (1969) 1.19
Costs of visiting babies in special care baby units. Arch Dis Child (1983) 1.19
Dextrostix in the diagnosis of neonatal hypoglycaemia. Lancet (1967) 1.19
Imparting the diagnosis of life threatening illness in children. BMJ (1989) 1.18
Privacy in genetics research. Science (1999) 1.17
Predictive genetic testing: from basic research to clinical practice. Science (1997) 1.15
Studies on colloid osmotic pressure in the fetus and newborn infant. With observations on the effects of membranes of various pore sizes. Biol Neonate (1971) 1.12
Superficial skin necrosis in babies prepared for umbilical arterial catheterisation. Arch Dis Child (1981) 1.12
Individual patterns of milk intake during breast-feeding. Early Hum Dev (1982) 1.12
Combined versus single antituberculosis drugs on the in vitro sensitivity patterns of non-tuberculous mycobacteria. Thorax (1987) 1.12
The ascertainment and implications of an unbalanced translocation in the neonate. Familial 1:15 translocation. Aust Paediatr J (1980) 1.11
Learning to empower patients. Results of professional education program for diabetes educators. Diabetes Care (1991) 1.11
A multiple injection regimen using an insulin injection pen and pre-filled cartridged soluble human insulin in adolescents with diabetes. Diabet Med (1985) 1.11
A cooperative taxonomic study of mycobacteria isolated from armadillos infected with Mycobacterium leprae. J Gen Microbiol (1986) 1.09
Autoimmunity in juvenile diabetics and their families. Br Med J (1978) 1.09
Raw or pasteurised human milk? Br Med J (1978) 1.09
Effect of a traditional and of a new nipple shield on sucking patterns and milk flow. Early Hum Dev (1980) 1.09
Preterm milk. Early Hum Dev (1980) 1.08
At what age do diabetic children give their own injections? Am J Dis Child (1982) 1.08
Organ transplantation: approaching the donor's family. BMJ (1995) 1.07
Twenty-four-hour metabolic profiles in diabetic children receiving insulin injections once or twice daily. Br Med J (1980) 1.07