Published in Health Care Anal on January 01, 2002
Claims on health care: a decision-making framework for equity, with application to treatment for HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Health Policy Plan (2010) 0.93
Satisfying patients' rights in Iran: Providing effective strategies. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res (2015) 0.78
An integrated approach to resource allocation. Health Care Anal (2004) 0.75
Cost-effectiveness of lung cancer screening and treatment methods: a systematic review of systematic reviews. BMC Health Serv Res (2017) 0.75
Global Bioethics and Culture in a Pluralistic World: How does Culture influence Bioethics in Africa? Ann Med Health Sci Res (2014) 0.75
An empirical study of the 'underscreened' in organised cervical screening: experts focus on increasing opportunity as a way of reducing differences in screening rates. BMC Med Ethics (2016) 0.75
The social environment and health: a discussion of the epidemiologic literature. Annu Rev Public Health (1999) 3.97
Health as a human right: an epidemiologist's perspective on the public health. Am J Public Health (1993) 2.62
Maximizing health benefits vs egalitarianism: an Australian survey of health issues. Soc Sci Med (1995) 2.39
And now for vertical equity? Some concerns arising from aboriginal health in Australia. Health Econ (1996) 1.96
Community: the neglected tradition of public health. Hastings Cent Rep (1985) 1.64
Utilisation as a measure of equity by Mooney, Hall, Donaldson and Gerard. J Health Econ (1992) 1.61
The concept of equity in health services research. Scand J Soc Med (1996) 1.49
Diffusion of ideas on social inequalities in health: a European perspective. Milbank Q (1998) 1.29
"Communitarian claims" as an ethical basis for allocating health care resources. Soc Sci Med (1998) 1.20
Equity of health care in Australia. Soc Sci Med (1995) 1.08
Equity is out of fashion? An essay on autonomy and health policy in the individualized society. Soc Sci Med (1998) 0.97
Critical reflections on the politics of need: implications for public health. Soc Sci Med (1998) 0.95
The expectation(s) of solidarity: matters of justice, responsibility and identity in the reconstruction of the health care system. Health Care Anal (2000) 0.91
Access to health care. Image J Nurs Sch (1999) 0.85
Paradigms lost: the persisting search for community in U.S. health policy. J Health Polit Policy Law (1997) 0.77
Culture, self-rated health and resource allocation decision-making. Health Care Anal (1999) 0.76
A 'constitution' for health services. J Health Serv Res Policy (1999) 0.75
Comments on Birch and Abelson's "Is reasonable access what we want"? Int J Health Serv (1994) 0.75
A politico-economic analysis of decision making in funding health service organisations. Soc Sci Med (2003) 0.95
Equity and efficiency in HIV-treatment in South Africa: the contribution of mathematical programming to priority setting. Health Econ (2010) 0.93
The MESH approach: strengthening public health systems for the MDGs. Health Policy (2007) 0.83
Searching for a threshold - Not so NICE... J Health Serv Res Policy (2007) 0.78
Closing the 17 year gap means opening not just the Treasury coffers but our hearts. Aust N Z J Public Health (2008) 0.76
The global financial meltdown and the need for a political economy of health promotion. Health Promot J Austr (2009) 0.75
A communitarian approach to public health. Health Care Anal (2011) 0.75
Prevention before profits: a levy on food and alcohol advertising. Med J Aust (2010) 0.75
People's policies for the health of the poor globally. Int J Health Plann Manage (2011) 0.75
Social health insurance: to each according to his needs; from each according to his means--but what might that mean? Int J Health Serv (2011) 0.75
Public health needs to celebrate anniversaries - and debate their meaning. Aust N Z J Public Health (2011) 0.75
Whither health economics? Aust N Z J Public Health (2009) 0.75