Published in J Exp Bot on December 01, 2002
Plant water use efficiency over geological time--evolution of leaf stomata configurations affecting plant gas exchange. PLoS One (2013) 1.50
Importance of leaf anatomy in determining mesophyll diffusion conductance to CO2 across species: quantitative limitations and scaling up by models. J Exp Bot (2013) 1.19
The mechanistic basis of internal conductance: a theoretical analysis of mesophyll cell photosynthesis and CO2 diffusion. Plant Physiol (2011) 1.12
Anatomical basis of variation in mesophyll resistance in eastern Australian sclerophylls: news of a long and winding path. J Exp Bot (2012) 0.95
Seasonal variations in photosynthesis, intrinsic water-use efficiency and stable isotope composition of poplar leaves in a short-rotation plantation. Tree Physiol (2014) 0.82
Mesophyll conductance to CO₂, assessed from online TDL-AS records of ¹³CO₂ discrimination, displays small but significant short-term responses to CO₂ and irradiance in Eucalyptus seedlings. J Exp Bot (2011) 0.81
Photosynthetic performance along a light gradient as related to leaf characteristics of a naturally occurring Cypripedium flavum. J Plant Res (2008) 0.80
Effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration, irradiance, and soil nitrogen availability on leaf photosynthetic traits of Polygonum sachalinense around natural CO2 springs in northern Japan. Oecologia (2010) 0.78
Influence of diurnal variation in mesophyll conductance on modelled 13C discrimination: results from a field study. J Exp Bot (2010) 0.76
Determinants of woody cover in African savannas. Nature (2005) 6.36
The dual effect of abscisic acid on stomata. New Phytol (2012) 2.20
Use of infrared thermal imaging to isolate Arabidopsis mutants defective in stomatal regulation. Plant J (2002) 2.11
Unraveling the effects of plant hydraulics on stomatal closure during water stress in walnut. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.92
Decline of soil microbial diversity does not influence the resistance and resilience of key soil microbial functional groups following a model disturbance. Environ Microbiol (2007) 1.91
Constitutive activation of a plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase prevents abscisic acid-mediated stomatal closure. EMBO J (2007) 1.85
Resistances along the CO2 diffusion pathway inside leaves. J Exp Bot (2009) 1.84
Bacteriophytochrome controls photosystem synthesis in anoxygenic bacteria. Nature (2002) 1.84
Community niche predicts the functioning of denitrifying bacterial assemblages. Ecology (2009) 1.53
Perturbation of indole-3-butyric acid homeostasis by the UDP-glucosyltransferase UGT74E2 modulates Arabidopsis architecture and water stress tolerance. Plant Cell (2010) 1.47
Controlling carbon nanotube photoluminescence using silicon microring resonators. Nanotechnology (2014) 1.44
The impact of soil microorganisms on the global budget of delta18O in atmospheric CO2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 1.41
Estimating mesophyll conductance to CO2: methodology, potential errors, and recommendations. J Exp Bot (2009) 1.37
Involvement of a plastid terminal oxidase in plastoquinone oxidation as evidenced by expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana enzyme in tobacco. J Biol Chem (2002) 1.36
Characterization and expression analysis of genes encoding alpha and beta carbonic anhydrases in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Environ (2007) 1.30
Autoluminescence imaging: a non-invasive tool for mapping oxidative stress. Trends Plant Sci (2006) 1.24
Control of hydrogen photoproduction by the proton gradient generated by cyclic electron flow in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Cell (2011) 1.22
Effects of management regime and plant species on the enzyme activity and genetic structure of N-fixing, denitrifying and nitrifying bacterial communities in grassland soils. Environ Microbiol (2006) 1.20
Variable mesophyll conductance revisited: theoretical background and experimental implications. Plant Cell Environ (2012) 1.20
Effect of PGR5 impairment on photosynthesis and growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol (2008) 1.05
Relating Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity among Denitrifiers and Quantifying their Capacity to Predict Community Functioning. Front Microbiol (2012) 1.05
A comparison of the strength of biodiversity effects across multiple functions. Oecologia (2013) 1.02
Using spontaneous photon emission to image lipid oxidation patterns in plant tissues. Plant J (2011) 1.02
Resource pulses can alleviate the biodiversity-invasion relationship in soil microbial communities. Ecology (2015) 1.02
Vitamin E is essential for the tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana to metal-induced oxidative stress. Plant Cell Environ (2007) 0.98
Plant development controls leaf area expansion in alfalfa plants competing for light. Ann Bot (2013) 0.97
Spatial distribution of leaf nitrogen and photosynthetic capacity within the foliage of individual trees: disentangling the effects of local light quality, leaf irradiance, and transpiration. J Exp Bot (2002) 0.97
The cytosolic/nuclear HSC70 and HSP90 molecular chaperones are important for stomatal closure and modulate abscisic acid-dependent physiological responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2011) 0.96
Development and application of a PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis tool to study the diversity of Nitrobacter-like nxrA sequences in soil. FEMS Microbiol Ecol (2008) 0.95
Bacteriophytochrome and regulation of the synthesis of the photosynthetic apparatus in Rhodopseudomonas palustris: pitfalls of using laboratory strains. Photochem Photobiol Sci (2004) 0.94
Quantum-confined Stark effect measurements in Ge/SiGe quantum-well structures. Opt Lett (2010) 0.94
Herbivory mitigation through increased water-use efficiency in a leaf-mining moth-apple tree relationship. Plant Cell Environ (2006) 0.92
Alteration and resilience of the soil microbial community following compost amendment: effects of compost level and compost-borne microbial community. Environ Microbiol (2006) 0.92
23 GHz Ge/SiGe multiple quantum well electro-absorption modulator. Opt Express (2012) 0.88
Diversity and structure of bacterial communities associated with Phanerochaete chrysosporium during wood decay. Environ Microbiol (2013) 0.88
Increased zinc content in transplastomic tobacco plants expressing a polyhistidine-tagged Rubisco large subunit. Plant Biotechnol J (2004) 0.87
Coupling sap flow velocity and amino acid concentrations as an alternative method to (15)N labeling for quantifying nitrogen remobilization by walnut trees. Plant Physiol (2002) 0.86
Nickel mine spoils revegetation attempts: effect of pioneer plants on two functional bacterial communities involved in the N-cycle. Environ Microbiol (2005) 0.86
High speed and high responsivity germanium photodetector integrated in a Silicon-On-Insulator microwaveguide. Opt Express (2007) 0.85
Quantum-confined Stark effect at 1.3 μm in Ge/Si(0.35)Ge(0.65) quantum-well structure. Opt Lett (2012) 0.83
Polarization dependence of quantum-confined Stark effect in Ge/SiGe quantum well planar waveguides. Opt Lett (2011) 0.83
Novel slow light waveguide with controllable delay-bandwidth product and utra-low dispersion. Opt Express (2010) 0.82
Enhanced localization of light in slow wave slot photonic crystal waveguides. Opt Lett (2012) 0.81
Liquid sensor based on high-Q slot photonic crystal cavity in silicon-on-insulator configuration. Opt Lett (2014) 0.81
Improvement of delay-bandwidth product in photonic crystal slow-light waveguides. Opt Express (2010) 0.81
Effects of crown development on leaf irradiance, leaf morphology and photosynthetic capacity in a peach tree. Tree Physiol (2002) 0.80
Leaf photosynthetic characteristics of beech (Fagus sylvatica) saplings during three years of exposure to elevated CO(2) concentration. Tree Physiol (2000) 0.80
Nitrogen availability, local light regime and leaf rank effects on the amount and sources of N allocated within the foliage of young walnut (Juglans nigra x regia) trees. Tree Physiol (2006) 0.80
Light emission in silicon from carbon nanotubes. ACS Nano (2012) 0.80
Wavelength dependence of Pockels effect in strained silicon waveguides. Opt Express (2014) 0.80
Optical modulation by carrier depletion in a silicon PIN diode. Opt Express (2006) 0.79
Optical microcavity with semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes. Opt Express (2010) 0.79
What determines the complex kinetics of stomatal conductance under blueless PAR in Festuca arundinacea? Subsequent effects on leaf transpiration. J Exp Bot (2010) 0.79
Mesophyll conductance with a twist. Plant Cell Environ (2014) 0.77
Elevated expression of PGR5 and NDH-H in bundle sheath chloroplasts in C4 flaveria species. Plant Cell Physiol (2010) 0.77
The effect of hydroxylamine on the activity and aggregate structure of autotrophic nitrifying bioreactor cultures. Biotechnol Bioeng (2009) 0.77
Global change could amplify fire effects on soil greenhouse gas emissions. PLoS One (2011) 0.77
Experimental demonstration of light bending at optical frequencies using a non-homogenizable graded photonic crystal. Opt Express (2012) 0.77
Spatial and temporal variations in leaf area index, specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen of two co-occurring savanna tree species. Tree Physiol (2004) 0.76
Integrated waveguide PIN photodiodes exploiting lateral Si/Ge/Si heterojunction. Opt Express (2017) 0.75
Near-field observation of beam steering in a photonic crystal superprism. Opt Lett (2011) 0.75
Dispersion control of silicon nanophotonic waveguides using sub-wavelength grating metamaterials in near- and mid-IR wavelengths. Opt Express (2017) 0.75
Sudden increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration reveals strong coupling between shoot carbon uptake and root nutrient uptake in young walnut trees. Tree Physiol (2005) 0.75
Mid-infrared Fourier-transform spectrometer based on metamaterial lateral cladding suspended silicon waveguides. Opt Lett (2022) 0.75
Narrow-linewidth carbon nanotube emission in silicon hollow-core photonic crystal cavity. Opt Lett (2017) 0.75
Highly sensitive refractive index sensing by fast detuning the critical coupling condition of slot waveguide ring resonators. Opt Lett (2016) 0.75
Optical pump-rejection filter based on silicon sub-wavelength engineered photonic structures. Opt Lett (2017) 0.75
Sharp bends and Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on Ge-rich-SiGe waveguides on SiGe graded buffer. Opt Express (2015) 0.75
Polarization beam splitting using a birefringent graded photonic crystal. Opt Lett (2013) 0.75
Compact wavelength-insensitive fabrication-tolerant silicon-on-insulator beam splitter. Opt Lett (2010) 0.75
Analysis of silicon-on-insulator slot waveguide ring resonators targeting high Q-factors. Opt Lett (2015) 0.75
Ultra-wideband Ge-rich silicon germanium integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer for mid-infrared spectroscopy. Opt Lett (2017) 0.75
L-shaped fiber-chip grating couplers with high directionality and low reflectivity fabricated with deep-UV lithography. Opt Lett (2017) 0.75
Silicon nanobeam cavity for ultra-localized light-matter interaction. Opt Lett (2017) 0.75
Six-year time course of light-use efficiency, carbon gain and growth of beech saplings (Fagus sylvatica) planted under a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) shelterwood. Tree Physiol (2007) 0.75
Enhanced nonlinear interaction in a microcavity under coherent excitation. Opt Express (2015) 0.75
Compact, low cross-talk CWDM demultiplexer using photonic crystal superprism. Opt Express (2008) 0.75