Published in Hippocampus on January 01, 2003
The medial temporal lobe and recognition memory. Annu Rev Neurosci (2007) 10.37
Recognition memory and the medial temporal lobe: a new perspective. Nat Rev Neurosci (2007) 5.74
Robust conjunctive item-place coding by hippocampal neurons parallels learning what happens where. J Neurosci (2009) 3.05
An unexpected sequence of events: mismatch detection in the human hippocampus. PLoS Biol (2006) 2.63
Two cortical systems for memory-guided behaviour. Nat Rev Neurosci (2012) 2.45
Effects of healthy aging on hippocampal and rhinal memory functions: an event-related fMRI study. Cereb Cortex (2006) 2.28
Medial temporal lobe activation during encoding and retrieval of novel face-name pairs. Hippocampus (2004) 2.18
Match mismatch processes underlie human hippocampal responses to associative novelty. J Neurosci (2007) 1.63
Imaging the human medial temporal lobe with high-resolution fMRI. Neuron (2010) 1.58
Towards a functional organization of the medial temporal lobe memory system: role of the parahippocampal and medial entorhinal cortical areas. Hippocampus (2008) 1.51
High-resolution fMRI of content-sensitive subsequent memory responses in human medial temporal lobe. J Cogn Neurosci (2010) 1.50
The perirhinal cortex and recognition memory interference. J Neurosci (2013) 1.44
Sleep after spatial learning promotes covert reorganization of brain activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 1.34
Memory in the aging brain: doubly dissociating the contribution of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus (2007) 1.32
More than a feeling: Pervasive influences of memory without awareness of retrieval. Cogn Neurosci (2012) 1.25
Neural correlates of conceptual implicit memory and their contamination of putative neural correlates of explicit memory. Learn Mem (2007) 1.21
An evaluation of recollection and familiarity in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment using receiver operating characteristics. Brain Cogn (2008) 1.19
Qualitatively different modes of perirhinal-hippocampal engagement when rats explore novel vs. familiar objects as revealed by c-Fos imaging. Eur J Neurosci (2009) 1.18
Memory signals are temporally dissociated in and across human hippocampus and perirhinal cortex. Nat Neurosci (2012) 1.15
fMR-Adaptation Reveals Invariant Coding of Biological Motion on the Human STS. Front Hum Neurosci (2010) 1.12
Dissociable contributions within the medial temporal lobe to encoding of object-location associations. Learn Mem (2005) 1.09
Distinct memory signatures in the hippocampus: intentional States distinguish match and mismatch enhancement signals. J Neurosci (2009) 1.08
Distinct and convergent visual processing of high and low spatial frequency information in faces. Cereb Cortex (2007) 1.07
Familiarity and conceptual priming engage distinct cortical networks. Cereb Cortex (2007) 1.04
An investigation of the effects of relative probability of old and new test items on the neural correlates of successful and unsuccessful source memory. Neuroimage (2008) 1.01
Influence of aging on the neural correlates of autobiographical, episodic, and semantic memory retrieval. J Cogn Neurosci (2011) 0.97
Interactions of memory and perception in amnesia: the figure-ground perspective. Cereb Cortex (2011) 0.96
Integrating visual and tactile information in the perirhinal cortex. Cereb Cortex (2009) 0.96
A medial temporal lobe division of labor: insights from memory in aging and early Alzheimer disease. Hippocampus (2011) 0.95
Face adaptation aftereffects reveal anterior medial temporal cortex role in high level category representation. Neuroimage (2007) 0.95
Associative learning over trials activates the hippocampus in healthy elderly but not mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn (2008) 0.95
Adaptation to cognitive context and item information in the medial temporal lobes. Neuropsychologia (2012) 0.94
The effects of rehearsal on the functional neuroanatomy of episodic autobiographical and semantic remembering: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurosci (2009) 0.93
Striatal and hippocampal entropy and recognition signals in category learning: simultaneous processes revealed by model-based fMRI. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn (2012) 0.93
Medial temporal lobe activity can distinguish between old and new stimuli independently of overt behavioral choice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 0.91
Decrements in hippocampal activity with item repetition during continuous recognition: an fMRI study. J Cogn Neurosci (2010) 0.90
Neural correlates of recognition memory for emotional faces and scenes. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2010) 0.90
The effects of aging on material-independent and material-dependent neural correlates of source memory retrieval. Cereb Cortex (2011) 0.85
The neural substrates of recognition memory for verbal information: spanning the divide between short- and long-term memory. J Cogn Neurosci (2010) 0.85
A broader view of perirhinal function: from recognition memory to fluency-based decisions. J Neurosci (2013) 0.83
Hippocampal networks habituate as novelty accumulates. Learn Mem (2013) 0.82
Is neocortical-hippocampal connectivity a better predictor of subsequent recollection than local increases in hippocampal activity? New insights on the role of priming. J Cogn Neurosci (2010) 0.81
Conserved fMRI and LFP signals during new associative learning in the human and macaque monkey medial temporal lobe. Neuron (2012) 0.81
Activity reductions in perirhinal cortex predict conceptual priming and familiarity-based recognition. Neuropsychologia (2013) 0.81
Familiar Face Detection in 180 ms. PLoS One (2015) 0.81
Medial temporal lobe-dependent repetition suppression and enhancement due to implicit vs. explicit processing of individual repeated search displays. Front Hum Neurosci (2012) 0.80
Spatiotemporal brain maps of delayed word repetition and recognition. Neuroimage (2005) 0.79
Using pictures and words to understand recognition memory deterioration in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease: a review. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep (2012) 0.79
Failure of repetition suppression and memory encoding in aging and Alzheimer's disease. Brain Imaging Behav (2011) 0.78
Prediction strength modulates responses in human area CA1 to sequence violations. J Neurophysiol (2015) 0.76
The neural correlates of correctly rejecting lures during memory retrieval: the role of item relatedness. Exp Brain Res (2015) 0.76
The Role of Medial Temporal Lobe Regions in Incidental and Intentional Retrieval of Item and Relational Information in Aging. Hippocampus (2016) 0.76
On Known Unknowns: Fluency and the Neural Mechanisms of Illusory Truth. J Cogn Neurosci (2016) 0.75
Tactile Object Familiarity in the Blind Brain Reveals the Supramodal Perceptual-Mnemonic Nature of the Perirhinal Cortex. Front Hum Neurosci (2016) 0.75
Decrease in gamma-band activity tracks sequence learning. Front Syst Neurosci (2015) 0.75
How Negative Social Bias Affects Memory for Faces: An Electrical Neuroimaging Study. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
Spatio-temporal dynamics and laterality effects of face inversion, feature presence and configuration, and face outline. Front Hum Neurosci (2014) 0.75
Independent contributions of fMRI familiarity and novelty effects to recognition memory and their stability across the adult lifespan. Neuroimage (2017) 0.75
Event-related fMRI: characterizing differential responses. Neuroimage (1998) 8.30
Guidelines for using human event-related potentials to study cognition: recording standards and publication criteria. Psychophysiology (2000) 5.83
Recollection and familiarity in recognition memory: an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurosci (1999) 3.34
Detecting latency differences in event-related BOLD responses: application to words versus nonwords and initial versus repeated face presentations. Neuroimage (2002) 2.93
Depth of processing effects on neural correlates of memory encoding: relationship between findings from across- and within-task comparisons. Brain (2001) 2.31
Neural response suppression, haemodynamic repetition effects, and behavioural priming. Neuropsychologia (2003) 2.21
Electrophysiological and haemodynamic correlates of face perception, recognition and priming. Cereb Cortex (2003) 2.08
An event-related potential study of recognition memory with and without retrieval of source. Brain (1996) 2.03
When more means less: neural activity related to unsuccessful memory encoding. Curr Biol (2001) 1.75
Confidence in recognition memory for words: dissociating right prefrontal roles in episodic retrieval. J Cogn Neurosci (2000) 1.72
The effects of semantic priming and work repetition on event-related potentials. Psychophysiology (1985) 1.71
The effect of repetition lag on electrophysiological and haemodynamic correlates of visual object priming. Neuroimage (2004) 1.68
The functional neuroanatomy of episodic memory. Trends Neurosci (1997) 1.67
Dissociable human perirhinal, hippocampal, and parahippocampal roles during verbal encoding. J Neurosci (2002) 1.66
Neural activity associated with episodic memory for emotional context. Neuropsychologia (2001) 1.65
fMRI correlates of the episodic retrieval of emotional contexts. Neuroimage (2004) 1.65
Task-dependency of the neural correlates of episodic encoding as measured by fMRI. Cereb Cortex (2001) 1.60
Lexical contribution to nonword-repetition effects: evidence from event-related potentials. Mem Cognit (1987) 1.33
Context effects on the neural correlates of recognition memory: an electrophysiological study. Neuron (2001) 1.31
Event-related potentials and the semantic matching of pictures. Brain Cogn (1990) 1.31
Event-related potentials in phonological matching tasks. Brain Lang (1984) 1.24
Recognition memory for emotionally negative and neutral words: an ERP study. Neuropsychologia (2000) 1.21
Electrophysiological evidence for dissociable processes contributing to recollection. Acta Psychol (Amst) (1998) 1.16
Recognition memory with and without retrieval of context: an event-related potential study. Neuropsychologia (1995) 1.15
Electrophysiological correlates of the retrieval of emotional and non-emotional context. J Cogn Neurosci (2001) 1.14
Modulation of event-related potentials by word repetition: the effects of inter-item lag. Psychophysiology (1989) 1.14
A multivariate analysis of evoked responses in EEG and MEG data. Neuroimage (1996) 1.13
Regional specificity of age effects on the neural correlates of episodic retrieval. Neurobiol Aging (2007) 1.12
Recognition memory for new associations: electrophysiological evidence for the role of recollection. Neuropsychologia (1998) 1.09
Event-related potentials and the phonological processing of words and non-words. Neuropsychologia (1984) 1.05
Event-related potentials and the matching of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Neuropsychologia (1988) 1.05
Word and nonword repetition within- and across-modality: an event-related potential study. J Cogn Neurosci (1995) 1.04
Event-related potentials and the semantic matching of faces. Neuropsychologia (1989) 1.02
Age effects on brain activity associated with episodic memory retrieval. An electrophysiological study. Brain (1998) 1.02
Event-related potentials and the recognition memory exclusion task. Neuropsychologia (1997) 0.99
An event-related potential study of memory for words spoken aloud or heard. Neuropsychologia (1997) 0.98
Modulation of visual event-related potentials by spatial and non-spatial visual selective attention. Neuropsychologia (1987) 0.98
Association between flashbacks and structural brain abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder. Eur Psychiatry (2011) 0.95
Recurrent detoxification may elevate alcohol craving as measured by the Obsessive Compulsive Drinking scale. Alcohol (2000) 0.93
An event-related potential study of explicit memory on tests of cued recall and recognition. Neuropsychologia (1997) 0.93
The effects of task on the modulation of event-related potentials by word repetition. Psychophysiology (1988) 0.93
Visual evoked potentials to lateralized visual stimuli and the measurement of interhemispheric transmission time. Neuropsychologia (1984) 0.92
Event-related potential studies of associative recognition and recall: electrophysiological evidence for context dependent retrieval processes. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res (1999) 0.91
The effect of stimulus intensity on visual evoked potential estimates of interhemispheric transmission time. Exp Brain Res (1984) 0.91
A comparison of the electrophysiological effects of formal and repetition priming. Psychophysiology (1996) 0.90
Event-related potentials and recognition memory for low- and high-frequency words. J Cogn Neurosci (1992) 0.90
Electrophysiological correlates of memory encoding are task-dependent. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res (2001) 0.90
Word frequency and multiple repetition as determinants of the modulation of event-related potentials in a semantic classification task. Psychophysiology (1992) 0.90
Event-related potentials and the phonological matching of picture names. Brain Lang (1990) 0.89
Cognitive brain potentials and regional cerebral blood flow equivalents during two- and three-sound auditory "oddball tasks". Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1995) 0.89
An event-related potential study of retroactive interference in memory. Neuroreport (1997) 0.88
Effects of tryptophan depletion on brain potential correlates of episodic memory retrieval. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2002) 0.86
Recognition memory for words and pictures: an event-related potential study. Neuroreport (1997) 0.86
Electrophysiological measures of episodic memory control and memory retrieval. Clin EEG Neurosci (2006) 0.85
The effect of encoding manipulations on neural correlates of episodic retrieval. Neuropsychologia (2000) 0.83
The role of the right anterior prefrontal cortex in episodic retrieval. Neuroimage (2000) 0.83
An event-related potential study of word-stem cued recall. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res (1996) 0.82
Asymmetry in EEG alpha coherence and power: effects of task and sex. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1978) 0.82
Visual evoked potentials to lateralised stimuli in two cases of callosal agenesis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (1985) 0.82
Electrophysiological dissociation of recency and recognition memory. Neuropsychologia (1998) 0.82
An electrophysiological study of boundary conditions for control of recollection in the exclusion task. Brain Res (2010) 0.81
Dissociation of alpha and theta activity as a function of verbal and visuospatial tasks. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1982) 0.81
The effects of scopolamine on event-related potentials in a continuous recognition memory task. Psychophysiology (1992) 0.81
Neural correlates of cued recall with and without retrieval of source memory. Neuroreport (1998) 0.81
Memory retrieval processing: neural indices of processes supporting episodic retrieval. Neuropsychologia (2005) 0.81
Scopolamine impairs memory performance and reduces frontal but not parietal visual P3 amplitude. Biol Psychol (2000) 0.80
Effects of repeated cortisol administration on brain potential correlates of episodic memory retrieval. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2001) 0.80
Latencies of visually responsive neurons in various regions of the rhesus monkey brain and their relation to human visual responses. Biol Psychol (1988) 0.79
The effect of retrieval cues on post-retrieval monitoring in episodic memory: an electrophysiological study. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res (2001) 0.79
Modulation of event-related potentials by word repetition: the role of visual selective attention. Psychophysiology (1993) 0.78
Phonological similarity effects, memory span and developmental reading disorders: the nature of the relationship. Br J Psychol (1987) 0.78
Asymmetries in event-related potentials during rhyme-matching: confirmation of the null effects of handedness. Neuropsychologia (1989) 0.78
Prenatal and perinatal lead exposures alter acoustic cry parameters of neonate. Neurotoxicol Teratol (1995) 0.77
Word repetition within- and across-visual fields: an event-related potential study. Neuropsychologia (1998) 0.77
Indexing strategic retrieval of colour information with event-related potentials. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res (2005) 0.77
Electrophysiological insights into control over recollection. Cogn Neurosci (2012) 0.77
Electrophysiological correlates of familiarity in recognition memory and exclusion tasks. Brain Res (2006) 0.77
A comparative study of ERP correlates of psychometric and Piagetian intelligence measures in normal and hyperactive children. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1995) 0.76
The specificity of intrahemispheric EEG alpha coherence asymmetry related to psychological task. Biol Psychol (1979) 0.76
Interhemispheric asymmetries in the visual evoked response: effects of stimulus lateralisation and task. Biol Psychol (1978) 0.76
Further study of the electrophysiological correlates of lexical decision. Brain Lang (1983) 0.76
EEG correlates of the acquisition of high- and low-imagery words. Neurosci Lett (1980) 0.76
Further investigation of visual evoked potentials elicited by lateralized stimuli: effects of stimulus eccentricity and reference site. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol (1985) 0.75
ERP changes with intelligence and development in children. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl (1995) 0.75
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[The neurophysiology of the interaction between attention and episodic memory: a review of studies into the visual mode]. Rev Neurol (2005) 0.75
Late positive component correlates of verbal and visuospatial processing. Biol Psychol (1979) 0.75
The effects of handedness on event-related potentials in a rhyme-matching task. Neuropsychologia (1985) 0.75