Published in Plant Physiol on July 01, 2003
Root traits contributing to plant productivity under drought. Front Plant Sci (2013) 1.61
Root attributes affecting water uptake of rice (Oryza sativa) under drought. J Exp Bot (2012) 1.16
Root morphology, hydraulic conductivity and plant water relations of high-yielding rice grown under aerobic conditions. Ann Bot (2011) 1.11
Contrasting drought tolerance strategies in two desert annuals of hybrid origin. J Exp Bot (2010) 0.89
Water relations of Chusquea ramosissima and Merostachys claussenii in Iguazu National Park, Argentina. Plant Physiol (2009) 0.85
Physiological mechanisms contributing to the QTL-combination effects on improved performance of IR64 rice NILs under drought. J Exp Bot (2015) 0.82
The role of water channel proteins in facilitating recovery of leaf hydraulic conductance from water stress in Populus trichocarpa. PLoS One (2014) 0.78
Introgression of two chromosome regions for leaf photosynthesis from an indica rice into the genetic background of a japonica rice. J Exp Bot (2014) 0.77
Outside-xylem vulnerability, not xylem embolism, controls leaf hydraulic decline during dehydration. Plant Physiol (2017) 0.77
Herb Hydraulics: Inter- and Intraspecific Variation in Three Ranunculus Species. Plant Physiol (2016) 0.75
In vivo dynamic analysis of water refilling in embolized xylem vessels of intact Zea mays leaves. Ann Bot (2016) 0.75
Fine Mapping of Carbon Assimilation Rate 8, a Quantitative Trait Locus for Flag Leaf Nitrogen Content, Stomatal Conductance and Photosynthesis in Rice. Front Plant Sci (2017) 0.75
Hydraulic properties of fronds from palms of varying height and habitat. Oecologia (2011) 0.75
Spring filling of xylem vessels in wild grapevine. Plant Physiol (1987) 7.02
Do woody plants operate near the point of catastrophic xylem dysfunction caused by dynamic water stress? : answers from a model. Plant Physiol (1988) 3.77
Hydrogel control of xylem hydraulic resistance in plants. Science (2001) 3.26
Embolism repair and xylem tension: Do We need a miracle? Plant Physiol (1999) 2.98
Refilling of embolized vessels in young stems of laurel. Do We need a new paradigm? Plant Physiol (1999) 2.69
Detection of Xylem Cavitation in Corn under Field Conditions. Plant Physiol (1986) 2.38
Hydraulic conductivity of rice roots. J Exp Bot (2001) 2.23
Studies of Root Function in Zea mays: III. Xylem Sap Composition at Maximum Root Pressure Provides Evidence of Active Transport into the Xylem and a Measurement of the Reflection Coefficient of the Root. Plant Physiol (1985) 1.96
Genotypic variability in vulnerability of leaf xylem to cavitation in water-stressed and well-irrigated sugarcane. Plant Physiol (1992) 1.01
Global convergence in the vulnerability of forests to drought. Nature (2012) 3.91
The roles of hydraulic and carbon stress in a widespread climate-induced forest die-off. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 2.34
Scaling of angiosperm xylem structure with safety and efficiency. Tree Physiol (2006) 2.10
Analysis of circular bordered pit function II. Gymnosperm tracheids with torus-margo pit membranes. Am J Bot (2004) 2.02
Testing hypotheses that link wood anatomy to cavitation resistance and hydraulic conductivity in the genus Acer. New Phytol (2010) 1.93
Water transport in plants obeys Murray's law. Nature (2003) 1.80
Testing the 'rare pit' hypothesis for xylem cavitation resistance in three species of Acer. New Phytol (2009) 1.45
Coordination between water transport capacity, biomass growth, metabolic scaling and species stature in co-occurring shrub and tree species. Plant Cell Environ (2014) 1.44
Torus-margo pits help conifers compete with angiosperms. Science (2005) 1.40
Shoot dieback during prolonged drought in Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae) chaparral of California: a possible case of hydraulic failure. Am J Bot (2002) 1.35
Analysis of freeze-thaw embolism in conifers. The interaction between cavitation pressure and tracheid size. Plant Physiol (2005) 1.33
Evaluation of centrifugal methods for measuring xylem cavitation in conifers, diffuse- and ring-porous angiosperms. New Phytol (2007) 1.27
Freeze-thaw-induced embolism in Pinus contorta: centrifuge experiments validate the 'thaw-expansion hypothesis' but conflict with ultrasonic emission data. New Phytol (2009) 1.25
Mechanical reinforcement of tracheids compromises the hydraulic efficiency of conifer xylem. Plant Cell Environ (2006) 1.24
Cavitation fatigue and its reversal in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). J Exp Bot (2002) 1.14
Inter-tracheid pitting and the hydraulic efficiency of conifer wood: the role of tracheid allometry and cavitation protection. Am J Bot (2006) 1.12
The evaluation of Murray's law in Psilotum nudum (Psilotaceae), an analogue of ancestral vascular plants. Am J Bot (2005) 1.06
Patterns in hydraulic architecture and their implications for transport efficiency. Tree Physiol (2005) 1.05
Rare pits, large vessels and extreme vulnerability to cavitation in a ring-porous tree species. New Phytol (2011) 1.02
Evaluating theories of drought-induced vegetation mortality using a multimodel-experiment framework. New Phytol (2013) 1.02
An empirical assessment of tree branching networks and implications for plant allometric scaling models. Ecol Lett (2013) 0.99
Embolized conduits of rice (Oryza sativa, Poaceae) refill despite negative xylem pressure. Am J Bot (2005) 0.99
Wood anatomy constrains stomatal responses to atmospheric vapor pressure deficit in irrigated, urban trees. Oecologia (2008) 0.99
The standard centrifuge method accurately measures vulnerability curves of long-vesselled olive stems. New Phytol (2014) 0.95
Linking irradiance-induced changes in pit membrane ultrastructure with xylem vulnerability to cavitation. Plant Cell Environ (2010) 0.94
Moving water well: comparing hydraulic efficiency in twigs and trunks of coniferous, ring-porous, and diffuse-porous saplings from temperate and tropical forests. New Phytol (2010) 0.92
Embolism resistance as a key mechanism to understand adaptive plant strategies. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2013) 0.91
Single-vessel flow measurements indicate scalariform perforation plates confer higher flow resistance than previously estimated. Plant Cell Environ (2009) 0.91
Deviation from symmetrically self-similar branching in trees predicts altered hydraulics, mechanics, light interception and metabolic scaling. New Phytol (2013) 0.91
A case-study of water transport in co-occurring ring- versus diffuse-porous trees: contrasts in water-status, conducting capacity, cavitation and vessel refilling. Tree Physiol (2008) 0.91
Contrasting drought tolerance strategies in two desert annuals of hybrid origin. J Exp Bot (2010) 0.89
Improving xylem hydraulic conductivity measurements by correcting the error caused by passive water uptake. Physiol Plant (2012) 0.89
Calibration of thermal dissipation sap flow probes for ring- and diffuse-porous trees. Tree Physiol (2010) 0.87
Hydraulic limits preceding mortality in a piñon-juniper woodland under experimental drought. Plant Cell Environ (2012) 0.87
Comparative hydraulic architecture of tropical tree species representing a range of successional stages and wood density. Oecologia (2011) 0.82
Murray's law, the 'Yarrum' optimum, and the hydraulic architecture of compound leaves. New Phytol (2009) 0.78