Published in Am J Bioeth on January 01, 2003
Male circumcision for the prevention of acquisition and transmission of sexually transmitted infections: the case for neonatal circumcision. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2010) 3.84
Rates of adverse events associated with male circumcision in U.S. medical settings, 2001 to 2010. JAMA Pediatr (2014) 2.01
A 'snip' in time: what is the best age to circumcise? BMC Pediatr (2012) 1.36
Male circumcision and HIV prevention: ethical, medical and public health tradeoffs in low-income countries. J Med Ethics (2007) 1.34
Value judgment, harm, and religious liberty. J Med Ethics (2004) 1.13
Standards for family decisions: replacing best interests with harm prevention. Am J Bioeth (2003) 1.02
Birthing ethics: what mothers, families, childbirth educators, nurses, and physicians should know about the ethics of childbirth. J Perinat Educ (2009) 1.02
Male circumcision in the United States for the prevention of HIV infection and other adverse health outcomes: report from a CDC consultation. Public Health Rep (2010) 0.96
Social norm theory and male circumcision: why parents circumcise. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.94
The ethics of neonatal male circumcision: a Catholic perspective. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.92
Male circumcision, religious preferences, and the question of harm. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.90
Circumcision--a Victorian relic lacking ethical, medical, or legal justification. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.85
Who speaks for sons? Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.84
What is mutilation? Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.81
I paid out-of-pocket for my son's circumcision at Happy Valley Tattoo and Piercing: alternative framings of the debate over routine neonatal male circumcision. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.81
Cutting history, cutting culture: female circumcision in the United States. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.81
Neonatal male circumcision: ethical issues and physician responsibility. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.81
A covenant with the status quo? Male circumcision and the new BMA guidance to doctors. J Med Ethics (2005) 0.80
Physician obligation, cultural factors, and neonatal male circumcision. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.80
Erectile function in circumcised and uncircumcised men in Lusaka, Zambia: A cross-sectional study. Afr J Prim Health Care Fam Med (2015) 0.78
Circumcision as human-rights violation: assessing Benatar and Benatar. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.77
Can anyone authorize the nontherapeutic permanent alteration of a child's body? Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.76
Nontherapeutic circumcision is ethically bankrupt. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.76
Critical evaluation of unscientific arguments disparaging affirmative infant male circumcision policy. World J Clin Pediatr (2016) 0.75
Cultural bias in responses to male and female genital surgeries. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.75
Respect for bodily integrity: a Catholic perspective on circumcision in Catholic hospitals. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.75
Male neonatal circumcision: ritual or public-health imperative. Am J Bioeth (2003) 0.75
Procreative permissiveness. J Med Ethics (2014) 0.91
The chickens come home to roost. Am J Public Health (2007) 0.78
My turn and my right. Lancet (2012) 0.75
From medical manners to moral reasoning: an historical overview of bioethics in the University of Cape Town's Faculty of Health Sciences. S Afr Med J (2012) 0.75
There's no method in the badness. Bioethics (2012) 0.75