Published in Proc Soc Exp Biol Med on August 01, 1955
Lipoperoxidation in the pathogenesis of renal necrosis in choline-deficient rats. Am J Pathol (1969) 0.79
The etiology and treatment of acute post-traumatic renal failure. J Natl Med Assoc (1961) 0.78
Pathogenesis of the renal injury in choline deficiency: the role of catecholamines and acetylcholine. Br J Exp Pathol (1979) 0.75
Nephrotoxic serum nephritis in rats. I. Distribution and specificity of the antigen responsible for the production of nephrotoxic antibodies. J Exp Med (1956) 2.61
Nephrotoxic serum nephritis in rats. II. Preparation and characterization of a soluble protective factor produced by trypsin digestion of rat tissue homogenates. J Exp Med (1956) 1.35
Evaluative procedures for filmforming materials used in pharmaceutical applications. J Pharm Sci (1962) 1.22
Hyperlipoproteinemia in nephrosis. Arch Intern Med (1962) 1.21
Serum lipid and lipoprotein alterations in nephrosis. J Clin Invest (1960) 1.03
The nephrotic syndrome; clinical observations on therapy with prednisone and other steroids. J Am Med Assoc (1957) 0.94
The male homosexual and venereal disease. Acta Derm Venereol (1962) 0.91
Nephrotic syndrome in congenital quartan malaria. J Am Med Assoc (1956) 0.88
A bone disorder associated with copper deficiency. I. Gross morphological, roentgenological, and chemical observations. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp (1953) 0.87
A bone disorder associated with copper deficiency. II. Histological and chemical studies on the bones. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp (1953) 0.86
Protective effect of thiouracil and dibenamine against renal injury due to choline deficiency; influence of endocrine and autonomic systems. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1953) 0.85
Effects of infusions of serum albumin on serum lipids and lipoproteins in nephrosis. J Clin Invest (1961) 0.85
Nikolsky sign; page from notable contributors to the knowledge of dermatology. AMA Arch Derm Syphilol (1953) 0.83
Protection against fatal renal injury due to choline deficiency by renal decapsulation. J Exp Med (1952) 0.83
Effects of aureomycin on renal lesions, liver lipid, and tissue choline in choline deficiency. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1952) 0.81
Effects of dextran, polyvinylpyrrolidone and gamma globulin on the hyperlipidemia of experimental nephrosis. J Clin Invest (1961) 0.81
Hepatic and renal injury with calcium deposits and cirrhosis produced in rats by pyridine. Am J Pathol (1948) 0.81
Effects of proteinuria on the kidney; proteinuria, renal enlargement, and renal injury consequent on protracted parenteral administration of protein solutions in rats. J Exp Med (1949) 0.80
Tubular reabsorption of protein in experimentally produced proteinuria in rats. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1956) 0.80
Antidiuretic effect of renin in the dog. Am J Physiol (1954) 0.79
A study of the hemorrhagic-kidney syndrome of choline deficiency: the protective effect of starch. J Nutr (1947) 0.78
Lymphosarcoma of the small intestine and its mesentery. Gastroenterology (1955) 0.77
The esoteric male as a focus for spread of venereal diseases. Acta Derm Venereol (1957) 0.76
The male homosexual and venereal diseases; the homosexual male is a victim and transfer agent of venereal disease particularly syphilis in New York City; analyses of statistics of Annual Report of Magistrates, Courts, 1957, imply dangers of unwitting infection. Acta Derm Venereol (1958) 0.76
Effects of proteinuria on the kidney. J Clin Invest (1948) 0.75
Tattoo. Urol Cutaneous Rev (1946) 0.75
Action of chemical reducing agents on the skin and errors in concept of allergy and dermatitis induced thereby. Med World (New York) (1947) 0.75
Authors and titles in dermatology, published in North America and in the United States prior to 1846. Urol Cutaneous Rev (1949) 0.75
Studies of the mechanisms of liver and kidney injury; a comparison of the effects of pyridine and methyl pyridinium chloride in the rat. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1947) 0.75
How VD contact interviewers break down the "no patient". J Soc Hyg (1951) 0.75
Congenital syphilis. Am J Nurs (1952) 0.75
The trail from alchemy to pharmacology. Med Times (1946) 0.75
The anemia of copper deficiency in dogs compared with that produced by iron deficiency. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp (1953) 0.75
The acid mantle of the skin surface. Ind Med Surg (1958) 0.75
Your skin and your nerves. Merck Rep (1948) 0.75
Let's look at your hair. RN (1950) 0.75
Early contributors to the construction of the thermometer. Med Times (1956) 0.75
Venereal disease circa 1800 as recorded in the medical repository. N Y State J Med (1956) 0.75
Profile: Emil Noeggerath, first gynecologist to the Mount Sinai Hospital. J Mt Sinai Hosp N Y (1957) 0.75
The hypodermic syringe; the early history with notes on the forgotten anatomical instrument. Med Times (1956) 0.75
Theoretical and practical considerations in formulation of prescriptions for skin diseases. Urol Cutaneous Rev (1949) 0.75
Circulatory disturbances in hepatic and renal cortical necrosis. Fed Proc (1948) 0.75
Prescription writing for patients with acne. NY Med (1949) 0.75
Dermatologic formulary. Merck Rep (1948) 0.75
Prescription writing by the general practitioner for patients with skin ailments: ringworm of the toe spaces, tinea versicolor, tinea circinata, tinea of the groin, and so-called tricophytid. Merck Rep (1951) 0.75
The in-patient syphilis department of the hospital as a prophylactic measure. Urol Cutaneous Rev (1946) 0.75
Public health aspects of social hygiene in New York City: treatment of gonorrhea past and present. N Y State J Med (1957) 0.75
Suitable bases for scalp medicaments. Am Prof Pharm (1948) 0.75
Prescription writing for dermatoses; for those patients with symptoms common to eczema and dermatitis. Med Times (1957) 0.75
Pioneers in modern public health to the year of decision, 1848. Med Times (1956) 0.75
History of dermatology. N Y State J Med (1956) 0.75
Studies of the mechanisms of liver and kidney injury; methionine protects against damage produced in the rat by diets containing pyridine. J Pharmacol Exp Ther (1947) 0.75
The nail and its diseases. Urol Cutaneous Rev (1945) 0.75
The mechanisms of the liver and kidney injury produced by toxic substances; some effects of pyridine and their prevention by methionine. J Clin Invest (1946) 0.75
Dermatitis due to preparation and administration of penicillin solution. Arch Derm Syphilol (1946) 0.75
[Not Available]. Farmaceutico (1945) 0.75
Rational pharmaceutic treatment of diseases of the skin. Arch Derm Syphilol (1946) 0.75
Pachyonychia congenita. Urol Cutaneous Rev (1946) 0.75
Nails, their malformations and diseases. N Y State Pharm (1946) 0.75
Ringworm of the toes. Med World (New York) (1946) 0.75
Eczema of the hands--is it a diagnosis of ignorance? Urol Cutaneous Rev (1946) 0.75
Practical hints in dermatology. GP (1950) 0.75
A census of chiropractors; who should compile it. N Y State J Med (1958) 0.75
Esophageal obstruction by aneurysm of lower thoracic aorta; a case report. Va Med Mon (1918) (1956) 0.75
Acne vulgaris; practical hints in dermatology. Med Times (1957) 0.75
Renal lesions in portal cirrhosis. Arch Pathol (Chic) (1946) 0.75
Prescription writing for skin ailments. GP (1951) 0.75
[Method of overcoming the reluctance of venereal patients to reveal their contacts]. Bol Of Sanit Panam (Engl) (1952) 0.75
Adrenocorticotropin and corticoid treatment of the nephrotic syndrome. Metabolism (1958) 0.75
The clinic for the treatment of syphilitics. Urol Cutaneous Rev (1946) 0.75
Manifestations of extrinsic pressure on the intestines by distended urinary bladder. Va Med Mon (1918) (1953) 0.75
Thoughts on dispensing for dermatology. Am Prof Pharm (1946) 0.75
In-patient intensive treatment of the syphilitic patient with infectious lesions; the logical step in prophylaxis. Urol Cutaneous Rev (1946) 0.75
John Friend Mahoney; 1889-1957. Med Times (1958) 0.75
Notable contributors to our knowledge of syphilis. Med Times (1947) 0.75
Pyridine liver and kidney injury in rats; the influence of diet, with particular attention to methionine, cystine, and choline. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp (1949) 0.75