Published in Bull World Health Organ on January 01, 1964
A serological survey for cholear antibodies in rural east Pakistan. 1. The distribution of antibody in the control population of a cholera-vaccine field-trial area and the relation of antibody titre to the pattern of endemic cholera. Bull World Health Organ (1968) 4.53
A review of recent trends in cholera research and control. With an annex on the isolation and identification of cholera vibrios. Bull World Health Organ (1966) 2.61
Interventions for the control of diarrhoeal diseases among young children: chemoprophylaxis. Bull World Health Organ (1985) 1.03
The control of cholera. Bull N Y Acad Med (1971) 0.86
Bacterial shedding in household contacts of cholera patients in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Am J Trop Med Hyg (2014) 0.82
Cholera carrier studies in Calcutta, 1968. Joint ICMR-GWB-WHO Cholera Study Group, Calcutta, Inia. Bull World Health Organ (1970) 0.75
Bacterial conjunctivitis caused by an eye ointment base used as a placebo in therapeutic trials. Am J Ophthalmol (1961) 1.27
Field studies of protection from infection by experimental trachoma virus vaccine in preschool-aged children on Taiwan. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med (1963) 1.21
Encephalitis on Taiwan. I. Introduction and epidemiology. Am J Trop Med Hyg (1962) 0.83
Preliminary report on field studies of trachoma vaccine on Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc (1961) 0.78
Bacterial conjunctivitis caused by a base eye ointment used as a placebo. Rep U S Nav Med Res Lab (1960) 0.76
[EVALUATION OF LOBECTOMY IN LUNG CANCER]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi (1963) 0.75
[TREATMENT OF CARDIOSPASM]. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi (1964) 0.75
Posterolateral tract disease possibly due to epidemic encephalitis. Chin Med J (1952) 0.75
A differential medium for the isolation of V. cholerae. Chin Med J (1947) 0.75