Published in Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med on January 01, 2004
Increasing physical activity and decreasing sedentary activity in adolescent girls--the Incorporating More Physical Activity and Calcium in Teens (IMPACT) study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2008) 0.88
What's new in emergencies trauma and shock? Outpatient follow-up after traumatic injury: Challenges and opportunities. J Emerg Trauma Shock (2014) 0.75
Parental vaccine safety concerns in 2009. Pediatrics (2010) 2.31
Uninsured adults presenting to US emergency departments: assumptions vs data. JAMA (2008) 2.15
Adoption of electronic health records in primary care pediatric practices. Pediatrics (2006) 2.06
Do outcomes vary according to the source of admission to the pediatric intensive care unit? Pediatr Crit Care Med (2008) 1.74
Tailored mobile phone text messages as an adjunct to obesity treatment for adolescents. J Telemed Telecare (2010) 1.68
Fathers' depression related to positive and negative parenting behaviors with 1-year-old children. Pediatrics (2011) 1.66
One-year uptake of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: a national survey of family physicians and pediatricians. J Am Board Fam Pract (2003) 1.60
Primary care physician perspectives on reimbursement for childhood immunizations. Pediatrics (2008) 1.59
Rates and correlates of violent behaviors among adolescents treated in an urban emergency department. J Adolesc Health (2009) 1.54
Sources and perceived credibility of vaccine-safety information for parents. Pediatrics (2011) 1.53
Use of practice guidelines in the primary care of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatrics (2004) 1.50
Characteristics and outcomes of interhospital transfers from level II to level I pediatric intensive care units. Pediatr Crit Care Med (2006) 1.50
Intracranial pressure monitoring in childhood meningitis with coma: a national survey of neurosurgeons in the United States. Pediatr Crit Care Med (2011) 1.44
Going back for more: an evaluation of clinical outcomes and characteristics of readmissions to a pediatric intensive care unit. Pediatr Crit Care Med (2007) 1.44
OMG do not say LOL: obese adolescents' perspectives on the content of text messages to enhance weight loss efforts. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2011) 1.34
Incremental hospital charges associated with obesity as a secondary diagnosis in children. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2007) 1.33
Parents' views on 3 shot-related visits: implications for use of adolescent vaccines like human papillomavirus vaccine. Acad Pediatr (2009) 1.32
Estimated cost-effectiveness of growth hormone therapy for idiopathic short stature. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2006) 1.28
Variation in provider vaccine purchase prices and payer reimbursement. Pediatrics (2008) 1.27
Inpatient health care utilization for children dependent on long-term mechanical ventilation. Pediatrics (2011) 1.26
A national survey of physician practices regarding influenza vaccine. J Gen Intern Med (2002) 1.25
Parental vaccine safety concerns. The experiences of pediatricians and family physicians. Am J Prev Med (2004) 1.20
Primary care physician perspectives on providing adult vaccines. Vaccine (2011) 1.16
Influence of insurance status and vaccine cost on physicians' administration of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Pediatrics (2003) 1.12
Preschool vision screening by family physicians. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus (2007) 1.11
Redefining meaningful use: achieving interoperability with immunization registries. Am J Prev Med (2012) 1.10
Michigan Medicaid's Healthy Kids Dental program: an assessment of the first 12 months. J Am Dent Assoc (2003) 1.10
Completeness and complexity of information available to parents from newborn-screening programs. Pediatrics (2005) 1.09
Persistent gap of incremental charges for obesity as a secondary diagnosis in common pediatric hospitalizations. J Hosp Med (2009) 1.08
Parents' interest in predictive genetic testing for their children when a disease has no treatment. Pediatrics (2009) 1.08
Preschool vision screening in pediatric practices. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (2006) 1.07
Adolescent Tdap vaccine use among primary care physicians. J Adolesc Health (2008) 1.06
Epidemiology of psychiatric-related visits to emergency departments in a multicenter collaborative research pediatric network. Pediatr Emerg Care (2009) 1.04
Spirometry use among pediatric primary care physicians. Pediatrics (2010) 1.04
A national survey of pediatric critical care resources in the United States. Pediatrics (2005) 1.03
Eat, play, love: adolescent and parent perceptions of the components of a multidisciplinary weight management program. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (2012) 1.02
Usual source of care and unmet need among vulnerable children: 1998-2006. Pediatrics (2009) 1.02
Parents' trust in their child's physician: using an adapted Trust in Physician Scale. Ambul Pediatr (2006) 1.01
Results from a clinical multidisciplinary weight management program. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (2010) 1.01
Appropriateness of children's nonurgent visits to selected Michigan emergency departments. Pediatr Emerg Care (2007) 1.00
Informing parents about newborn screening. Public Health Nurs (2005) 1.00
Parents' concern about their own and their children's genetic disease risk: potential effects of family history vs genetic test results. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2008) 1.00
Adolescent preventive health care: what do parents want? J Pediatr (2009) 1.00
False-positive newborn screening result and future health care use in a state Medicaid cohort. Pediatrics (2011) 0.99
Primary care physicians' attitudes regarding follow-up care for children with positive newborn screening results. Pediatrics (2006) 0.99
To cut or not to cut: physicians' perspectives on referring adolescents for bariatric surgery. Obes Surg (2010) 0.98
CHIAS: a standardized measure of parental HPV immunization attitudes and beliefs and its associations with vaccine uptake. Sex Transm Dis (2012) 0.98
Primary care physician perspectives on reimbursement for childhood immunizations. Pediatrics (2009) 0.98
Physician perspectives regarding annual influenza vaccination among children with asthma. Ambul Pediatr (2008) 0.96
Seasonal influenza vaccination reminders for children with high-risk conditions: a registry-based randomized trial. Am J Prev Med (2012) 0.95
Effect of interhospital transfer on resource utilization and outcomes at a tertiary pediatric intensive care unit. J Crit Care (2009) 0.93
Medical home disparities between children with public and private insurance. Acad Pediatr (2011) 0.93
Physicians' perspectives on increasing the use of BMI charts for young children. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (2008) 0.92
Comparing the self-reported referral and management preferences of pediatricians and family physicians for children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol (2003) 0.92
Perspectives and preferences among the general public regarding physician selection and board certification. J Pediatr (2010) 0.92
Variation in public and private supply of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine during a shortage. JAMA (2003) 0.92
Guidelines for adolescent well care: is there consensus? Curr Opin Pediatr (2006) 0.92
Effect of missed opportunities on influenza vaccination rates among children with asthma. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2006) 0.91
Physician attitudes regarding breakthrough varicella disease and a potential second dose of varicella vaccine. Pediatrics (2007) 0.91
2009 seasonal and H1N1 influenza vaccination compliance in asthmatic children and adults. J Allergy Clin Immunol (2010) 0.90
Using Medicaid claims to identify children with asthma. J Public Health Manag Pract (2012) 0.90
To pay or not to pay: public perception regarding insurance coverage of obesity treatment. Obesity (Silver Spring) (2013) 0.90
Hearing and vision screening program for school-aged children. Am J Prev Med (2004) 0.90
Interhospital transfer of critically ill and injured children: an evaluation of transfer patterns, resource utilization, and clinical outcomes. J Hosp Med (2009) 0.90
Variation in establishing a diagnosis of obesity in children. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (2005) 0.90
Dating aggression and risk behaviors among teenage girls seeking gynecologic care. Acad Emerg Med (2009) 0.89
Feasibility of initiating and sustaining registry-based immunization recall in private practices. Acad Pediatr (2012) 0.89
Willingness of private physicians to be involved in smallpox preparedness and response activities. Biosecur Bioterror (2005) 0.89
Prevalence and correlates of handgun access among adolescents seeking care in an urban emergency department. Accid Anal Prev (2010) 0.88
Assessing the burden of undeliverable immunization reminder and recall notifications. Prev Med (2011) 0.87
Evaluation of an emergency department-based enrollment program for uninsured children. Ann Emerg Med (2005) 0.87
Depressive symptoms in nonresident african american fathers and involvement with their sons. Pediatrics (2009) 0.87
Variation in provider vaccine purchase prices and payer reimbursement. Pediatrics (2009) 0.87
Influenza vaccination status and influenza-related perspectives and practices among US physicians. Am J Infect Control (2006) 0.86
Physician attitudes and preferences about combined Tdap vaccines for adolescents. Am J Prev Med (2006) 0.86
Services provided for preschool-aged children with suspected amblyopia. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus (2003) 0.86
Screening adolescents in the emergency department for weapon carriage. Acad Emerg Med (2010) 0.86
Provider attitudes regarding use of an immunization information system to identify children with asthma for influenza vaccination. J Public Health Manag Pract (2007) 0.86
Public participation in, and awareness about, medical research opportunities in the era of clinical and translational research. Clin Transl Sci (2013) 0.85
Variation in infliximab administration practices in the treatment of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (2013) 0.85
Knowledge translation consensus conference: research methods. Acad Emerg Med (2007) 0.84
Use of a new combined vaccine in pediatric practices. Pediatrics (2006) 0.84
Willingness of eye care practices to evaluate children and accept Medicaid. Ambul Pediatr (2004) 0.84
Treatment patterns for early pregnancy failure in Michigan. J Womens Health (Larchmt) (2009) 0.84
Parental health literacy and asthma education delivery during a visit to a community-based pediatric emergency department: a pilot study. Pediatr Emerg Care (2011) 0.83
Threshold of evaluation for short stature in a pediatric endocrine clinic: differences between boys versus girls? J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab (2007) 0.83
Carpooling and booster seats: a national survey of parents. Pediatrics (2012) 0.83
A picture may be worth a thousand texts: obese adolescents' perspectives on a modified photovoice activity to aid weight loss. Child Obes (2012) 0.83
Maternal perspectives on growth and nutrition counseling provided at preschool well-child visits. J Natl Med Assoc (2007) 0.82
Geographic variation of asthma quality measures within and between health plans. Am J Manag Care (2005) 0.82
New combined tetanus-diptheria-acellular pertussis vaccines for adults: primary care physician attitudes and preferences. Hum Vaccin (2007) 0.82
Readiness of primary care practices for medical home certification. Pediatrics (2013) 0.82
Influenza vaccine for high-risk non-elderly adults: a national survey of subspecialists. Hum Vaccin (2010) 0.81
Feasibility and acceptability of a 1-page tool to help physicians assess and discuss obesity with parents of preschoolers. Clin Pediatr (Phila) (2009) 0.81
A study of muscle tissue oxygenation and peripheral microcirculatory dysfunction in cirrhosis using near infrared spectroscopy. Liver Int (2009) 0.81
National availability of influenza vaccine among medical subspecialty practices. Am J Prev Med (2004) 0.81
Procalcitonin as a marker of serious bacterial infections in febrile children younger than 3 years old. Acad Emerg Med (2014) 0.81
Listeria and enterococcal infections in neonates 28 days of age and younger: is empiric parenteral ampicillin still indicated? Pediatr Emerg Care (2014) 0.80
Does childhood overweight, parental perception of overweight, or family history of diabetes mellitus increase parental perception of type 2 diabetes risk for their child? J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab (2010) 0.80