Published in Neuroimage on March 01, 2004
Dissociable intrinsic connectivity networks for salience processing and executive control. J Neurosci (2007) 19.58
Human fronto-mesolimbic networks guide decisions about charitable donation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2006) 4.06
Oxytocin: the great facilitator of life. Prog Neurobiol (2009) 3.71
Adult attachment predicts maternal brain and oxytocin response to infant cues. Neuropsychopharmacology (2009) 3.38
Emotion and the motivational brain. Biol Psychol (2009) 2.54
The brain's default network and its adaptive role in internal mentation. Neuroscientist (2011) 2.48
Brain basis of early parent-infant interactions: psychology, physiology, and in vivo functional neuroimaging studies. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2007) 2.34
Social rejection shares somatosensory representations with physical pain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 2.25
Compassion: an evolutionary analysis and empirical review. Psychol Bull (2010) 2.24
The plasticity of human maternal brain: longitudinal changes in brain anatomy during the early postpartum period. Behav Neurosci (2010) 2.23
Reward processing in autism. Autism Res (2010) 2.23
Conscious perception of errors and its relation to the anterior insula. Brain Struct Funct (2010) 2.09
What's in a smile? Maternal brain responses to infant facial cues. Pediatrics (2008) 2.02
Social buffering: relief from stress and anxiety. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2006) 1.95
The anterior insula in autism: under-connected and under-examined. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2009) 1.95
Autism, oxytocin and interoception. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2014) 1.88
Relevance to self: A brief review and framework of neural systems underlying appraisal. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2007) 1.87
Neural correlates of trust. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 1.85
Gender difference in neural response to psychological stress. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2007) 1.81
Functional connectivity mapping of the human precuneus by resting state fMRI. Neuroimage (2011) 1.80
Cross-species studies of orbitofrontal cortex and value-based decision-making. Nat Neurosci (2011) 1.73
Oxytocin, vasopressin and pair bonding: implications for autism. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2006) 1.72
The neural basis of human social values: evidence from functional MRI. Cereb Cortex (2008) 1.71
The oxytocin receptor (OXTR) contributes to prosocial fund allocations in the dictator game and the social value orientations task. PLoS One (2009) 1.58
Effects of intranasal oxytocin and vasopressin on cooperative behavior and associated brain activity in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2011) 1.54
Attachment figures activate a safety signal-related neural region and reduce pain experience. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.51
Mother-infant bonding and the evolution of mammalian social relationships. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2006) 1.51
Baby schema modulates the brain reward system in nulliparous women. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 1.50
Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for mate choice. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2006) 1.46
Maternal Attachment Representation and Neurophysiological Processing during the Perception of Infants' Emotional Expressions. PLoS One (2016) 1.46
AVPR1a and SLC6A4 gene polymorphisms are associated with creative dance performance. PLoS Genet (2005) 1.45
Specifying the neurobiological basis of human attachment: brain, hormones, and behavior in synchronous and intrusive mothers. Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 1.45
Disruption of maternal parenting circuitry by addictive process: rewiring of reward and stress systems. Front Psychiatry (2011) 1.42
Individual attachment style modulates human amygdala and striatum activation during social appraisal. PLoS One (2008) 1.42
Neural correlates of long-term intense romantic love. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2011) 1.41
The neurobiological link between compassion and love. Med Sci Monit (2011) 1.40
Oxytocin enhances the experience of attachment security. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2009) 1.39
The human parental brain: in vivo neuroimaging. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry (2010) 1.38
Neuroethics: a modern context for ethics in neuroscience. Trends Neurosci (2006) 1.37
The chronoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2005) 1.36
The neurobiology of pair bonding: insights from a socially monogamous rodent. Front Neuroendocrinol (2010) 1.35
Intrinsic amygdala-cortical functional connectivity predicts social network size in humans. J Neurosci (2012) 1.33
Differential pattern of functional brain plasticity after compassion and empathy training. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2013) 1.33
Dissociable large-scale networks anchored in the right anterior insula subserve affective experience and attention. Neuroimage (2012) 1.33
Neural basis of interpersonal traits in neurodegenerative diseases. Neuropsychologia (2009) 1.29
Decade of the mind. Philos Ethics Humanit Med (2008) 1.28
Viewing pictures of a romantic partner reduces experimental pain: involvement of neural reward systems. PLoS One (2010) 1.24
Neural correlates of hate. PLoS One (2008) 1.23
Neural circuitry underlying affective response to peer feedback in adolescence. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2011) 1.23
No laughing matter: intranasal oxytocin administration changes functional brain connectivity during exposure to infant laughter. Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 1.22
Anxiety positive subjects show altered processing in the anterior insula during anticipation of negative stimuli. Hum Brain Mapp (2010) 1.22
The development and neurobiology of infant attachment and fear. Dev Neurosci (2012) 1.21
Gender differences in the motivational processing of babies are determined by their facial attractiveness. PLoS One (2009) 1.18
Depression uncouples brain hate circuit. Mol Psychiatry (2011) 1.18
Hormonal mechanisms of cooperative behaviour. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2010) 1.18
Oxytocin enhances brain reward system responses in men viewing the face of their female partner. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 1.15
Perceived quality of maternal care in childhood and structure and function of mothers' brain. Dev Sci (2010) 1.14
Social attention: a possible early indicator of efficacy in autism clinical trials. J Neurodev Disord (2012) 1.14
Could intranasal oxytocin be used to enhance relationships? Research imperatives, clinical policy, and ethical considerations. Curr Opin Psychiatry (2013) 1.11
Neural correlates of pair-bonding in a monogamous primate. Brain Res (2007) 1.10
Maternal neglect: oxytocin, dopamine and the neurobiology of attachment. J Neuroendocrinol (2011) 1.10
The brain's specialized systems for aesthetic and perceptual judgment. Eur J Neurosci (2013) 1.09
Shared brain activity for aesthetic and moral judgments: implications for the Beauty-is-Good stereotype. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2010) 1.09
Maternal neural responses to infant cries and faces: relationships with substance use. Front Psychiatry (2011) 1.08
The von Economo neurons in the frontoinsular and anterior cingulate cortex. Ann N Y Acad Sci (2011) 1.07
Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll: hypothesizing common mesolimbic activation as a function of reward gene polymorphisms. J Psychoactive Drugs (2012) 1.06
The brain reaction to viewing faces of opposite- and same-sex romantic partners. PLoS One (2010) 1.06
The role of the striatum in social behavior. Front Neurosci (2013) 1.05
Impairment of prosocial sentiments is associated with frontopolar and septal damage in frontotemporal dementia. Neuroimage (2010) 1.05
Approaching the biology of human parental attachment: brain imaging, oxytocin and coordinated assessments of mothers and fathers. Brain Res (2014) 1.05
Neural correlates of economic game playing. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2008) 1.04
Oxytocin during the initial stages of romantic attachment: relations to couples' interactive reciprocity. Psychoneuroendocrinology (2012) 1.02
Regional brain responses in nulliparous women to emotional infant stimuli. PLoS One (2012) 1.01
Baby stimuli and the parent brain: functional neuroimaging of the neural substrates of parent-infant attachment. Psychiatry (Edgmont) (2008) 0.99
Patterns of brain activation when mothers view their own child and dog: an fMRI study. PLoS One (2014) 0.99
Species-specific response to human infant faces in the premotor cortex. Neuroimage (2012) 0.99
Cocaine addiction in mothers: potential effects on maternal care and infant development. Ann N Y Acad Sci (2010) 0.98
Parenting and Beyond: Common Neurocircuits Underlying Parental and Altruistic Caregiving. Parent Sci Pract (2012) 0.97
Oxytocin, dopamine, and the amygdala: a neurofunctional model of social cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Schizophr Bull (2010) 0.97
Neuroendocrinology of parental response to baby-cry. J Neuroendocrinol (2011) 0.96
The amygdala as a hub in brain networks that support social life. Neuropsychologia (2014) 0.95
Regional gray matter density is associated with achievement motivation: evidence from voxel-based morphometry. Brain Struct Funct (2012) 0.95
Oxytocin motivates non-cooperation in intergroup conflict to protect vulnerable in-group members. PLoS One (2012) 0.95
The effect of family therapy on the changes in the severity of on-line game play and brain activity in adolescents with on-line game addiction. Psychiatry Res (2012) 0.95
Oxytocin modulates neural reactivity to children's faces as a function of social salience. Neuropsychopharmacology (2012) 0.95
The rewarding nature of social interactions. Front Behav Neurosci (2010) 0.94
Testicular volume is inversely correlated with nurturing-related brain activity in human fathers. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013) 0.93
An empirical review of the neural underpinnings of receiving and giving social support: implications for health. Psychosom Med (2013) 0.92
Selective functional integration between anterior temporal and distinct fronto-mesolimbic regions during guilt and indignation. Neuroimage (2010) 0.92
Neurophysiological effects of acute oxytocin administration: systematic review and meta-analysis of placebo-controlled imaging studies. J Psychiatry Neurosci (2015) 0.91
Neural responses to infants linked with behavioral interactions and testosterone in fathers. Biol Psychol (2012) 0.91
Brain structures associated with executive functions during everyday events in a non-clinical sample. Brain Struct Funct (2012) 0.91
In search of neural endophenotypes of postpartum psychopathology and disrupted maternal caregiving. J Neuroendocrinol (2014) 0.91
The neural correlates of desire. PLoS One (2008) 0.90
Oxytocin, motivation and the role of dopamine. Pharmacol Biochem Behav (2013) 0.90
Brain mechanisms underlying the impact of attachment-related stress on social cognition. Front Hum Neurosci (2013) 0.89
A face a mother could love: depression-related maternal neural responses to infant emotion faces. Soc Neurosci (2013) 0.89
Contributions of attachment theory and research: a framework for future research, translation, and policy. Dev Psychopathol (2013) 0.89
A relationship between oxytocin and anxiety of romantic attachment. Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health (2006) 0.89
Neural correlates of beauty. J Neurophysiol (2004) 2.64
Functional brain mapping during free viewing of natural scenes. Hum Brain Mapp (2004) 1.99
Brain dynamics during natural viewing conditions--a new guide for mapping connectivity in vivo. Neuroimage (2005) 1.96
Toward a brain-based theory of beauty. PLoS One (2011) 1.70
The chronoarchitecture of the human brain--natural viewing conditions reveal a time-based anatomy of the brain. Neuroimage (2004) 1.62
The chronoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2005) 1.36
Modulation of aesthetic value by semantic context: an fMRI study. Neuroimage (2008) 1.29
The functional organization of area V2, I: specialization across stripes and layers. Vis Neurosci (2002) 1.22
Top-down modulations in the visual form pathway revealed with dynamic causal modeling. Cereb Cortex (2010) 0.94
The neural correlates of desire. PLoS One (2008) 0.90
The primary visual cortex, and feedback to it, are not necessary for conscious vision. Brain (2010) 0.90
Effect of background colors on the tuning of color-selective cells in monkey area V4. J Neurophysiol (2006) 0.89
Feature binding in the feedback layers of area V2. Cereb Cortex (2009) 0.87
Motion processing, directional selectivity, and conscious visual perception in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 0.87
Seeing invisible motion: a human FMRI study. Curr Biol (2006) 0.84
The functional organization of area V2, II: the impact of stripes on visual topography. Vis Neurosci (2002) 0.83
Masking within and across visual dimensions: psychophysical evidence for perceptual segregation of color and motion. Vis Neurosci (2011) 0.80
Parallelism in the brain's visual form system. Eur J Neurosci (2013) 0.80
Neural correlates of stimulus reportability. J Cogn Neurosci (2009) 0.80
Frontoparietal activation distinguishes face and space from artifact concepts. J Cogn Neurosci (2011) 0.79
Perceptual compression of space through position integration. Proc Biol Sci (2006) 0.79
The Mind's Eye. Cerebrum (2011) 0.75