Published in Arch Gen Psychiatry on May 01, 2004
Piloting Acute Care to Primary Care Linkage of Safety Net Patients (TSOS III) | NCT01347541
A randomized stepped care intervention trial targeting posttraumatic stress disorder for surgically hospitalized injury survivors. Ann Surg (2013) 2.13
Psychosocial interventions for the prevention of disability following traumatic physical injury. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2009) 1.48
Psychiatric symptoms and acute care service utilization over the course of the year following medical-surgical ICU admission: a longitudinal investigation*. Crit Care Med (2014) 1.47
Early interventions for PTSD: a review. Depress Anxiety (2012) 1.37
Posttraumatic stress disorder in adults: impact, comorbidity, risk factors, and treatment. Can J Psychiatry (2014) 1.36
Nationwide survey of alcohol screening and brief intervention practices at US Level I trauma centers. J Am Coll Surg (2008) 1.23
Treatment of substance abusing patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Addict Behav (2011) 1.22
SCIRehab Project series: the social work/case management taxonomy. J Spinal Cord Med (2009) 1.18
RESPECT-PTSD: re-engineering systems for the primary care treatment of PTSD, a randomized controlled trial. J Gen Intern Med (2012) 1.16
Design of NIDA CTN Protocol 0047: screening, motivational assessment, referral, and treatment in emergency departments (SMART-ED). Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse (2011) 1.14
Psychiatric morbidity and functional impairments in survivors of burns, traumatic injuries, and ICU stays for other critical illnesses: a review of the literature. Int Rev Psychiatry (2009) 1.10
Enhancing the population impact of collaborative care interventions: mixed method development and implementation of stepped care targeting posttraumatic stress disorder and related comorbidities after acute trauma. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2011) 1.06
Survivors of violence-related facial injury: psychiatric needs and barriers to mental health care. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2007) 1.00
A longitudinal investigation of posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms over the course of the year following medical-surgical intensive care unit admission. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2013) 0.98
An acute post-sexual assault intervention to prevent drug abuse: updated findings. Addict Behav (2007) 0.98
Prevention of traumatic stress in mothers with preterm infants: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics (2013) 0.97
A Randomized Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing Training for Mandated Implementation of Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in Trauma Centers. J Subst Abuse Treat (2015) 0.96
Development and evaluation of an interprofessional communication intervention to improve family outcomes in the ICU. Contemp Clin Trials (2012) 0.96
Reducing barriers to mental health and social services for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans: outcomes of an integrated primary care clinic. J Gen Intern Med (2011) 0.95
Early outreach to survivors of the shootings in Norway on the 22nd of July 2011. Eur J Psychotraumatol (2014) 0.95
Substance use and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in trauma center patients receiving mandated alcohol screening and brief intervention. J Subst Abuse Treat (2012) 0.93
Multisite investigation of traumatic brain injuries, posttraumatic stress disorder, and self-reported health and cognitive impairments. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2010) 0.93
The development of a population-based automated screening procedure for PTSD in acutely injured hospitalized trauma survivors. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2013) 0.92
The SCIRehab project: social work and case management. Social work and case management treatment time during inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation. J Spinal Cord Med (2011) 0.92
Posttraumatic stress disorder and stress-related disorders. Psychiatr Clin North Am (2009) 0.92
Barriers to seeking mental health care after treatment for orofacial injury at a large, urban medical center: concordance of patient and provider perspectives. J Trauma (2008) 0.92
Substance use in vulnerable patients with orofacial injury: prevalence, correlates, and unmet service needs. J Trauma (2009) 0.91
Disseminating alcohol screening and brief intervention at trauma centers: a policy-relevant cluster randomized effectiveness trial. Addiction (2014) 0.87
Assault related substance use as a predictor of substance use over time within a sample of recent victims of sexual assault. Addict Behav (2012) 0.87
Quality of life after abdominal wall reconstruction following open abdomen. J Trauma (2011) 0.86
Disseminating Organizational Screening and Brief Intervention Services (DO-SBIS) for alcohol at trauma centers study design. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2012) 0.86
Family-centered care for military and veteran families affected by combat injury. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev (2013) 0.86
Association between traumatic injury and psychiatric disorders and medication prescription to youths aged 10-19. Psychiatr Serv (2011) 0.83
Quality of life after multiple trauma: the effect of early onset psychotherapy on quality of life in trauma patients. Langenbecks Arch Surg (2007) 0.82
Ethnoracial variations in acute PTSD symptoms among hospitalized survivors of traumatic injury. J Trauma Stress (2010) 0.81
Staying connected: a feasibility study linking American Indian and Alaska Native trauma survivors to their tribal communities. Psychiatry (2011) 0.80
Post-traumatic stress disorder. BMJ Clin Evid (2010) 0.80
Mental health service utilization after physical trauma: the importance of physician referral. Med Care (2009) 0.80
The applicability of randomized controlled trials of psychosocial treatments for PTSD to a veteran population. J Psychiatr Pract (2008) 0.79
Intersection of Stress, Social Disadvantage, and Life Course Processes: Reframing Trauma and Mental Health. Am J Psychiatr Rehabil (2013) 0.79
Military and veteran family-centered preventive interventions and care: making meaning of experiences over time. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev (2013) 0.79
Outcome Trends after US Military Concussive Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma (2016) 0.79
Integrated treatment of substance use and psychiatric disorders. Soc Work Public Health (2013) 0.78
Accuracy of data collected by surgical residents. J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2008) 0.78
Co-occurring depression and pain in multiple sclerosis. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am (2013) 0.77
Nurse-led psychological intervention after physical traumas: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Med Res (2015) 0.76
The effect of perceived person-job fit on employee attitudes toward change in trauma centers. Health Care Manage Rev (2013) 0.76
A longitudinal investigation of alcohol use over the course of the year following medical-surgical intensive care unit admission. Psychosomatics (2013) 0.76
An Evidence-Based Review of Early Intervention and Prevention of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Community Ment Health J (2016) 0.76
Parental injury and psychological health of children. Pediatrics (2014) 0.76
Behavioral health in the Department of Defense Patient-Centered Medical Home: history, finance, policy, work force development, and evaluation. Transl Behav Med (2012) 0.76
Screening and Intervention for Comorbid Substance Disorders, PTSD, Depression, and Suicide: A Trauma Center Survey. Psychiatr Serv (2014) 0.75
An effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial study protocol targeting posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbidity. Implement Sci (2016) 0.75
Clinical Significance of Pain at Hospital Discharge Following Traumatic Orthopedic Injury: General Health, Depression, and PTSD Outcomes at 1 Year. Clin J Pain (2016) 0.75
Prevention of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After Trauma: Current Evidence and Future Directions. Curr Psychiatry Rep (2016) 0.75
Posttraumatic stress in older adults: when medical diagnoses or treatments cause traumatic stress. Psychiatr Clin North Am (2014) 0.75
Posttraumatic stress in older adults: when medical diagnoses or treatments cause traumatic stress. Clin Geriatr Med (2014) 0.75
Outcomes of social work and case management services during inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation: the SCIRehab project. J Spinal Cord Med (2012) 0.75
PTSD symptom severity and psychiatric comorbidity in recent motor vehicle accident victims: a latent class analysis. J Anxiety Disord (2014) 0.75
Collaborative Care for Adolescents With Persistent Postconcussive Symptoms: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics (2016) 0.75
Collaborative care management of late-life depression in the primary care setting: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA (2002) 15.53
Depression and pain comorbidity: a literature review. Arch Intern Med (2003) 11.34
The Pathways Study: a randomized trial of collaborative care in patients with diabetes and depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2004) 6.53
Relationship of depression and diabetes self-care, medication adherence, and preventive care. Diabetes Care (2004) 6.09
Effect of improving depression care on pain and functional outcomes among older adults with arthritis: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA (2003) 5.08
Emergency department visits among recipients of chronic opioid therapy. Arch Intern Med (2010) 4.73
The effectiveness of depression care management on diabetes-related outcomes in older patients. Ann Intern Med (2004) 4.00
Common comorbidity scales were similar in their ability to predict health care costs and mortality. J Clin Epidemiol (2004) 3.61
Long term outcomes from the IMPACT randomised trial for depressed elderly patients in primary care. BMJ (2006) 3.47
Behavioral and clinical factors associated with depression among individuals with diabetes. Diabetes Care (2004) 3.40
Urinary incontinence in US women: a population-based study. Arch Intern Med (2005) 3.32
Treatment of depression improves physical functioning in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc (2005) 3.11
Anxiety disorders and comorbid medical illness. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2008) 3.08
Depression and advanced complications of diabetes: a prospective cohort study. Diabetes Care (2009) 3.06
A randomized effectiveness trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication for primary care panic disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2005) 2.95
Increased medical costs of a population-based sample of depressed elderly patients. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2003) 2.88
Effectiveness of collaborative care depression treatment in Veterans' Affairs primary care. J Gen Intern Med (2003) 2.41
Evaluation of the PHQ-2 as a brief screen for detecting major depression among adolescents. Pediatrics (2010) 2.27
Behavior change counseling in the emergency department to reduce injury risk: a randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics (2002) 2.16
Cost-effectiveness of a multicondition collaborative care intervention: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2012) 2.16
A randomized stepped care intervention trial targeting posttraumatic stress disorder for surgically hospitalized injury survivors. Ann Surg (2013) 2.13
Reducing suicidal ideation in depressed older primary care patients. J Am Geriatr Soc (2006) 2.11
Strengthening the prevention and care of injuries worldwide. Lancet (2004) 2.09
Depression treatment in a sample of 1,801 depressed older adults in primary care. J Am Geriatr Soc (2003) 2.09
Socioeconomic status, depression disparities, and financial strain: what lies behind the income-depression relationship? Health Econ (2005) 2.04
Depression and diabetes symptom burden. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2004) 1.96
Quality of mental health care for youth with asthma and comorbid anxiety and depression. Med Care (2006) 1.95
Depression treatment preferences in older primary care patients. Gerontologist (2006) 1.92
Depression-related costs in heart failure care. Arch Intern Med (2002) 1.91
Long-term effects of a collaborative care intervention in persistently depressed primary care patients. J Gen Intern Med (2002) 1.90
Creating a learning healthcare system in surgery: Washington State's Surgical Care and Outcomes Assessment Program (SCOAP) at 5 years. Surgery (2011) 1.90
Evaluation of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Item for detecting major depression among adolescents. Pediatrics (2010) 1.89
Collaborative care management of major depression among low-income, predominantly Hispanic subjects with diabetes: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care (2010) 1.86
Suicide Attempt Self-Injury Interview (SASII): development, reliability, and validity of a scale to assess suicide attempts and intentional self-injury. Psychol Assess (2006) 1.78
Premature mortality from general medical illnesses among persons with bipolar disorder: a review. Psychiatr Serv (2009) 1.77
Effects of enhanced depression treatment on diabetes self-care. Ann Fam Med (2006) 1.76
Collaborative care models for depression: time to move from evidence to practice. Arch Intern Med (2006) 1.73
Validation of a brief measure of anxiety-related severity and impairment: the Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS). J Affect Disord (2008) 1.73
Health care costs associated with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in women. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2003) 1.72
Are language barriers associated with serious medical events in hospitalized pediatric patients? Pediatrics (2005) 1.71
The longitudinal effects of depression on physical activity. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2009) 1.71
Incontinence severity and major depression in incontinent women. Obstet Gynecol (2005) 1.70
Agency context and tailored training in technology transfer: a pilot evaluation of motivational interviewing training for community counselors. J Subst Abuse Treat (2009) 1.70
Diabetes and poor disease control: is comorbid depression associated with poor medication adherence or lack of treatment intensification? Psychosom Med (2009) 1.69
Cardiac risk factors in patients with diabetes mellitus and major depression. J Gen Intern Med (2004) 1.67
Work disability among individuals with diabetes. Diabetes Care (2005) 1.63
Effect of interventions for major depressive disorder and significant depressive symptoms in patients with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2010) 1.63
Quality of care for primary care patients with anxiety disorders. Am J Psychiatry (2004) 1.63
Bullying, psychosocial adjustment, and academic performance in elementary school. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (2005) 1.59
Should excessive worry be required for a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder? Results from the US National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Psychol Med (2005) 1.59
Validation of the PTSD checklist in an HMO sample of women. Gen Hosp Psychiatry (2002) 1.58
Quality of depression care in a population-based sample of patients with diabetes and major depression. Med Care (2004) 1.58
Asthma symptom burden: relationship to asthma severity and anxiety and depression symptoms. Pediatrics (2006) 1.57
Willingness to pay for depression treatment in primary care. Psychiatr Serv (2003) 1.56
Psychiatric and substance use disorders as risk factors for low birth weight and preterm delivery. Obstet Gynecol (2002) 1.56
Potentially modifiable factors associated with disability among people with diabetes. Psychosom Med (2005) 1.56
Disorder-specific impact of coordinated anxiety learning and management treatment for anxiety disorders in primary care. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2011) 1.55
The prevalence of DSM-IV anxiety and depressive disorders in youth with asthma compared with controls. J Adolesc Health (2007) 1.55
Functional impact and health utility of anxiety disorders in primary care outpatients. Med Care (2005) 1.54
Depression and comorbid illness in elderly primary care patients: impact on multiple domains of health status and well-being. Ann Fam Med (2004) 1.53
Randomized trial of web-based training about opioid therapy for chronic pain. Clin J Pain (2010) 1.53
Depression and diabetes: factors associated with major depression at five-year follow-up. Psychosomatics (2009) 1.53
A nationwide US study of post-traumatic stress after hospitalization for physical injury. Psychol Med (2007) 1.49
Age differences in treatment response to a collaborative care intervention for anxiety disorders. Br J Psychiatry (2013) 1.46
Moving treatment research from clinical trials to the real world. Psychiatr Serv (2003) 1.45
Conservative management vs early surgery for high grade pediatric renal trauma--do nephrectomy rates differ? J Urol (2012) 1.43
A controlled study of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in medication-resistant major depression. Biol Psychiatry (2005) 1.43
Rethinking the duration requirement for generalized anxiety disorder: evidence from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Psychol Med (2005) 1.41
The effect of age on functional outcome in mild traumatic brain injury: 6-month report of a prospective multicenter trial. J Trauma (2004) 1.41
Efficacy of tegaserod in chronic constipation in men. Am J Gastroenterol (2006) 1.40
A randomized trial of collaborative depression care in obstetrics and gynecology clinics: socioeconomic disadvantage and treatment response. Am J Psychiatry (2014) 1.39
Predicting posttraumatic distress in hospitalized trauma survivors with acute injuries. Am J Psychiatry (2002) 1.38
Assessment of the status of prehospital care in 13 low- and middle-income countries. Prehosp Emerg Care (2012) 1.38
Health literacy and antidepressant medication adherence among adults with diabetes: the diabetes study of Northern California (DISTANCE). J Gen Intern Med (2013) 1.36
High utilizers of psychiatric emergency services. Psychiatr Serv (2005) 1.35
Assessment and treatment of nursing home residents with depression or behavioral symptoms associated with dementia: a review of the literature. J Am Geriatr Soc (2003) 1.34
Cost-effectiveness of collaborative care for depression in a primary care veteran population. Psychiatr Serv (2003) 1.33
Cost-effectiveness and cost offset of a collaborative care intervention for primary care patients with panic disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry (2002) 1.33
Surveying adolescents enrolled in a regional health care delivery organization: mail and phone follow-up--what works at what cost? J Am Board Fam Med (2010) 1.33
Renal injury and operative management in the United States: results of a population-based study. J Trauma (2003) 1.32
Managed care and primary physician satisfaction. J Am Board Fam Pract (2003) 1.31
Influence of patient attachment style on self-care and outcomes in diabetes. Psychosom Med (2004) 1.30
Impact of brief interventions and brief treatment on admissions to chemical dependency treatment. Drug Alcohol Depend (2010) 1.30
Post-traumatic bilateral facial palsy: a case report and literature review. Brain Inj (2004) 1.29
Depression and pain. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed) (2009) 1.29
Primary care perspectives on generalized anxiety disorder. J Clin Psychiatry (2004) 1.28