Published in Nutr Rev on July 01, 2004
Uneven dietary development: linking the policies and processes of globalization with the nutrition transition, obesity and diet-related chronic diseases. Global Health (2006) 3.67
Cash component of conditional cash transfer program is associated with higher body mass index and blood pressure in adults. J Nutr (2008) 1.84
Socio-economic status and body mass index in low-income Mexican adults. Soc Sci Med (2007) 1.54
A systematic review of the effectiveness of taxes on nonalcoholic beverages and high-in-fat foods as a means to prevent obesity trends. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res (2013) 0.83
Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Reduce Overweight and Obesity in Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. PLoS One (2016) 0.82
Evacuation after the Great East Japan Earthquake was associated with poor dietary intake: The Fukushima Health Management Survey. J Epidemiol (2016) 0.77
Urban inequities; urban rights: a conceptual analysis and review of impacts on children, and policies to address them. J Urban Health (2012) 0.77
Household catastrophic health expenditures: a comparative analysis of twelve Latin American and Caribbean Countries. Salud Publica Mex (2011) 1.13
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[Fair health financing and catastrophic health expenditures: potential impact of the coverage extension of the popular health insurance in Mexico]. Salud Publica Mex (2005) 0.95
Legality and age influence end of life decisions in Mexican physicians. Rev Invest Clin (2014) 0.80
Special issue: Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in early infancy; etiology, consequences, prevalence, and prevention. Foreword. Nutr Rev (2011) 0.76
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The modernization of cooking techniques in two rural Mayan communities of Yucatán: the case of lard frying. Ecol Food Nutr (2011) 0.75
Strategy to establish a cut-off point for hyperinsulinemia. Rev Invest Clin (2010) 0.75
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