Published in Audiol Neurootol on February 17, 2005
[Trial of device that is not approved or cleared by the U.S. FDA] | NCT00747435
Cochlear implants: a remarkable past and a brilliant future. Hear Res (2008) 2.51
The benefits of combining acoustic and electric stimulation for the recognition of speech, voice and melodies. Audiol Neurootol (2007) 2.35
Combined electric and contralateral acoustic hearing: word and sentence recognition with bimodal hearing. J Speech Lang Hear Res (2007) 1.83
Binaural-bimodal fitting or bilateral implantation for managing severe to profound deafness: a review. Trends Amplif (2007) 1.68
Drug delivery for treatment of inner ear disease: current state of knowledge. Ear Hear (2010) 1.65
Combining acoustic and electric stimulation in the service of speech recognition. Int J Audiol (2010) 1.60
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Does cochlear implantation and electrical stimulation affect residual hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons? Hear Res (2006) 1.37
A glimpsing account for the benefit of simulated combined acoustic and electric hearing. J Acoust Soc Am (2008) 1.31
An electric frequency-to-place map for a cochlear implant patient with hearing in the nonimplanted ear. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol (2007) 1.20
Effects of hearing preservation on psychophysical responses to cochlear implant stimulation. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol (2009) 1.17
Cochlear implants and brain plasticity. Hear Res (2007) 1.17
Psychophysical properties of low-frequency hearing: implications for perceiving speech and music via electric and acoustic stimulation. Adv Otorhinolaryngol (2009) 1.16
Frequency-lowering devices for managing high-frequency hearing loss: a review. Trends Amplif (2009) 1.14
Comparison of bimodal and bilateral cochlear implant users on speech recognition with competing talker, music perception, affective prosody discrimination, and talker identification. Ear Hear (2011) 1.11
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Effect of digital frequency compression (DFC) on speech recognition in candidates for combined electric and acoustic stimulation (EAS). J Speech Lang Hear Res (2007) 1.01
Hearing preservation surgery: psychophysical estimates of cochlear damage in recipients of a short electrode array. J Acoust Soc Am (2008) 1.01
New criteria of indication and selection of patients to cochlear implant. Int J Otolaryngol (2011) 0.98
Design and fabrication of multichannel cochlear implants for animal research. J Neurosci Methods (2007) 0.98
Effects of lower frequency-to-electrode allocations on speech and pitch perception with the hybrid short-electrode cochlear implant. Audiol Neurootol (2012) 0.97
United States multicenter clinical trial of the cochlear nucleus hybrid implant system. Laryngoscope (2015) 0.97
Frequency overlap between electric and acoustic stimulation and speech-perception benefit in patients with combined electric and acoustic stimulation. Ear Hear (2010) 0.96
Design and evaluation of a personal digital assistant-based research platform for cochlear implants. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng (2013) 0.94
Auditory function and speech understanding in listeners who qualify for EAS surgery. Ear Hear (2007) 0.94
Word recognition following implantation of conventional and 10-mm hybrid electrodes. Audiol Neurootol (2008) 0.93
Effects of neonatal partial deafness and chronic intracochlear electrical stimulation on auditory and electrical response characteristics in primary auditory cortex. Hear Res (2009) 0.93
Speech recognition and acoustic features in combined electric and acoustic stimulation. J Speech Lang Hear Res (2011) 0.92
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Contribution of consonant landmarks to speech recognition in simulated acoustic-electric hearing. Ear Hear (2010) 0.91
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Optimizing the combination of acoustic and electric hearing in the implanted ear. Ear Hear (2013) 0.89
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Acoustic-electric interactions in the guinea pig auditory nerve: simultaneous and forward masking of the electrically evoked compound action potential. Hear Res (2007) 0.79
Auditory nerve fiber responses to combined acoustic and electric stimulation. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol (2009) 0.79
Ganglion cell and 'dendrite' populations in electric acoustic stimulation ears. Adv Otorhinolaryngol (2009) 0.79
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Electromotile hearing: acoustic tones mask psychophysical response to high-frequency electrical stimulation of intact guinea pig cochleae. J Acoust Soc Am (2006) 0.78
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Hearing Preservation after Cochlear Implantation: UNICAMP Outcomes. Int J Otolaryngol (2013) 0.77
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Post Hybrid Cochlear Implant Hearing Loss and Endolymphatic Hydrops. Otol Neurotol (2016) 0.75
Intracochlear Recordings of Acoustically and Electrically Evoked Potentials in Nucleus Hybrid L24 Cochlear Implant Users and Their Relationship to Speech Perception. Front Neurosci (2017) 0.75
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The perception of telephone-processed speech by combined electric and acoustic stimulation. Trends Hear (2013) 0.75
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