Published in Plant Cell on March 16, 2005
Maternal control of male-gamete delivery in Arabidopsis involves a putative GPI-anchored protein encoded by the LORELEI gene. Plant Cell (2008) 1.42
Signaling pathways mediating the induction of apple fruitlet abscission. Plant Physiol (2010) 1.41
The Arabidopsis root hair cell wall formation mutant lrx1 is suppressed by mutations in the RHM1 gene encoding a UDP-L-rhamnose synthase. Plant Cell (2006) 1.31
Definition of Arabidopsis sterol-rich membrane microdomains by differential treatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin and quantitative proteomics. Mol Cell Proteomics (2008) 1.24
"Second extrinsic organizational mechanism" for orienting cellulose: modeling a role for the plasmalemmal reticulum. Protoplasma (2008) 1.16
Live-cell imaging reveals periarbuscular membrane domains and organelle location in Medicago truncatula roots during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Plant Physiol (2009) 1.15
PER1 is required for GPI-phospholipase A2 activity and involved in lipid remodeling of GPI-anchored proteins. Mol Biol Cell (2006) 1.14
Somatic cytokinesis and pollen maturation in Arabidopsis depend on TPLATE, which has domains similar to coat proteins. Plant Cell (2006) 1.10
Monitoring the outside: cell wall-sensing mechanisms. Plant Physiol (2010) 1.10
An early nodulin-like protein accumulates in the sieve element plasma membrane of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2007) 1.08
A fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein, GhFLA1, is involved in fiber initiation and elongation of cotton. Plant Physiol (2013) 0.96
Cellulose synthesis and its regulation. Arabidopsis Book (2014) 0.95
Identification of woolliness response genes in peach fruit after post-harvest treatments. J Exp Bot (2008) 0.92
DOLICHOL PHOSPHATE MANNOSE SYNTHASE1 mediates the biogenesis of isoprenyl-linked glycans and influences development, stress response, and ammonium hypersensitivity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2011) 0.90
Proteomics of plasma membranes from poplar trees reveals tissue distribution of transporters, receptors, and proteins in cell wall formation. Mol Cell Proteomics (2009) 0.89
Plant protein glycosylation. Glycobiology (2016) 0.86
AtAGP18, a lysine-rich arabinogalactan protein in Arabidopsis thaliana, functions in plant growth and development as a putative co-receptor for signal transduction. Plant Signal Behav (2011) 0.84
Altered Expression of PERK Receptor Kinases in Arabidopsis Leads to Changes in Growth and Floral Organ Formation. Plant Signal Behav (2006) 0.83
Combining transcriptional datasets using the generalized singular value decomposition. BMC Bioinformatics (2008) 0.81
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchoring: control through modification. Plant Physiol (2014) 0.81
A missense mutation in the glucosamine-6-phosphate N-acetyltransferase-encoding gene causes temperature-dependent growth defects and ectopic lignin deposition in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2012) 0.81
RNA-Seq analysis identifies genes associated with differential reproductive success under drought-stress in accessions of wild barley Hordeum spontaneum. BMC Plant Biol (2015) 0.79
Classification, naming and evolutionary history of glycosyltransferases from sequenced green and red algal genomes. PLoS One (2013) 0.79
A Mutation in the Catalytic Subunit of the Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Transamidase Disrupts Growth, Fertility, and Stomata Formation. Plant Physiol (2016) 0.79
POLYPRENOL REDUCTASE2 Deficiency Is Lethal in Arabidopsis Due to Male Sterility. Plant Cell (2015) 0.78
Cytoskeleton-mediated templating of complex cellulose-scaffolded extracellular structure and its association with oikosins in the urochordate Oikopleura. Cell Mol Life Sci (2010) 0.77
Two membrane-anchored Aspartic Proteases contribute to pollen and ovule development. Plant Physiol (2016) 0.77
Heritable gene expression differences between apomictic clone members in Taraxacum officinale: Insights into early stages of evolutionary divergence in asexual plants. BMC Genomics (2016) 0.76
Cold acclimation is accompanied by complex responses of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot (2016) 0.76
A Genetic Screen for Mutations Affecting Cell Division in the Arabidopsis thaliana Embryo Identifies Seven Loci Required for Cytokinesis. PLoS One (2016) 0.76
Emerging roles for microtubules in angiosperm pollen tube growth highlight new research cues. Front Plant Sci (2015) 0.75
Dolichol phosphate mannose synthase: a Glycosyltransferase with Unity in molecular diversities. Glycoconj J (2017) 0.75
The right motifs for plant cell adhesion: what makes an adhesive site? Protoplasma (2016) 0.75
Positional cloning in Arabidopsis. Why it feels good to have a genome initiative working for you. Plant Physiol (2000) 4.88
The structure, biosynthesis and functions of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors, and the contributions of trypanosome research. J Cell Sci (1999) 3.40
Extensin: repetitive motifs, functional sites, post-translational codes, and phylogeny. Plant J (1994) 3.08
Pectin esterification is spatially regulated both within cell walls and between developing tissues of root apices. Planta (1990) 3.03
COBRA encodes a putative GPI-anchored protein, which is polarly localized and necessary for oriented cell expansion in Arabidopsis. Genes Dev (2001) 2.68
Generation of monoclonal antibodies against plant cell-wall polysaccharides. I. Characterization of a monoclonal antibody to a terminal alpha-(1-->2)-linked fucosyl-containing epitope. Plant Physiol (1994) 2.56
Analysis of detergent-resistant membranes in Arabidopsis. Evidence for plasma membrane lipid rafts. Plant Physiol (2004) 2.55
Identification of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in Arabidopsis. A proteomic and genomic analysis. Plant Physiol (2003) 2.44
The Arabidopsis SOS5 locus encodes a putative cell surface adhesion protein and is required for normal cell expansion. Plant Cell (2003) 2.37
Mutations in the FASS gene uncouple pattern formation and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis development. Development (1994) 2.27
Arabidopsis cyt1 mutants are deficient in a mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase and point to a requirement of N-linked glycosylation for cellulose biosynthesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2001) 2.26
Degradation of proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum. Curr Opin Cell Biol (1991) 2.22
In silicio identification of glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-anchored plasma-membrane and cell wall proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast (1997) 2.20
BRITTLE CULM1, which encodes a COBRA-like protein, affects the mechanical properties of rice plants. Plant Cell (2003) 2.19
Tetrad pollen formation in quartet mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana is associated with persistence of pectic polysaccharides of the pollen mother cell wall. Plant J (1998) 2.15
The classical arabinogalactan protein gene family of arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2000) 2.00
The multiple roles of arabinogalactan proteins in plant development. Plant Physiol (2000) 1.96
The contribution of cell wall proteins to the organization of the yeast cell wall. Biochim Biophys Acta (1999) 1.94
PMR6, a pectate lyase-like gene required for powdery mildew susceptibility in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2002) 1.94
Biosynthesis of plant cell wall polysaccharides. FASEB J (1994) 1.88
Alpha-glucosidase I is required for cellulose biosynthesis and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. J Cell Biol (2002) 1.84
The complex structures of arabinogalactan-proteins and the journey towards understanding function. Plant Mol Biol (2001) 1.84
Dissecting and manipulating the pathway for glycosylphos-phatidylinositol-anchor biosynthesis. Curr Opin Chem Biol (2000) 1.77
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol lipid anchoring of plant proteins. Sensitive prediction from sequence- and genome-wide studies for Arabidopsis and rice. Plant Physiol (2003) 1.72
Prediction of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in Arabidopsis. A genomic analysis. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.70
SETH1 and SETH2, two components of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor biosynthetic pathway, are required for pollen germination and tube growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2003) 1.63
The Arabidopsis SKU5 gene encodes an extracellular glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-anchored glycoprotein involved in directional root growth. Plant Cell (2002) 1.60
A conditionally lethal yeast mutant blocked at the first step in glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor synthesis. J Biol Chem (1994) 1.59
A cytokinesis-defective mutant of Arabidopsis (cyt1) characterized by embryonic lethality, incomplete cell walls, and excessive callose accumulation. Plant J (1998) 1.53
A role for arabinogalactan-proteins in plant cell expansion: evidence from studies on the interaction of beta-glucosyl Yariv reagent with seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J (1996) 1.49
Genetic complexity of cellulose synthase a gene function in Arabidopsis embryogenesis. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.49
Arabinogalactan-proteins from Nicotiana alata and Pyrus communis contain glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1998) 1.47
Integrative approaches to determining Csl function. Plant Mol Biol (2001) 1.46
Proteoglycans and pattern formation: sugar biochemistry meets developmental genetics. Trends Genet (2000) 1.42
Yariv reagent treatment induces programmed cell death in Arabidopsis cell cultures and implicates arabinogalactan protein involvement. Plant J (1999) 1.42
A classical arabinogalactan protein is essential for the initiation of female gametogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2004) 1.41
The COBRA family of putative GPI-anchored proteins in Arabidopsis. A new fellowship in expansion. Plant Physiol (2002) 1.39
Galactose biosynthesis in Arabidopsis: genetic evidence for substrate channeling from UDP-D-galactose into cell wall polymers. Curr Biol (2002) 1.39
Identification of low-density Triton X-100-insoluble plasma membrane microdomains in higher plants. Eur J Biochem (2000) 1.37
The cellulose-deficient Arabidopsis mutant rsw3 is defective in a gene encoding a putative glucosidase II, an enzyme processing N-glycans during ER quality control. Plant J (2002) 1.36
PIG-M transfers the first mannose to glycosylphosphatidylinositol on the lumenal side of the ER. EMBO J (2001) 1.34
Retention and degradation of proteins containing an uncleaved glycosylphosphatidylinositol signal. J Biol Chem (1994) 1.32
A role for arabinogalactan-proteins in root epidermal cell expansion. Planta (1997) 1.25
Effects of Yariv phenylglycoside on cell wall assembly in the lily pollen tube. Planta (1998) 1.15
Binding of arabinogalactan proteins by Yariv phenylglycoside triggers wound-like responses in Arabidopsis cell cultures. Plant Physiol (2004) 1.08
Overexpression of tomato LeAGP-1 arabinogalactan-protein promotes lateral branching and hampers reproductive development. Plant J (2004) 0.98
Towards the mechanism of cellulose synthesis. Trends Plant Sci (2002) 0.93
Tomato LeAGP-1 is a plasma membrane-bound, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored arabinogalactan-protein. Physiol Plant (2004) 0.92
Energy. Beneficial biofuels--the food, energy, and environment trilemma. Science (2009) 9.27
Efflux-dependent auxin gradients establish the apical-basal axis of Arabidopsis. Nature (2003) 8.75
Toward a systems approach to understanding plant cell walls. Science (2004) 5.60
AtPIN4 mediates sink-driven auxin gradients and root patterning in Arabidopsis. Cell (2002) 4.56
Cellulosic biofuels. Annu Rev Plant Biol (2009) 4.00
Stomatal development and pattern controlled by a MAPKK kinase. Science (2004) 3.72
A MAPKK kinase gene regulates extra-embryonic cell fate in Arabidopsis. Cell (2004) 2.88
Plant neurobiology: no brain, no gain? Trends Plant Sci (2007) 2.83
Identification and characterization of the Arabidopsis PHO1 gene involved in phosphate loading to the xylem. Plant Cell (2002) 2.79
Genetic evidence for three unique components in primary cell-wall cellulose synthase complexes in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 2.72
Transcriptional coordination of the metabolic network in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2006) 2.36
Developmental specificity of auxin response by pairs of ARF and Aux/IAA transcriptional regulators. EMBO J (2005) 2.35
O-glycosylated cell wall proteins are essential in root hair growth. Science (2011) 2.34
Paternal control of embryonic patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science (2009) 2.25
WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2004) 2.18
The role of plant cell wall polysaccharide composition in disease resistance. Trends Plant Sci (2004) 2.10
The Arabidopsis irregular xylem8 mutant is deficient in glucuronoxylan and homogalacturonan, which are essential for secondary cell wall integrity. Plant Cell (2007) 1.98
Real-time imaging of cellulose reorientation during cell wall expansion in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Physiol (2009) 1.94
Alpha-glucosidase I is required for cellulose biosynthesis and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis. J Cell Biol (2002) 1.84
The Arabidopsis HINKEL gene encodes a kinesin-related protein involved in cytokinesis and is expressed in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Curr Biol (2002) 1.67
Embryonic patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol (2007) 1.54
Transcriptional profiling of mature Arabidopsis trichomes reveals that NOECK encodes the MIXTA-like transcriptional regulator MYB106. Plant Physiol (2008) 1.53
The billion-ton biofuels vision. Science (2006) 1.50
ALTERED RESPONSE TO GRAVITY is a peripheral membrane protein that modulates gravity-induced cytoplasmic alkalinization and lateral auxin transport in plant statocytes. Plant Cell (2003) 1.39
Nonmotile cellulose synthase subunits repeatedly accumulate within localized regions at the plasma membrane in Arabidopsis hypocotyl cells following 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile treatment. Plant Physiol (2007) 1.37
Cellularisation in the endosperm of Arabidopsis thaliana is coupled to mitosis and shares multiple components with cytokinesis. Development (2002) 1.34
Novel and expanded roles for MAPK signaling in Arabidopsis stomatal cell fate revealed by cell type-specific manipulations. Plant Cell (2009) 1.33
Different auxin response machineries control distinct cell fates in the early plant embryo. Dev Cell (2012) 1.32
Cell wall damage-induced lignin biosynthesis is regulated by a reactive oxygen species- and jasmonic acid-dependent process in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2011) 1.32
Discovery of lignin in seaweed reveals convergent evolution of cell-wall architecture. Curr Biol (2009) 1.32
Mutations in UDP-Glucose:sterol glucosyltransferase in Arabidopsis cause transparent testa phenotype and suberization defect in seeds. Plant Physiol (2009) 1.22
Loss-of-function mutations of ROOT HAIR DEFECTIVE3 suppress root waving, skewing, and epidermal cell file rotation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2005) 1.17
EDR2 negatively regulates salicylic acid-based defenses and cell death during powdery mildew infections of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol (2007) 1.16
p-Coumaroyl-CoA:monolignol transferase (PMT) acts specifically in the lignin biosynthetic pathway in Brachypodium distachyon. Plant J (2014) 1.13
CLASP localizes in two discrete patterns on cortical microtubules and is required for cell morphogenesis and cell division in Arabidopsis. J Cell Sci (2007) 1.11
Shootward and rootward: peak terminology for plant polarity. Trends Plant Sci (2010) 1.10
Chitinase-like1/pom-pom1 and its homolog CTL2 are glucan-interacting proteins important for cellulose biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2012) 1.08
Characterization of synthetic hydroxyproline-rich proteoglycans with arabinogalactan protein and extensin motifs in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol (2006) 1.08
A conserved role for kinesin-5 in plant mitosis. J Cell Sci (2007) 1.07
Apical-basal polarity: why plant cells don't stand on their heads. Trends Plant Sci (2005) 1.04
The gravitropism defective 2 mutants of Arabidopsis are deficient in a protein implicated in endocytosis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Plant Physiol (2004) 1.02
Complexes with mixed primary and secondary cellulose synthases are functional in Arabidopsis plants. Plant Physiol (2012) 1.01
POLYGALACTURONASE INVOLVED IN EXPANSION1 functions in cell elongation and flower development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2014) 0.99
A role for the TOC complex in Arabidopsis root gravitropism. Plant Physiol (2009) 0.98
Cellulose synthase interacting protein: a new factor in cellulose synthesis. Plant Signal Behav (2010) 0.98
Osmosensitive changes of carbohydrate metabolism in response to cellulose biosynthesis inhibition. Plant Physiol (2012) 0.95
Taking the very first steps: from polarity to axial domains in the early Arabidopsis embryo. J Exp Bot (2010) 0.94
The GATA factor HANABA TARANU is required to position the proembryo boundary in the early Arabidopsis embryo. Dev Cell (2010) 0.94
Cost-effectiveness of a behavioral weight loss intervention for low-income women: the Weight-Wise Program. Prev Med (2009) 0.94
Talk global, act local-patterning the Arabidopsis embryo. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2007) 0.92
The RWP-RK factor GROUNDED promotes embryonic polarity by facilitating YODA MAP kinase signaling. Curr Biol (2011) 0.91
Prefoldin 6 is required for normal microtubule dynamics and organization in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 0.89
Microtubule-associated kinase-like protein RUNKEL needed [corrected] for cell plate expansion in Arabidopsis cytokinesis. Curr Biol (2009) 0.87
Auxin and root initiation in somatic embryos of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep (2006) 0.86
Genetic and genomic analysis of Rhizoctonia solani interactions with Arabidopsis; evidence of resistance mediated through NADPH oxidases. PLoS One (2013) 0.82
Welcome to biotechnology for biofuels. Biotechnol Biofuels (2008) 0.82
Cardiovascular disease risk factor screening among Alaska Native women: the traditions of the heart project. Int J Circumpolar Health (2007) 0.82
Development of feedstocks for cellulosic biofuels. F1000 Biol Rep (2012) 0.81
FlAsH-based live-cell fluorescent imaging of synthetic peptides expressed in Arabidopsis and tobacco. Biotechniques (2006) 0.79
Axis formation in Arabidopsis - transcription factors tell their side of the story. Curr Opin Plant Biol (2011) 0.77
Clinical Profile and Natural Course in a Large Cohort of Patients With Hypertriglyceridemia and Pancreatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol (2017) 0.77
Ventriculopleural shunt CSF pseudocyst presenting as an anterior mediastinal mass. BMJ Case Rep (2013) 0.75
Images in clinical medicine. Left ventricular aneurysm. N Engl J Med (2014) 0.75