Moon Jong Kim

Author PubWeight™ 8.75‹?›

Top papers

Rank Title Journal Year PubWeight™‹?›
1 Frailty. Med Clin North Am 2006 1.25
2 Frailty and hormones. Rev Endocr Metab Disord 2005 0.98
3 Serum TSH level in healthy Koreans and the association of TSH with serum lipid concentration and metabolic syndrome. Korean J Intern Med 2011 0.90
4 Structural basis for the recognition of lysozyme by MliC, a periplasmic lysozyme inhibitor in Gram-negative bacteria. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2008 0.87
5 Andropause: a quality-of-life issue in older males. Med Clin North Am 2006 0.83
6 Serum zinc concentration is inversely associated with insulin resistance but not related with metabolic syndrome in nondiabetic Korean adults. Biol Trace Elem Res 2014 0.82
7 Requirement for Pak3 in Rac1-induced organization of actin and myosin during Drosophila larval wound healing. FEBS Lett 2012 0.82
8 Models for estimating the biological age of five organs using clinical biomarkers that are commonly measured in clinical practice settings. Maturitas 2013 0.80
9 Decreased muscle mass is not an independent risk factor for metabolic syndrome in Korean population aged 70 or older. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2014 0.78
10 Megestrol acetate for geriatric anorexia/cachexia. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006 0.75
11 [Clinical characteristics of health screen examinees with nonalcoholic fatty liver and normal liver function test]. Korean J Gastroenterol 2008 0.75