Published in Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci on December 01, 2004
Causal role of the prefrontal cortex in top-down modulation of visual processing and working memory. Nat Neurosci (2011) 3.33
From cognitive to neural models of working memory. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2007) 3.25
Top-down modulation: bridging selective attention and working memory. Trends Cogn Sci (2011) 2.86
Functional interactions between prefrontal and visual association cortex contribute to top-down modulation of visual processing. Cereb Cortex (2007) 2.11
Neocortical connectivity during episodic memory formation. PLoS Biol (2006) 1.86
Expectation-driven changes in cortical functional connectivity influence working memory and long-term memory performance. J Neurosci (2010) 1.75
The cognitive neuroscience of working memory. Annu Rev Psychol (2014) 1.67
Mechanisms of working memory disruption by external interference. Cereb Cortex (2009) 1.51
Distributed representations in memory: insights from functional brain imaging. Annu Rev Psychol (2011) 1.44
Deficit in switching between functional brain networks underlies the impact of multitasking on working memory in older adults. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.39
Performance-related sustained and anticipatory activity in human medial temporal lobe during delayed match-to-sample. J Neurosci (2009) 1.36
Functional connectivity of reward processing in the brain. Front Hum Neurosci (2009) 1.32
Influence of early attentional modulation on working memory. Neuropsychologia (2010) 1.28
Top-down modulation of visual feature processing: the role of the inferior frontal junction. Neuroimage (2010) 1.22
Impact of smoking abstinence on working memory neurocircuitry in adolescent daily tobacco smokers. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2007) 1.18
Modulation of inferotemporal cortex activation during verbal working memory maintenance. Neuron (2006) 1.18
Dynamic adjustments in prefrontal, hippocampal, and inferior temporal interactions with increasing visual working memory load. Cereb Cortex (2007) 1.15
Neural mechanisms underlying the impact of visual distraction on retrieval of long-term memory. J Neurosci (2010) 1.14
Category-selective background connectivity in ventral visual cortex. Cereb Cortex (2011) 1.14
A neural basis for real-world visual search in human occipitotemporal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.10
Observing degradation of visual representations over short intervals when medial temporal lobe is damaged. J Cogn Neurosci (2011) 1.05
Cognit activation: a mechanism enabling temporal integration in working memory. Trends Cogn Sci (2012) 1.01
Impaired spatial working memory and altered choline acetyltransferase (CHAT) immunoreactivity and nicotinic receptor binding in rats exposed to intermittent hypoxia during sleep. Behav Brain Res (2007) 1.01
An expectation-based memory deficit in aging. Neuropsychologia (2011) 1.01
Mechanisms underlying cognitive enhancement and reversal of cognitive deficits in nonhuman primates by the ampakine CX717. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2008) 1.00
Neurocognitive Architecture of Working Memory. Neuron (2015) 1.00
Brain imaging correlates of verbal working memory in children following traumatic brain injury. Int J Psychophysiol (2011) 0.98
Reward networks in the brain as captured by connectivity measures. Front Neurosci (2009) 0.98
Working memory load modulation of parieto-frontal connections: evidence from dynamic causal modeling. Hum Brain Mapp (2011) 0.97
Hippocampal glutamate concentration predicts cerebral theta oscillations during cognitive processing. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2006) 0.96
The effects of stimulant medication on working memory functional connectivity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biol Psychiatry (2011) 0.95
Oscillatory brain state predicts variability in working memory. J Neurosci (2014) 0.94
Dopamine and frontostriatal networks in cognitive aging. Neurobiol Aging (2011) 0.94
Improvement of the working memory and naming by transcranial direct current stimulation. Ann Rehabil Med (2012) 0.93
The dopamine agonist bromocriptine differentially affects fronto-striatal functional connectivity during working memory. Front Hum Neurosci (2011) 0.91
Retrospective attention enhances visual working memory in the young but not the old: an ERP study. Psychophysiology (2013) 0.91
Network dynamics predict improvement in working memory performance following donepezil administration in healthy young adults. Neuroimage (2013) 0.90
Hippocampal-prefrontal dynamics in spatial working memory: interactions and independent parallel processing. Behav Brain Res (2011) 0.90
Medial temporal lobe coding of item and spatial information during relational binding in working memory. J Neurosci (2014) 0.90
Structural and functional differences in medial prefrontal cortex underlie distractibility and suppression deficits in ageing. Nat Commun (2014) 0.89
Congenital prosopagnosia: multistage anatomical and functional deficits in face processing circuitry. J Neurol (2010) 0.88
Diminished top-down control underlies a visual imagery deficit in normal aging. J Neurosci (2011) 0.87
Remembering forward: neural correlates of memory and prediction in human motor adaptation. Neuroimage (2011) 0.87
Neocortical-hippocampal dynamics of working memory in healthy and diseased brain states based on functional connectivity. Front Hum Neurosci (2012) 0.87
Mapping gray matter reductions in obstructive sleep apnea: an activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Sleep (2014) 0.86
Correspondence between stimulus encoding- and maintenance-related neural processes underlies successful working memory. Cereb Cortex (2012) 0.85
The functional oculomotor network and saccadic cognitive control in healthy elders. Neuroimage (2014) 0.84
Green tea extract enhances parieto-frontal connectivity during working memory processing. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2014) 0.84
Delayed enhancement of multitasking performance: Effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on the prefrontal cortex. Cortex (2015) 0.84
Approaching a network connectivity-driven classification of the psychosis continuum: a selective review and suggestions for future research. Front Hum Neurosci (2015) 0.82
Abnormal effective connectivity and psychopathological symptoms in the psychosis high-risk state. J Psychiatry Neurosci (2014) 0.82
Anticipatory alpha phase influences visual working memory performance. Neuroimage (2013) 0.81
Not all attention orienting is created equal: recognition memory is enhanced when attention orienting involves distractor suppression. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2015) 0.81
Cholinergic enhancement of functional networks in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Ann Neurol (2013) 0.80
Spatial and temporal dynamics of cortical networks engaged in memory encoding and retrieval. Front Hum Neurosci (2012) 0.80
Frontoparietal networks involved in categorization and item working memory. Neuroimage (2014) 0.80
Anatomical connection strength predicts dopaminergic drug effects on fronto-striatal function. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2013) 0.80
Altered brain activation and functional connectivity in working memory related networks in patients with type 2 diabetes: An ICA-based analysis. Sci Rep (2016) 0.79
A Brain System for Auditory Working Memory. J Neurosci (2016) 0.79
Composition of brain oscillations and their functions in the maintenance of auditory, visual and audio-visual speech percepts: an exploratory study. Cogn Process (2007) 0.79
Levels of integration in cognitive control and sequence processing in the prefrontal cortex. PLoS One (2012) 0.79
Evidence for working memory storage operations in perceptual cortex. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci (2014) 0.79
Separating lexical-semantic access from other mnemonic processes in picture-name verification. Front Psychol (2013) 0.79
Cortical Thinning and Altered Cortico-Cortical Structural Covariance of the Default Mode Network in Patients with Persistent Insomnia Symptoms. Sleep (2016) 0.78
Assessing Granger Causality in Electrophysiological Data: Removing the Adverse Effects of Common Signals via Bipolar Derivations. Front Syst Neurosci (2016) 0.78
Interplay between morphology and frequency in lexical access: the case of the base frequency effect. Brain Res (2010) 0.78
Dynamic changes in brain functional connectivity during concurrent dual-task performance. PLoS One (2011) 0.78
EEG oscillations during sleep and dream recall: state- or trait-like individual differences? Front Psychol (2015) 0.78
Rapid functional reorganization in human cortex following neural perturbation. J Neurosci (2013) 0.78
The steady-state visual evoked potential reveals neural correlates of the items encoded into visual working memory. Neuropsychologia (2014) 0.77
Increased fMRI signal with age in familial Alzheimer's disease mutation carriers. Neurobiol Aging (2010) 0.77
Domain-general and domain-specific functional networks in working memory. Neuroimage (2014) 0.77
Brain activation during associative short-term memory maintenance is not predictive for subsequent retrieval. Front Hum Neurosci (2015) 0.77
Dopaminergic modulation of distracter-resistance and prefrontal delay period signal. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2014) 0.76
The neural basis of monitoring goal progress. Front Hum Neurosci (2014) 0.76
Longitudinal changes in task-evoked brain responses in Parkinson's disease patients with and without mild cognitive impairment. Front Neurosci (2014) 0.76
Effect of integrated cognitive therapy on hippocampal functional connectivity patterns in stroke patients with cognitive dysfunction: a resting-state FMRI study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med (2014) 0.76
The catechol-o-methyltransferase Val158 Met polymorphism modulates organization of regional cerebral blood flow response to working memory in adults. Int J Psychophysiol (2013) 0.76
Impact of real-time fMRI working memory feedback training on the interactions between three core brain networks. Front Behav Neurosci (2015) 0.76
Expectations of Task Demands Dissociate Working Memory and Long-Term Memory Systems. Cereb Cortex (2015) 0.76
Converging effects of cocaine addiction and sex on neural responses to monetary rewards. Psychiatry Res (2016) 0.76
Functional connectivity supporting the selective maintenance of feature-location binding in visual working memory. Front Psychol (2014) 0.75
Williams syndrome and memory: a neuroanatomic and cognitive approach. J Autism Dev Disord (2010) 0.75
Brain Connectivity Variation Topography Associated with Working Memory. PLoS One (2016) 0.75
Human area MT+ shows load-dependent activation during working memory maintenance with continuously morphing stimulation. BMC Neurosci (2014) 0.75
Arm crossing updates brain functional connectivity of the left posterior parietal cortex. Sci Rep (2016) 0.75
Retrieval of high-fidelity memory arises from distributed cortical networks. Neuroimage (2017) 0.75
The Effect of Disruption of Prefrontal Cortical Function with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Visual Working Memory. Front Syst Neurosci (2015) 0.75
Unconscious Imagination and the Mental Imagery Debate. Front Psychol (2017) 0.75
Persistent activity in the prefrontal cortex during working memory. Trends Cogn Sci (2003) 5.74
Is the rostro-caudal axis of the frontal lobe hierarchical? Nat Rev Neurosci (2009) 5.25
Measuring functional connectivity during distinct stages of a cognitive task. Neuroimage (2004) 4.71
Top-down suppression deficit underlies working memory impairment in normal aging. Nat Neurosci (2005) 4.68
Variation of BOLD hemodynamic responses across subjects and brain regions and their effects on statistical analyses. Neuroimage (2004) 4.23
Dissociable correlates of recollection and familiarity within the medial temporal lobes. Neuropsychologia (2004) 3.79
Inverted-U-shaped dopamine actions on human working memory and cognitive control. Biol Psychiatry (2011) 3.78
The neural correlates of direct and reflected self-knowledge. Neuroimage (2005) 3.46
Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence for a hierarchical organization of the prefrontal cortex. J Cogn Neurosci (2007) 3.28
Top-down enhancement and suppression of the magnitude and speed of neural activity. J Cogn Neurosci (2005) 3.22
Age-related top-down suppression deficit in the early stages of cortical visual memory processing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2008) 2.75
Region-specific changes in prefrontal function with age: a review of PET and fMRI studies on working and episodic memory. Brain (2005) 2.65
Measuring interregional functional connectivity using coherence and partial coherence analyses of fMRI data. Neuroimage (2004) 2.54
Impulsive responding in alcoholics. Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2005) 2.36
Immediate reward bias in humans: fronto-parietal networks and a role for the catechol-O-methyltransferase 158(Val/Val) genotype. J Neurosci (2007) 2.33
Perceptual fusion and stimulus coincidence in the cross-modal integration of speech. J Neurosci (2005) 2.24
Striatal dopamine predicts outcome-specific reversal learning and its sensitivity to dopaminergic drug administration. J Neurosci (2009) 2.23
Dissecting contributions of prefrontal cortex and fusiform face area to face working memory. J Cogn Neurosci (2003) 2.14
Functional interactions between prefrontal and visual association cortex contribute to top-down modulation of visual processing. Cereb Cortex (2007) 2.11
Inferior temporal, prefrontal, and hippocampal contributions to visual working memory maintenance and associative memory retrieval. J Neurosci (2004) 2.06
Effects of frontal lobe damage on interference effects in working memory. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci (2002) 2.05
Reversal learning in Parkinson's disease depends on medication status and outcome valence. Neuropsychologia (2006) 2.02
Neural correlates of cognitive efficiency. Neuroimage (2006) 2.01
Hierarchical cognitive control deficits following damage to the human frontal lobe. Nat Neurosci (2009) 1.99
Selection and maintenance of saccade goals in the human frontal eye fields. J Neurophysiol (2006) 1.95
Neural evidence for representation-specific response selection. J Cogn Neurosci (2003) 1.93
The influence of working-memory demand and subject performance on prefrontal cortical activity. J Cogn Neurosci (2002) 1.91
The search for the phonological store: from loop to convolution. J Cogn Neurosci (2008) 1.89
Impulsive personality predicts dopamine-dependent changes in frontostriatal activity during component processes of working memory. J Neurosci (2007) 1.87
Searching for "the top" in top-down control. Neuron (2005) 1.82
Maintenance of spatial and motor codes during oculomotor delayed response tasks. J Neurosci (2004) 1.82
Category-specific modulation of inferior temporal activity during working memory encoding and maintenance. Brain Res Cogn Brain Res (2004) 1.75
Prefrontal activity associated with working memory and episodic long-term memory. Neuropsychologia (2003) 1.73
Impaired prefrontal-basal ganglia functional connectivity and substantia nigra hyperactivity in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry (2013) 1.68
Rapid prefrontal-hippocampal habituation to novel events. J Neurosci (2004) 1.66
Working memory capacity predicts dopamine synthesis capacity in the human striatum. J Neurosci (2008) 1.64
Frontal cortex and the discovery of abstract action rules. Neuron (2010) 1.62
Imaging the human medial temporal lobe with high-resolution fMRI. Neuron (2010) 1.58
Reward modulation of prefrontal and visual association cortex during an incentive working memory task. Brain Res (2007) 1.57
Conduction aphasia, sensory-motor integration, and phonological short-term memory - an aggregate analysis of lesion and fMRI data. Brain Lang (2011) 1.56
Estrogen shapes dopamine-dependent cognitive processes: implications for women's health. J Neurosci (2011) 1.55
Frontal networks for learning and executing arbitrary stimulus-response associations. J Neurosci (2005) 1.54
Functional connectivity with the hippocampus during successful memory formation. Hippocampus (2005) 1.54
Top-down modulation and normal aging. Ann N Y Acad Sci (2007) 1.53
The perception of voice onset time: an fMRI investigation of phonetic category structure. J Cogn Neurosci (2005) 1.52
Directing the mind's eye: prefrontal, inferior and medial temporal mechanisms for visual working memory. Curr Opin Neurobiol (2005) 1.50
Reducing vascular variability of fMRI data across aging populations using a breathholding task. Hum Brain Mapp (2007) 1.48
Fidelity of neural reactivation reveals competition between memories. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2011) 1.47
Neural specialization for letter recognition. J Cogn Neurosci (2002) 1.46
Dopamine and the cognitive downside of a promised bonus. Psychol Sci (2014) 1.46
Focal brain lesions to critical locations cause widespread disruption of the modular organization of the brain. J Cogn Neurosci (2012) 1.45
Double dissociation of two cognitive control networks in patients with focal brain lesions. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.45
Differential effects of distraction during working memory on delay-period activity in the prefrontal cortex and the visual association cortex. Neuroimage (2005) 1.44
Dissociating age-related changes in cognitive strategy and neural efficiency using event-related fMRI. Cortex (2005) 1.40
Functional connectivity of cortical networks involved in bimanual motor sequence learning. Cereb Cortex (2006) 1.40
Seeking the neural substrates of visual working memory storage. Cortex (2003) 1.39
The dynamic nature of top-down signals originating from prefrontal cortex: a combined fMRI-TMS study. J Neurosci (2012) 1.39
Success and failure suppressing reflexive behavior. J Cogn Neurosci (2003) 1.38
A brief thought can modulate activity in extrastriate visual areas: Top-down effects of refreshing just-seen visual stimuli. Neuroimage (2007) 1.38
Mentalizing about emotion and its relationship to empathy. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2008) 1.36
The effect of non-visual working memory load on top-down modulation of visual processing. Neuropsychologia (2009) 1.32
Endogenous opioid blockade and impulsive responding in alcoholics and healthy controls. Neuropsychopharmacology (2006) 1.31
Canceling planned action: an FMRI study of countermanding saccades. Cereb Cortex (2004) 1.29
The functional anatomy of a perceptual decision in the human brain. J Neurophysiol (2009) 1.27
A functional MRI study of the influence of practice on component processes of working memory. Neuroimage (2004) 1.24
The effects of prefrontal lesions on working memory performance and theory. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci (2004) 1.24
Neural activity during social signal perception correlates with self-reported empathy. Brain Res (2009) 1.23
The influence of personality on neural mechanisms of observational fear and reward learning. Neuropsychologia (2008) 1.21
The salience network causally influences default mode network activity during moral reasoning. Brain (2013) 1.20
Multi-voxel patterns of visual category representation during episodic encoding are predictive of subsequent memory. Neuropsychologia (2011) 1.20
Efficiency of the prefrontal cortex during working memory in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2007) 1.19
Measuring temporal dynamics of functional networks using phase spectrum of fMRI data. Neuroimage (2005) 1.19
Longitudinal evidence for functional specialization of the neural circuit supporting working memory in the human brain. J Neurosci (2010) 1.19
The impact of social disparity on prefrontal function in childhood. PLoS One (2012) 1.18
Modulation of inferotemporal cortex activation during verbal working memory maintenance. Neuron (2006) 1.18
Individual capacity differences predict working memory performance and prefrontal activity following dopamine receptor stimulation. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci (2005) 1.17
Dynamic adjustments in prefrontal, hippocampal, and inferior temporal interactions with increasing visual working memory load. Cereb Cortex (2007) 1.15
Top-down flow of visual spatial attention signals from parietal to occipital cortex. J Vis (2009) 1.14
α-band phase synchrony is related to activity in the fronto-parietal adaptive control network. J Neurosci (2012) 1.12
Group comparisons: imaging the aging brain. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2008) 1.12
Spatial working memory activity of the caudate nucleus is sensitive to frame of reference. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci (2003) 1.11
Amygdala response to facial expressions reflects emotional learning. J Neurosci (2006) 1.11
Functional plasticity in ventral temporal cortex following cognitive rehabilitation of a congenital prosopagnosic. J Cogn Neurosci (2007) 1.11
Cerebral responses to change in spatial location of unattended sounds. Neuron (2007) 1.10
A functional MRI study of the effects of bromocriptine, a dopamine receptor agonist, on component processes of working memory. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2005) 1.10
The continuing challenge of understanding and modeling hemodynamic variation in fMRI. Neuroimage (2012) 1.10
Too many trees to see the forest: performance, event-related potential, and functional magnetic resonance imaging manifestations of integrative congenital prosopagnosia. J Cogn Neurosci (2007) 1.10
Age-related deficits in component processes of working memory. Neuropsychology (2007) 1.10
A comparison of Granger causality and coherency in fMRI-based analysis of the motor system. Hum Brain Mapp (2009) 1.09
The prefrontal cortex modulates category selectivity in human extrastriate cortex. J Cogn Neurosci (2011) 1.09
Advances in neuroimaging of traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress disorder. J Rehabil Res Dev (2009) 1.08
A functional role for the motor system in language understanding: evidence from theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation. Psychol Sci (2011) 1.08
Preserved function of the fusiform face area in schizophrenia as revealed by fMRI. Psychiatry Res (2006) 1.07
Cholinergic enhancement reduces spatial spread of visual responses in human early visual cortex. Neuron (2008) 1.07
Functional MRI investigation of verbal selection mechanisms in lateral prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage (2008) 1.06
Controlling the integration of emotion and cognition: the role of frontal cortex in distinguishing helpful from hurtful emotional information. Psychol Sci (2006) 1.03
The neural effect of stimulus-response modality compatibility on dual-task performance: an fMRI study. Psychol Res (2005) 1.03