Published in Br J Sports Med on June 01, 2005
The 2012 ABJS Nicolas Andry Award: The sequence of prevention: a systematic approach to prevent anterior cruciate ligament injury. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2012) 1.18
Relationships between postural orientation and self reported function, hop performance and muscle power in subjects with anterior cruciate ligament injury. BMC Musculoskelet Disord (2010) 0.97
Effects of task-specific augmented feedback on deficit modification during performance of the tuck-jump exercise. J Sport Rehabil (2012) 0.91
What is the true evidence for gender-related differences during plant and cut maneuvers? A systematic review. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (2010) 0.82
Biomechanical deficiencies in women with semitendinosus-gracilis anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction during drop jumps. PM R (2014) 0.82
Function of a large biarticular hip and knee extensor during walking and running in guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). J Exp Biol (2011) 0.81
Postinjury biomechanics of Achilles tendon vary by sex and hormone status. J Appl Physiol (1985) (2016) 0.81
A Hypothesis: Could Portable Natural Grass be a Risk Factor for Knee Injuries? J Sports Sci Med (2008) 0.80
Effects of surface instability on neuromuscular performance during drop jumps and landings. Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 0.79
Evidence of gender-specific motor templates to resist valgus loading at the knee. Muscle Nerve (2010) 0.78
Muscle imbalance among elite Australian rules football players: a longitudinal study of changes in trunk muscle size. J Athl Train (2012) 0.77
Computational modeling of a forward lunge: towards a better understanding of the function of the cruciate ligaments. J Anat (2012) 0.77
Biomechanical strain vehicles for fibroblast-directed skeletal myoblast differentiation and myotube functionality in a novel coculture. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol (2014) 0.75
Neuromuscular interactions around the knee in children, adults and elderly. World J Orthop (2014) 0.75
Altered neuromuscular control of leg stiffness following soccer-specific exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol (2014) 0.75
Eccentric Exercise to Enhance Neuromuscular Control. Sports Health (2017) 0.75
The effectiveness of Pilates for partial anterior cruciate ligament injury. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (2015) 0.75
The effect of neuromuscular training on the incidence of knee injury in female athletes. A prospective study. Am J Sports Med (1999) 8.17
Plyometric training in female athletes. Decreased impact forces and increased hamstring torques. Am J Sports Med (1997) 4.07
Valgus knee motion during landing in high school female and male basketball players. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2003) 4.01
Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female team handball players: a prospective intervention study over three seasons. Clin J Sport Med (2003) 3.54
Balance board training: prevention of traumatic injuries of the lower extremities in female soccer players? A prospective randomized intervention study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (2000) 2.91
Combined knee loading states that generate high anterior cruciate ligament forces. J Orthop Res (1995) 2.88
Neuromuscular training improves performance and lower-extremity biomechanics in female athletes. J Strength Cond Res (2005) 2.77
Avoidance of soccer injuries with preseason conditioning. Am J Sports Med (2001) 2.64
A comparison of knee kinetics between male and female recreational athletes in stop-jump tasks. Am J Sports Med (2002) 2.62
A comparison of knee joint motion patterns between men and women in selected athletic tasks. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) (2001) 2.56
Decrease in neuromuscular control about the knee with maturation in female athletes. J Bone Joint Surg Am (2004) 2.46
The importance of quadriceps and hamstring muscle loading on knee kinematics and in-situ forces in the ACL. J Biomech (1999) 2.31
Sagittal plane biomechanics cannot injure the ACL during sidestep cutting. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) (2004) 2.23
Gender differences in strength and lower extremity kinematics during landing. Clin Orthop Relat Res (2002) 2.05
Knee joint laxity and neuromuscular characteristics of male and female soccer and basketball players. Am J Sports Med (1999) 1.96
Strain within the anterior cruciate ligament during hamstring and quadriceps activity. Am J Sports Med (1986) 1.95
External loading of the knee joint during running and cutting maneuvers. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2001) 1.90
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Methodological approaches and rationale for training to prevent anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes. Scand J Med Sci Sports (2004) 1.63
Anticipatory effects on knee joint loading during running and cutting maneuvers. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2001) 1.61
Prevention of injuries in young female players in European team handball. A prospective intervention study. Scand J Med Sci Sports (1999) 1.50
Muscle activation strategies at the knee during running and cutting maneuvers. Med Sci Sports Exerc (2003) 1.49
Effects of Plyometric Training on Muscle-Activation Strategies and Performance in Female Athletes. J Athl Train (2004) 1.48
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A model of load sharing between muscles and soft tissues at the human knee during static tasks. J Biomech Eng (1996) 1.25
Rationale for training programs to reduce anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Australian football. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther (2001) 1.22
Muscle coordination and function during cutting movements. Med Sci Sports Exerc (1999) 1.18
Neuromuscular adaptations in isokinetic, isotonic, and agility training programs. Am J Sports Med (1996) 1.17
A gender-related difference in the contribution of the knee musculature to sagittal-plane shear stiffness in subjects with similar knee laxity. J Bone Joint Surg Am (2002) 1.12
Is lower limb muscle synchrony during landing affected by gender? Implications for variations in ACL injury rates. J Electromyogr Kinesiol (2001) 0.98
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Theoretical estimates of cruciate ligament forces: effects of tibial surface geometry and ligament orientations. Proc Inst Mech Eng H (1997) 0.96
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Muscle preactivity of anterior cruciate ligament-deficient and -reconstructed females during functional activities. J Athl Train (1999) 0.93
Assessment of neuromuscular response characteristics at the knee following a functional perturbation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol (2000) 0.90
Selective muscle activation following electrical stimulation of the collateral ligaments of the human knee joint. Arch Phys Med Rehabil (1995) 0.88
Fatigue after eccentric quadriceps femoris work produces earlier gastrocnemius and delayed quadriceps femoris activation during crossover cutting among normal athletic women. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (1997) 0.85
Landing from a jump: the role of vision when landing from known and unknown heights. Neuroreport (1995) 0.85
A pilot study to determine the effect of trunk and hip focused neuromuscular training on hip and knee isokinetic strength. Br J Sports Med (2008) 1.54
Evaluation of a two dimensional analysis method as a screening and evaluation tool for anterior cruciate ligament injury. Br J Sports Med (2005) 1.22
Climate determines upper, but not lower, altitudinal range limits of Pacific Northwest conifers. Ecology (2011) 1.15
Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Curr Womens Health Rep (2001) 1.07
Resistance training among young athletes: safety, efficacy and injury prevention effects. Br J Sports Med (2009) 1.00
Multiple risk factors related to familial predisposition to anterior cruciate ligament injury: fraternal twin sisters with anterior cruciate ligament ruptures. Br J Sports Med (2009) 0.99
Sex differences in force attenuation: a clinical assessment of single-leg hop performance on a portable force plate. Br J Sports Med (2009) 0.88
The effects of age and skill level on knee musculature co-contraction during functional activities: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med (2008) 0.88
Serial assessments to determine normalization of gait following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Scand J Med Sci Sports (2008) 0.85