Published in Neuropsychologia on January 01, 2005
The fusiform face area: a cortical region specialized for the perception of faces. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2006) 4.86
The neural basis of the interaction between theory of mind and moral judgment. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007) 2.54
Cognitive contributions of the ventral parietal cortex: an integrative theoretical account. Trends Cogn Sci (2012) 2.39
Neural correlates of depth of strategic reasoning in medial prefrontal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009) 2.34
Structural anatomy of empathy in neurodegenerative disease. Brain (2006) 2.28
Compassion: an evolutionary analysis and empirical review. Psychol Bull (2010) 2.24
An agent independent axis for executed and modeled choice in medial prefrontal cortex. Neuron (2012) 2.21
False-belief understanding in infants. Trends Cogn Sci (2010) 2.05
Inferences about mental states. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2009) 1.88
Overlapping and non-overlapping brain regions for theory of mind and self reflection in individual subjects. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2006) 1.87
Theory of Mind disruption and recruitment of the right hemisphere during narrative comprehension in autism. Neuropsychologia (2007) 1.73
Inhibition of imitative behaviour and social cognition. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2009) 1.64
Social psychology as a natural kind. Trends Cogn Sci (2009) 1.58
Following gaze: gaze-following behavior as a window into social cognition. Front Integr Neurosci (2010) 1.53
Social cognition and the anterior temporal lobes. Neuroimage (2009) 1.53
Neural correlates of direct and reflected self-appraisals in adolescents and adults: when social perspective-taking informs self-perception. Child Dev (2009) 1.52
Unfair? It depends: neural correlates of fairness in social context. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2010) 1.50
Distinct regions of right temporo-parietal junction are selective for theory of mind and exogenous attention. PLoS One (2009) 1.48
Action understanding in the superior temporal sulcus region. Psychol Sci (2009) 1.45
Can machines think? Interaction and perspective taking with robots investigated via fMRI. PLoS One (2008) 1.44
Mentalizing about emotion and its relationship to empathy. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2008) 1.36
Mirror neurons: from discovery to autism. Exp Brain Res (2009) 1.34
Medial prefrontal dissociations during processing of trait diagnostic and nondiagnostic person information. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2006) 1.34
Distinct regions of medial rostral prefrontal cortex supporting social and nonsocial functions. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2007) 1.32
Functional connectivity during a social emotion task in adolescents and in adults. Eur J Neurosci (2009) 1.30
Which penguin is this? Attributing false beliefs about object identity at 18 months. Child Dev (2009) 1.29
Mentalizing under uncertainty: dissociated neural responses to ambiguous and unambiguous mental state inferences. Cereb Cortex (2009) 1.29
Human neuroimaging of oxytocin and vasopressin in social cognition. Horm Behav (2012) 1.28
Human consciousness and its relationship to social neuroscience: A novel hypothesis. Cogn Neurosci (2011) 1.28
Theory of mind: a neural prediction problem. Neuron (2013) 1.28
Toward an integrative account of social cognition: marrying theory of mind and interactionism to study the interplay of Type 1 and Type 2 processes. Front Hum Neurosci (2012) 1.22
Evidence for social working memory from a parametric functional MRI study. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2012) 1.21
The Representation of Self and Person Knowledge in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Cogn Sci (2012) 1.21
The neural basis of intuitive and counterintuitive moral judgment. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2011) 1.21
Characterization of the temporo-parietal junction by combining data-driven parcellation, complementary connectivity analyses, and functional decoding. Neuroimage (2013) 1.18
Neural signatures of strategic types in a two-person bargaining game. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010) 1.15
Functional brain networks and white matter underlying theory-of-mind in autism. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2012) 1.12
Dysfunction of the social brain in schizophrenia is modulated by intention type: an fMRI study. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2009) 1.10
Children's and adults' neural bases of verbal and nonverbal 'theory of mind'. Neuropsychologia (2007) 1.10
Is neuroenhancement by noninvasive brain stimulation a net zero-sum proposition? Neuroimage (2013) 1.09
Empathic choice involves vmPFC value signals that are modulated by social processing implemented in IPL. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2012) 1.09
How grossed out are you? The neural bases of emotion regulation from childhood to adolescence. Dev Cogn Neurosci (2011) 1.07
Increased gray matter volume in the right angular and posterior parahippocampal gyri in loving-kindness meditators. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2012) 1.07
I see what you mean: how attentional selection is shaped by ascribing intentions to others. PLoS One (2012) 1.05
Expert financial advice neurobiologically "Offloads" financial decision-making under risk. PLoS One (2009) 1.04
Neural correlates of economic game playing. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci (2008) 1.04
Inconsistencies in spontaneous and intentional trait inferences. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2011) 1.04
Contributions of episodic retrieval and mentalizing to autobiographical thought: evidence from functional neuroimaging, resting-state connectivity, and fMRI meta-analyses. Neuroimage (2014) 1.03
Recruitment of both the mirror and the mentalizing networks when observing social interactions depicted by point-lights: a neuroimaging study. PLoS One (2011) 1.03
Differentiable cortical networks for inferences concerning people's intentions versus physical causality. Hum Brain Mapp (2011) 1.01
Mammalian empathy: behavioural manifestations and neural basis. Nat Rev Neurosci (2017) 1.01
The role of ventral medial prefrontal cortex in social decisions: converging evidence from fMRI and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neuropsychologia (2010) 1.01
Brain mechanisms for processing direct and averted gaze in individuals with autism. J Autism Dev Disord (2011) 1.01
Brain mechanisms underlying human communication. Front Hum Neurosci (2009) 1.00
Attributing false beliefs about non-obvious properties at 18 months. Cogn Psychol (2010) 1.00
Understanding actions of others: the electrodynamics of the left and right hemispheres. A high-density EEG neuroimaging study. PLoS One (2010) 0.99
Differential involvement of the posterior temporal cortex in mentalizing but not perspective taking. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2008) 0.99
Reading about the actions of others: biological motion imagery and action congruency influence brain activity. Neuropsychologia (2010) 0.99
Differences in cortical activity between methamphetamine-dependent and healthy individuals performing a facial affect matching task. Drug Alcohol Depend (2007) 0.99
Neural regions that underlie reinforcement learning are also active for social expectancy violations. Soc Neurosci (2010) 0.98
Sociotopy in the temporoparietal cortex: common versus distinct processes. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2009) 0.98
Playing charades in the fMRI: are mirror and/or mentalizing areas involved in gestural communication? PLoS One (2009) 0.98
Electrophysiological time course and brain areas of spontaneous and intentional trait inferences. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2007) 0.97
Cultural and linguistic effects on neural bases of 'Theory of Mind' in American and Japanese children. Brain Res (2007) 0.96
Detecting agency from the biological motion of veridical vs animated agents. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2007) 0.96
Multi-sensory and sensorimotor foundation of bodily self-consciousness - an interdisciplinary approach. Front Psychol (2011) 0.96
Common brain areas engaged in false belief reasoning and visual perspective taking: a meta-analysis of functional brain imaging studies. Front Hum Neurosci (2013) 0.96
The influence of prior record on moral judgment. Neuropsychologia (2008) 0.95
A Cognitive Neuroscience View of Schizophrenic Symptoms: Abnormal Activation of a System for Social Perception and Communication. Brain Imaging Behav (2009) 0.95
Self-projection and the default network in frontotemporal dementia. Nat Rev Neurol (2012) 0.95
Apathy in frontotemporal dementia: behavioral and neuroimaging correlates. Behav Neurol (2012) 0.92
Mental state attribution and the temporoparietal junction: an fMRI study comparing belief, emotion, and perception. Neuropsychologia (2010) 0.92
Empathy, schizotypy, and visuospatial transformations. Cogn Neuropsychiatry (2010) 0.92
False-belief understanding i 2.5-year-olds: evidence for violation-of-expectation change-of-location and unexpected-contents tasks. Dev Sci (2011) 0.92
From tones in tinnitus to sensed social interaction in schizophrenia: how understanding cortical organization can inform the study of hallucinations and psychosis. Schizophr Bull (2014) 0.91
Cooperation and deception recruit different subsets of the theory-of-mind network. PLoS One (2008) 0.91
Autism spectrum traits predict the neural response to eye gaze in typical individuals. Neuroimage (2011) 0.91
Neural correlates of "social gaze" processing in high-functioning autism under systematic variation of gaze duration. Neuroimage Clin (2013) 0.90
Autoscopic phenomena: case report and review of literature. Behav Brain Funct (2011) 0.90
The power of emotional valence-from cognitive to affective processes in reading. Front Hum Neurosci (2012) 0.89
Neural responses to exclusion predict susceptibility to social influence. J Adolesc Health (2014) 0.89
Are women better mindreaders? Sex differences in neural correlates of mentalizing detected with functional MRI. BMC Neurosci (2009) 0.89
Taking one's time in feeling other-race pain: an event-related potential investigation on the time-course of cross-racial empathy. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2013) 0.89
Sociocultural patterning of neural activity during self-reflection. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2012) 0.88
The Role of the Theory-of-Mind Cortical Network in the Comprehension of Narratives. Lang Linguist Compass (2009) 0.88
Vasopressin modulates social recognition-related activity in the left temporoparietal junction in humans. Transl Psychiatry (2011) 0.88
The on-line processing of socio-emotional information in prototypical scenarios: inferences from brain potentials. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2011) 0.88
Amygdala and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex responses to appearance-based and behavior-based person impressions. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2010) 0.88
Who am I? How do I look? Neural differences in self-identity in anorexia nervosa. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2012) 0.87
Looking under the hood of the dot-probe task: an fMRI study in anxious youth. Depress Anxiety (2014) 0.87
The role of the amygdala in face perception and evaluation. Motiv Emot (2011) 0.87
The neural underpinnings of prosody in autism. Child Neuropsychol (2011) 0.87
Dorsal and ventral attention systems underlie social and symbolic cueing. J Cogn Neurosci (2013) 0.86
Autistic traits and brain activation during face-to-face conversations in typically developed adults. PLoS One (2011) 0.86
An fMRI study of caring vs self-focus during induced compassion and pride. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2011) 0.86
Neural correlates of social decision-making in severely antisocial adolescents. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2014) 0.85
Theory of mind in schizophrenia: exploring neural mechanisms of belief attribution. Soc Neurosci (2011) 0.85
Prosodic and narrative processing in American Sign Language: an fMRI study. Neuroimage (2010) 0.85
The liver and the moral organ. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2006) 0.85
An fMRI investigation of analogical mapping in metaphor comprehension: the influence of context and individual cognitive capacities on processing demands. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn (2011) 0.85
Effects of mindfulness meditation training on anticipatory alpha modulation in primary somatosensory cortex. Brain Res Bull (2011) 1.07
The practices of do-it-yourself brain stimulation: implications for ethical considerations and regulatory proposals. J Med Ethics (2015) 0.87
The Medical Battery in The United States (1870-1920): Electrotherapy at Home and in the Clinic. J Hist Med Allied Sci (2017) 0.75