Published in Child Dev on April 01, 1992
Understanding the Intentions of Others: Re-Enactment of Intended Acts by 18-Month-Old Children. Dev Psychol (1995) 4.51
Overlapping and non-overlapping brain regions for theory of mind and self reflection in individual subjects. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (2006) 1.87
The Interface of Language and Theory of Mind. Lingua (2007) 1.34
Pointing Disrupts Preschoolers' Ability to Discriminate Between Knowledgeable and Ignorant Informants. Cogn Dev (2012) 0.91
Children's developing notions of (im)partiality. Cognition (2008) 0.90
Evidentiality in language and cognition. Cognition (2006) 0.87
Retro- and prospection for mental time travel: emergence of episodic remembering and mental rotation in 5- to 8-year old children. Conscious Cogn (2010) 0.83
Children's picture interpretation: Appearance or intention? Dev Psychol (2015) 0.77
Adults see vision to be more informative than it is. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove) (2014) 0.76
What Could You Really Learn on Your Own?: Understanding the Epistemic Limitations of Knowledge Acquisition. Child Dev (2015) 0.75
Children's understanding of representational change and its relation to the understanding of false belief and the appearance-reality distinction. Child Dev (1988) 2.43
Development of knowledge about the appearance-reality distinction. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev (1986) 1.74
Development of the appearance--reality distinction. Cogn Psychol (1983) 1.73
Spontaneous verbal rehearsal in a memory task as a function of age. Child Dev (1966) 1.63
Inferring false beliefs from actions and reactions. Child Dev (1990) 1.21
The development in very young children of tacit knowledge concerning visual perception. Genet Psychol Monogr (1977) 1.15
Spontaneous and induced verbal rehearsal in a recall task. Child Dev (1967) 1.11
The early development of inferences about the visual percepts of others. Child Dev (1974) 1.06
Young children's preference for mental state versus behavioral descriptions of human action. Child Dev (1990) 1.01
Children's understanding of the speech act of promising. J Child Lang (1988) 0.90
Preschoolers' understanding of the link between thinking and feeling: cognitive cuing and emotional change. Child Dev (1997) 0.89
Development of the ability to distinguish communicative intention and literal message meaning. Child Dev (1984) 0.88
The development of children's knowledge about the appearance-reality distinction. Am Psychol (1986) 0.88
Young children's knowledge about visual perception: hiding objects from others. Child Dev (1978) 0.85
What young children think you see when their eyes are closed. Cognition (1980) 0.85
Young children's knowledge about visual perception: projective size and shape. Child Dev (1986) 0.83
Developmental studies of mediated memory. Adv Child Dev Behav (1970) 0.82
The development of knowledge about visual perception. Nebr Symp Motiv (1977) 0.81
Children's production of commissive speech acts. J Child Lang (1988) 0.80
The development of the distinction between perceiving and memorizing. Child Dev (1972) 0.79
Young children's understanding of "remember" and "forget". Child Dev (1994) 0.78
Seeing and believing: children's understanding of the distinction between appearance and reality. Child Dev (1984) 0.76
Production deficiency of nonverbal mediators in young children. Child Dev (1968) 0.76
Nonverbal mnemonic mediation in preschool children. Child Dev (1970) 0.75
Psychoanalysis and developmental psychology. Introduction (Jean Piaget). Int J Psychiatry (1967) 0.75
Development of knowledge about communication: children's evaluations of explicitly ambiguous messages. Child Dev (1981) 0.75
Seeing and knowing: on the ascription of mental states to young children. Can J Psychol (1987) 0.75
Young children's understanding of forgetting over time. Child Dev (1993) 0.75
Verbal factors in compensation performance and the relation between conservation and compensation. Child Dev (1970) 0.75
Intellectual realism: the role of children's interpretations of pictures and perceptual verbs. Child Dev (1985) 0.75
Understanding and remembering: children's knowledge about the differential effects of strategy and task variables on comprehension and memorization. Child Dev (1990) 0.75