Published in Brain Res Bull on October 15, 2005
Dare to delay? The impacts of adolescent alcohol and marijuana use onset on cognition, brain structure, and function. Front Psychiatry (2013) 1.34
Altered dopaminergic profiles: implications for the regulation of voluntary physical activity. Behav Brain Res (2009) 1.18
Does the difference between physically active and couch potato lie in the dopamine system? Int J Biol Sci (2010) 1.08
Rapid neuroendocrine responses evoked at the onset of social challenge. Physiol Behav (2006) 0.86
Apomorphine effects on frog locomotor behavior. Physiol Behav (2007) 0.80
Opponent recognition and social status differentiate rapid neuroendocrine responses to social challenge. Physiol Behav (2010) 0.77
Distress calls of the greater short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx activate hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in conspecifics. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol (2013) 0.77
Effect of sevoflurane anesthesia on the comprehensive mRNA expression profile of the mouse hippocampus. Med Gas Res (2016) 0.75
Effects of excessive long-term exercise on cardiac function and myocyte remodeling in hypertensive heart failure rats. Hypertension (2007) 1.66
Evolutionary background for stress-coping styles: relationships between physiological, behavioral, and cognitive traits in non-mammalian vertebrates. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2006) 1.60
Corticotropin-releasing factor 1 and 2 receptors in the dorsal raphé differentially affect serotonin release in the nucleus accumbens. Eur J Pharmacol (2007) 1.39
Adult rats exposed to early-life social isolation exhibit increased anxiety and conditioned fear behavior, and altered hormonal stress responses. Horm Behav (2008) 1.27
Stress coping style predicts aggression and social dominance in rainbow trout. Horm Behav (2004) 1.20
Corticotropin-releasing factor in the dorsal raphe nucleus increases medial prefrontal cortical serotonin via type 2 receptors and median raphe nucleus activity. Eur J Neurosci (2008) 1.19
Adolescent male rats exposed to social defeat exhibit altered anxiety behavior and limbic monoamines as adults. Behav Neurosci (2009) 1.17
Consequences of post-weaning social isolation on anxiety behavior and related neural circuits in rodents. Front Behav Neurosci (2009) 1.13
Does serotonin influence aggression? comparing regional activity before and during social interaction. Physiol Biochem Zool (2005) 1.09
Evolution of a small-muscle polymorphism in lines of house mice selected for high activity levels. Evolution (2002) 1.09
Selection for aerobic capacity affects corticosterone, monoamines and wheel-running activity. Physiol Behav (2008) 1.05
Microsatellite variation among divergent populations of stalk-eyed flies, genus Cyrtodiopsis. Genet Res (2004) 1.02
Increased anxiety-like behavior of rats during amphetamine withdrawal is reversed by CRF2 receptor antagonism. Behav Brain Res (2009) 1.00
Behavioral and neuroendocrine correlates of displaced aggression in trout. Horm Behav (2004) 0.99
Dynamics and mechanics of social rank reversal. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol (2004) 0.97
Causes and consequences of stress. Integr Comp Biol (2002) 0.96
Food wasting by house mice: variation among individuals, families, and genetic lines. Physiol Behav (2003) 0.96
Free flight maneuvers of stalk-eyed flies: do eye-stalks affect aerial turning behavior? J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol (2007) 0.96
Phylogeography of sex ratio and multiple mating in stalk-eyed flies from southeast Asia. Genetica (2003) 0.95
Amphetamine treatment increases corticotropin-releasing factor receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Neurosci Res (2008) 0.94
Glucocorticoid interaction with aggression in non-mammalian vertebrates: reciprocal action. Eur J Pharmacol (2005) 0.93
Serotonin decreases aggression via 5-HT1A receptors in the fighting fish Betta splendens. Pharmacol Biochem Behav (2007) 0.92
Artificial selection for high activity favors mighty mini-muscles in house mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2003) 0.91
Dopaminergic activity modulation via aggression, status, and a visual social signal. Behav Neurosci (2006) 0.91
Withdrawal from chronic amphetamine produces persistent anxiety-like behavior but temporally-limited reductions in monoamines and neurogenesis in the adult rat dentate gyrus. Neuropharmacology (2010) 0.90
Adolescent social defeat alters neural, endocrine and behavioral responses to amphetamine in adult male rats. Brain Res (2010) 0.89
Social regulation of neurogenesis in teleosts. Brain Behav Evol (2007) 0.89
Corticotropin releasing factor induces anxiogenic locomotion in trout and alters serotonergic and dopaminergic activity. Horm Behav (2007) 0.88
Behavioral diversity and neurochemical plasticity: selection of stress coping strategies that define social status. Brain Behav Evol (2007) 0.88
Individual differences in amphetamine sensitization, behavior and central monoamines. Physiol Behav (2008) 0.88
Learning strategies during fear conditioning. Neurobiol Learn Mem (2009) 0.87
Fluoxetine inhibits corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-induced behavioural responses in rats. Stress (2009) 0.87
Anxiety states induced by post-weaning social isolation are mediated by CRF receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Brain Res Bull (2011) 0.87
Mild traumatic brain injury in the rat alters neuronal number in the limbic system and increases conditioned fear and anxiety-like behaviors. Exp Neurol (2012) 0.87
Organic cation transporter inhibition increases medial hypothalamic serotonin under basal conditions and during mild restraint. Brain Res (2010) 0.87
Rapid neuroendocrine responses evoked at the onset of social challenge. Physiol Behav (2006) 0.86
Gz proteins are functionally coupled to dopamine D2-like receptors in vivo. Neuropharmacology (2006) 0.86
Manipulation of visual sympathetic sign stimulus modifies social status and plasma catecholamines. Gen Comp Endocrinol (2002) 0.86
Modulation of monoamine neurotransmitters in fighting fish Betta splendens exposed to waterborne phytoestrogens. Fish Physiol Biochem (2009) 0.85
Effects of adolescent social defeat on adult amphetamine-induced locomotion and corticoaccumbal dopamine release in male rats. Neuropharmacology (2012) 0.85
Different effects of intensity and duration of locomotor activity on circadian period. J Biol Rhythms (2003) 0.85
Adolescent social defeat decreases spatial working memory performance in adulthood. Behav Brain Funct (2013) 0.84
Central monoamine levels differ between rat strains used in studies of depressive behavior. Brain Res (2010) 0.84
Chronic amphetamine treatment enhances corticotropin-releasing factor-induced serotonin release in the amygdala. Eur J Pharmacol (2010) 0.84
Social status differentiates rapid neuroendocrine responses to restraint stress. Physiol Behav (2008) 0.84
Contrasting hippocampal and amygdalar expression of genes related to neural plasticity during escape from social aggression. Physiol Behav (2012) 0.84
Rapid evolution of postzygotic reproductive isolation in stalk-eyed flies. Evolution (2005) 0.83
Adolescent social defeat alters markers of adult dopaminergic function. Brain Res Bull (2011) 0.83
Monoamines stimulate sex reversal in the saddleback wrasse. Gen Comp Endocrinol (2003) 0.83
Serotonin, social status and sex change in the bluebanded goby Lythrypnus dalli. Physiol Behav (2009) 0.83
Depressive behavior and activation of the orexin/hypocretin system. Behav Neurosci (2013) 0.82
GABAergic drugs alter hypothalamic serotonin release and lordosis in estrogen-primed rats. Brain Res (2002) 0.82
Local perfusion of corticosterone in the rat medial hypothalamus potentiates D-fenfluramine-induced elevations of extracellular 5-HT concentrations. Horm Behav (2009) 0.82
Influence of chronic amphetamine treatment and acute withdrawal on serotonin synthesis and clearance mechanisms in the rat ventral hippocampus. Eur J Neurosci (2012) 0.82
Decreased prefrontal cortex dopamine activity following adolescent social defeat in male rats: role of dopamine D2 receptors. Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2013) 0.81
Effects of L-DOPA on aggressive behavior and central monoaminergic activity in the lizard Anolis carolinensis, using a new method for drug delivery. Behav Brain Res (2005) 0.81
Selection for intrinsic endurance modifies endocrine stress responsiveness. Brain Res (2010) 0.80
Memory of opponents is more potent than visual sign stimuli after social hierarchy has been established. Behav Brain Res (2007) 0.80
Nuance and behavioral cogency: How the Visible Burrow System inspired the Stress-Alternatives Model and conceptualization of the continuum of anxiety. Physiol Behav (2015) 0.79
The role of behavior in translational models for psychopathology: functionality and dysfunctional behaviors. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2013) 0.79
Serotonergic responses to stress are enhanced in the central amygdala and inhibited in the ventral hippocampus during amphetamine withdrawal. Eur J Neurosci (2014) 0.79
Saccadic head rotations during walking in the stalk-eyed fly (Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni). Proc Biol Sci (2009) 0.79
Molecular signaling and translational significance of the corticotropin releasing factor system. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci (2011) 0.78
Dominance, plasma testosterone levels, and testis size in house mice artificially selected for high activity levels. Physiol Behav (2002) 0.78
Social stress reduces forebrain cell proliferation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Behav Brain Res (2011) 0.78
Whole brain monoamine detection and manipulation in a stalk-eyed fly. J Neurosci Methods (2013) 0.78
Rapid glucocorticoid stimulation and GABAergic inhibition of hippocampal serotonergic response: in vivo dialysis in the lizard anolis carolinensis. Horm Behav (2003) 0.78
Opponent recognition and social status differentiate rapid neuroendocrine responses to social challenge. Physiol Behav (2010) 0.77
Number of arginine-vasopressin neurons in the suprachiasmatic nuclei is not related to level or circadian characteristics of wheel-running activity in house mice. Behav Genet (2004) 0.77
Steroid correlates of territorial behavior in male jacky dragons, Amphibolurus muricatus. Brain Behav Evol (2003) 0.77
Social stress affects circulating melatonin levels in rainbow trout. Gen Comp Endocrinol (2004) 0.77