Published in BMC Health Serv Res on October 05, 2005
Toward Causal Inference With Interference. J Am Stat Assoc (2008) 2.85
Effects of multidisciplinary integrated care on quality of care in residential care facilities for elderly people: a cluster randomized trial. CMAJ (2011) 1.75
Preventive home visits for mortality, morbidity, and institutionalization in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One (2014) 1.57
Relationship between home care service use and changes in the care needs level of Japanese elderly. BMC Geriatr (2009) 1.18
Dementia diagnosis and management: a narrative review of changing practice. Br J Gen Pract (2011) 1.03
The effects of a life goal-setting technique in a preventive care program for frail community-dwelling older people: a cluster nonrandomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatr (2016) 0.75
"Mini-mental state". A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. J Psychiatr Res (1975) 301.74
The timed "Up & Go": a test of basic functional mobility for frail elderly persons. J Am Geriatr Soc (1991) 31.17
Randomization by cluster. Sample size requirements and analysis. Am J Epidemiol (1981) 9.21
Relatives of the impaired elderly: correlates of feelings of burden. Gerontologist (1980) 9.19
Human aging: usual and successful. Science (1987) 8.43
Comprehensive geriatric assessment: a meta-analysis of controlled trials. Lancet (1993) 8.39
A comparison of a Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI) against two established satisfaction scales as an outcome measure of primary care consultations. Fam Pract (1998) 6.37
Home visits to prevent nursing home admission and functional decline in elderly people: systematic review and meta-regression analysis. JAMA (2002) 4.75
Evidence for risk of bias in cluster randomised trials: review of recent trials published in three general medical journals. BMJ (2003) 4.18
Contamination in trials: is cluster randomisation the answer? BMJ (2001) 3.61
Treatment allocation by minimisation. BMJ (2005) 3.55
Effectiveness of home based support for older people: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ (2001) 3.29
What is intermediate care? BMJ (2004) 3.24
Successful aging in the oldest old: Who can be characterized as successfully aged? Arch Intern Med (2001) 3.16
Population-based multidimensional assessment of older people in UK general practice: a cluster-randomised factorial trial. Lancet (2004) 2.96
The assessment of disability with the Groningen Activity Restriction Scale. Conceptual framework and psychometric properties. Soc Sci Med (1996) 2.43
Conceptualization and measurement of quality of life in dementia: the dementia quality of life instrument (DQoL). Gerontologist (1999) 2.29
Best place of care for older people after acute and during subacute illness: a systematic review. J Health Serv Res Policy (2000) 1.75
Clinical and research challenges of intermediate care. Age Ageing (2002) 1.70
Effects of preventive home visits to elderly people. BMJ (1993) 1.65
Preventive home visits for older people: defining criteria for success. Age Ageing (2001) 1.60
Hospital-at-home versus in-patient hospital care. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2000) 1.40
A randomized trial of in-home visits for disability prevention in community-dwelling older people at low and high risk for nursing home admission. Arch Intern Med (2000) 1.35
Lack of concealment may lead to selection bias in cluster randomized trials of palliative care. Palliat Med (2002) 1.11
Pseudo cluster randomization: a treatment allocation method to minimize contamination and selection bias. Stat Med (2005) 1.10
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Community physicians' cooperation with a program of in-home comprehensive geriatric assessment. J Am Geriatr Soc (1995) 1.03
Nurse-led inpatient care: opening the 'black box'. Int J Nurs Stud (2003) 0.98
Preventing disability in elderly people. Lancet (2004) 0.97
Opinions of people aged over 75 years on private and local authority residential care. Age Ageing (1989) 0.96
The Easy-Care assessment system and its appropriateness for older people. Nurs Older People (2001) 0.94
Impact of integrated home care services on hospital use. J Am Geriatr Soc (1999) 0.93
The effectiveness and costs of comprehensive geriatric evaluation and management. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol (2003) 0.86
Pseudo cluster randomization dealt with selection bias and contamination in clinical trials. J Clin Epidemiol (2006) 0.84
Preventive home visits to elderly people in the community. Visits are most useful for people aged >/= 75. BMJ (2000) 0.80
Planning and studying improvement in patient care: the use of theoretical perspectives. Milbank Q (2007) 7.06
What drives change? Barriers to and incentives for achieving evidence-based practice. Med J Aust (2004) 6.82
Micrometastases or isolated tumor cells and the outcome of breast cancer. N Engl J Med (2009) 5.36
Health research funding agencies' support and promotion of knowledge translation: an international study. Milbank Q (2008) 4.87
On the trail of quality and safety in health care. BMJ (2008) 3.82
Quality of after-hours primary care in the Netherlands: a narrative review. Ann Intern Med (2011) 3.67
Use of oral prednisolone or naproxen for the treatment of gout arthritis: a double-blind, randomised equivalence trial. Lancet (2008) 3.59
The Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA): rationale, objectives and methods. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res (2008) 3.58
What is intermediate care? BMJ (2004) 3.24
The OPTION scale: measuring the extent that clinicians involve patients in decision-making tasks. Health Expect (2005) 3.18
Multimorbidity in primary care: prevalence and trend over the last 20 years. Eur J Gen Pract (2008) 3.12
A checklist for identifying determinants of practice: a systematic review and synthesis of frameworks and taxonomies of factors that prevent or enable improvements in healthcare professional practice. Implement Sci (2013) 3.00
Delirium in critically ill patients: impact on long-term health-related quality of life and cognitive functioning. Crit Care Med (2012) 2.91
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors for patients with type 2 diabetes: results from a Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes Care (2005) 2.71
Tailoring quality improvement interventions to identified barriers: a multiple case analysis. J Eval Clin Pract (2007) 2.66
Effectiveness of physical activity interventions for older adults: a review. Am J Prev Med (2002) 2.50
Nurses' intention to leave their profession: a cross sectional observational study in 10 European countries. Int J Nurs Stud (2012) 2.36
Gender differences in Parkinson's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2006) 2.23
Setting and registry characteristics affect the prevalence and nature of multimorbidity in the elderly. J Clin Epidemiol (2008) 2.20
Incidence and short-term consequences of delirium in critically ill patients: A prospective observational cohort study. Int J Nurs Stud (2011) 2.05
The short-term and long-term effectiveness of a multidisciplinary hand hygiene improvement program. Am J Infect Control (2012) 2.03
COPD prognosis in relation to diagnostic criteria for airflow obstruction in smokers. Eur Respir J (2013) 2.02
Efficacy of community-based physiotherapy networks for patients with Parkinson's disease: a cluster-randomised trial. Lancet Neurol (2009) 2.01
Development and validation of the Geriatric In-hospital Nursing Care Questionnaire. J Am Geriatr Soc (2015) 2.00
Patient characteristics as predictors of primary health care preferences: a systematic literature analysis. Health Expect (2003) 1.99
Out-of-hours care in western countries: assessment of different organizational models. BMC Health Serv Res (2009) 1.89
Organizational change to transfer knowledge and improve quality and outcomes of care for patients with severe mental illness: a systematic overview of reviews. Can J Psychiatry (2008) 1.82
Implementation of the Dutch low back pain guideline for general practitioners: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) (2005) 1.81
Rehabilitation interventions for postintensive care syndrome: a systematic review. Crit Care Med (2014) 1.78
Effectiveness of dementia follow-up care by memory clinics or general practitioners: randomised controlled trial. BMJ (2012) 1.69
Patient safety features are more present in larger primary care practices. Health Policy (2010) 1.66
Cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β and phenotypic heterogeneity in de novo Parkinson's disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2012) 1.66
The Hartung-Knapp-Sidik-Jonkman method for random effects meta-analysis is straightforward and considerably outperforms the standard DerSimonian-Laird method. BMC Med Res Methodol (2014) 1.64
Studywise minimization: a treatment allocation method that improves balance among treatment groups and makes allocation unpredictable. J Clin Epidemiol (2010) 1.61
Integrated multidisciplinary care in Parkinson's disease: a non-randomised, controlled trial (IMPACT). Lancet Neurol (2013) 1.60
Interventions to improve medication compliance in older patients living in the community: a systematic review of the literature. Drugs Aging (2003) 1.58
Malnutrition research: high time to change the menu. Age Ageing (2003) 1.57
Promotion of physical activity and fitness in sedentary patients with Parkinson's disease: randomised controlled trial. BMJ (2013) 1.57
Mix of methods is needed to identify adverse events in general practice: a prospective observational study. BMC Fam Pract (2008) 1.55
Effectiveness of multidisciplinary care for Parkinson's disease: a randomized, controlled trial. Mov Disord (2012) 1.54
Safety of avoiding routine use of axillary dissection in early stage breast cancer: a systematic review. Breast Cancer Res Treat (2010) 1.53
Comprehensive geriatric assessment and its clinical impact in oncology. Eur J Cancer (2007) 1.53
Guideline implementation results in a decrease of pressure ulcer incidence in critically ill patients. Crit Care Med (2007) 1.49
Executive functions are associated with gait and balance in community-living elderly people. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2008) 1.49
Substitution of physicians by nurses in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Health Serv Res (2014) 1.48
Improved quality of nursing documentation: results of a nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes implementation study. Int J Nurs Terminol Classif (2007) 1.46
Tailored interventions to address determinants of practice. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2015) 1.46
Impact of primary care-based disease management on the health-related quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes and comorbidity. Diabetes Care (2009) 1.44
Evaluation of an intervention designed to enhance involvement of older patients in their own care. Eur J Gen Pract (2006) 1.44
Fat intake in patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: a 4-year follow-up study in general practice. Br J Gen Pract (2004) 1.43
Assessing the quality of clinical teachers: a systematic review of content and quality of questionnaires for assessing clinical teachers. J Gen Intern Med (2010) 1.43
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Attitudes and managing alcohol problems in general practice: an interaction analysis based on findings from a WHO collaborative study. Alcohol Alcohol (2004) 1.41
Measuring quality through performance. Respecting the subjective: quality measurement from the patient's perspective. BMJ (2007) 1.41
The relationship between organisational characteristics and the effects of clinical guidelines on medical performance in hospitals, a meta-analysis. BMC Health Serv Res (2006) 1.40
Leg ulcers: a review of their impact on daily life. J Clin Nurs (2004) 1.38
A diagnostic rule for acute gouty arthritis in primary care without joint fluid analysis. Arch Intern Med (2010) 1.38
Effectiveness of nonpharmacological interventions in delaying the institutionalization of patients with dementia: a meta-analysis. J Am Geriatr Soc (2008) 1.36
Safety of telephone triage in out-of-hours care: a systematic review. Scand J Prim Health Care (2011) 1.35
Impact of age, health locus of control and psychological co-morbidity on patients' preferences for shared decision making in general practice. Patient Educ Couns (2006) 1.35
Outcomes of audit-enhanced monitoring of patients with type 2 diabetes. J Fam Pract (2002) 1.32
Effectiveness of a quality-improvement program in improving management of primary care practices. CMAJ (2011) 1.32
Genotype-phenotype studies in nail-patella syndrome show that LMX1B mutation location is involved in the risk of developing nephropathy. Eur J Hum Genet (2005) 1.32
Quality indicators for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care in nine European countries. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil (2008) 1.32
Haloperidol prophylaxis in critically ill patients with a high risk for delirium. Crit Care (2013) 1.31
Review article: Effectiveness of patient care teams and the role of clinical expertise and coordination: a literature review. Med Care Res Rev (2009) 1.30
A randomized study of a multidisciplinary program to intervene on geriatric syndromes in vulnerable older people who live at home (Dutch EASYcare Study). J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2008) 1.30
High workload and job stress are associated with lower practice performance in general practice: an observational study in 239 general practices in the Netherlands. BMC Health Serv Res (2009) 1.29
A systematic review of hand hygiene improvement strategies: a behavioural approach. Implement Sci (2012) 1.29
Involvement of general practitioners in managing alcohol problems: a randomized controlled trial of a tailored improvement programme. Addiction (2012) 1.29
Diagnostic scope in out-of-hours primary care services in eight European countries: an observational study. BMC Fam Pract (2011) 1.27
Steroid-withdrawal at 3 days after renal transplantation with anti-IL-2 receptor alpha therapy: a prospective, randomized, multicenter study. Am J Transplant (2004) 1.26
The development of the Older Persons and Informal Caregivers Survey Minimum DataSet (TOPICS-MDS): a large-scale data sharing initiative. PLoS One (2013) 1.24
Gait velocity and the Timed-Up-and-Go test were sensitive to changes in mobility in frail elderly patients. J Clin Epidemiol (2007) 1.24
Organizational culture, team climate and diabetes care in small office-based practices. BMC Health Serv Res (2008) 1.24
Current state and future directions of neurochemical biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease. Clin Chem Lab Med (2007) 1.24
Efficacy of a medical food in mild Alzheimer's disease: A randomized, controlled trial. Alzheimers Dement (2010) 1.24
Cost-effectiveness of a multidisciplinary intervention model for community-dwelling frail older people. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2008) 1.23
Engaging general practitioners in the management of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption: results of a meta-analysis. J Stud Alcohol (2004) 1.22
Implementing a stepped-care approach in primary care: results of a qualitative study. Implement Sci (2012) 1.22
Association between obesity, quality of life, physical activity and health service utilization in primary care patients with osteoarthritis. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act (2008) 1.22
Identifying determinants of care for tailoring implementation in chronic diseases: an evaluation of different methods. Implement Sci (2014) 1.22
Effectiveness of a tailored intervention to improve cardiovascular risk management in primary care: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials (2013) 1.21
Emergency departments in The Netherlands. Emerg Med J (2011) 1.21
Prevalence and consequences of patient safety incidents in general practice in the Netherlands: a retrospective medical record review study. Implement Sci (2011) 1.20
Advancing early detection of autism spectrum disorder by applying an integrated two-stage screening approach. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (2009) 1.19
Identifying people at risk for undiagnosed type 2 diabetes using the GP's electronic medical record. Fam Pract (2007) 1.19
Yield of opportunistic targeted screening for type 2 diabetes in primary care: the diabscreen study. Ann Fam Med (2009) 1.19
A simple sample size formula for analysis of covariance in cluster randomized trials. Stat Med (2012) 1.17