The metabolic syndrome as a predictor of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

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Published in Ann Intern Med on November 15, 2005


Masahide Hamaguchi1, Takao Kojima, Noriyuki Takeda, Takayuki Nakagawa, Hiroya Taniguchi, Kota Fujii, Tatsushi Omatsu, Tomoaki Nakajima, Hiroshi Sarui, Makoto Shimazaki, Takahiro Kato, Junichi Okuda, Kazunori Ida

Author Affiliations

1: Department of Gastroenterology, Asahi University, Murakami Memorial Hospital, Gifu, Japan.

Associated clinical trials:

Efficacy and Safety of Berberine in Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (EASYBEinNASH) | NCT03198572

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