Published in BMJ on December 17, 2005
Evaluation of an Adapted ACT Group for Stroke & Brain Injury Survivors | NCT04995705
Predicting outcome after traumatic brain injury: practical prognostic models based on large cohort of international patients. BMJ (2008) 4.60
Systematic review of prognostic models in traumatic brain injury. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak (2006) 2.29
Amyloid pathology and axonal injury after brain trauma. Neurology (2016) 1.43
Functional outcome following rehabilitation in chronic severe traumatic brain injury patients: A prospective study. Ann Indian Acad Neurol (2012) 1.23
Molecular mechanisms of traumatic brain injury: the missing link in management. World J Emerg Surg (2009) 1.15
An epidemiological study of head injuries in a UK population attending an emergency department. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2006) 1.12
Developing a prognostic model for traumatic brain injury--a missed opportunity? PLoS Med (2008) 0.96
Tranexamic acid for patients with traumatic brain injury: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. BMC Emerg Med (2013) 0.94
Outcome prediction after mild and complicated mild traumatic brain injury: external validation of existing models and identification of new predictors using the TRACK-TBI pilot study. J Neurotrauma (2014) 0.90
Attenuated traumatic axonal injury and improved functional outcome after traumatic brain injury in mice lacking Sarm1. Brain (2016) 0.88
Reduced use of emergency care and hospitalization in patients with traumatic brain injury receiving acupuncture treatment. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med (2013) 0.88
Outcome analysis and outcome predictors of traumatic head injury in childhood: Analysis of 454 observations. J Emerg Trauma Shock (2011) 0.87
Effect of the modified Glasgow Coma Scale score criteria for mild traumatic brain injury on mortality prediction: comparing classic and modified Glasgow Coma Scale score model scores of 13. J Trauma (2011) 0.87
Direct cost associated with acquired brain injury in Ontario. BMC Neurol (2012) 0.86
The economic burden of traumatic brain injury due to fatal traffic accidents in shahid rajaei trauma hospital, shiraz, iran. Arch Trauma Res (2015) 0.85
Can glasgow score at discharge represent final outcome in severe head injury? J Emerg Trauma Shock (2012) 0.82
Which score should be used in intubated patients' Glasgow coma scale or full outline of unresponsiveness? Int J Appl Basic Med Res (2015) 0.82
Factors associated with death and predictors of 1-month mortality in nontraumatic coma in a tertiary hospital in Northwestern Nigeria. Indian J Crit Care Med (2013) 0.78
A comparison of the diagnostic power of the Full Outline of Unresponsiveness scale and the Glasgow coma scale in the discharge outcome prediction of patients with traumatic brain injury admitted to the intensive care unit. Saudi J Anaesth (2014) 0.77
Remaining unconscious: The burden of traumatic brain injuries in India. J Neurosci Rural Pract (2016) 0.75
Traumatic brain injury among female offenders in a prison population: results of the FleuryTBI study. Brain Behav (2016) 0.75
Deficiencies in rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury. BMJ (2006) 0.75
Epidemiology, clinical characteristics and outcomes of traumatic brain injury: Evidences from integrated level 1 trauma center in India. J Neurosci Rural Pract (2016) 0.75
Predictors of memory and processing speed dysfunctions after traumatic brain injury. Biomed Res Int (2014) 0.75
Acute Axonal Degeneration Drives Development of Cognitive, Motor, and Visual Deficits after Blast-Mediated Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice. eNeuro (2016) 0.75
Acquired Brain Injury, Social Work and the Challenges of Personalisation. Br J Soc Work (2015) 0.75
Mortality and One-Year Functional Outcome in Elderly and Very Old Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries: Observed and Predicted. Behav Neurol (2015) 0.75
Outcome in 2068 patients of head injury: Experience at a level 1 trauma centre in India. Asian J Neurosurg (2016) 0.75
The Italian version of the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust (BIRT) personality questionnaires: five new measures of personality change after acquired brain injury. Neurol Sci (2015) 0.75
Neurobehavioural symptoms one year after a head injury. Br J Psychiatry (1999) 1.37
Psychosocial outcome following traumatic brain injury in adults: a long-term population-based follow-up. Brain Inj (2004) 1.30
The national service framework for long term conditions: a novel approach for a "new style" NSF. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2005) 1.29
Long-term adjustment of families following traumatic brain injury where comprehensive rehabilitation has been provided. Brain Inj (2003) 1.26
Decompressive craniectomy in diffuse traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med (2011) 11.69
Prehospital hypertonic saline resuscitation of patients with hypotension and severe traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA (2004) 3.54
Remembering delirium. Br J Psychiatry (2002) 1.42
Return to Work and Functional Outcomes After Major Trauma: Who Recovers, When, and How Well? Ann Surg (2016) 1.42
Managing agitation and aggression after head injury. BMJ (2003) 1.38
Patient knowledge and perceptions of atrial fibrillation and anticoagulant therapy: effects of an educational intervention programme. The West Birmingham Atrial Fibrillation Project. Int J Cardiol (2005) 1.29
Psychiatric disorders following traumatic brain injury: their nature and frequency. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2009) 1.17
Cognitive functioning ten years following traumatic brain injury and rehabilitation. Neuropsychology (2008) 1.13
Measurement of disability-free survival after surgery. Anesthesiology (2015) 1.12
The Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire: a confirmatory factor analysis. J Neurol (2006) 1.06
Coping and emotional adjustment following traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2006) 1.04
Validity of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale to assess depression and anxiety following traumatic brain injury as compared with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. J Affect Disord (2008) 0.98
Early decompressive craniectomy for patients with severe traumatic brain injury and refractory intracranial hypertension--a pilot randomized trial. J Crit Care (2007) 0.98
Psychosocial and emotional outcomes 10 years following traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2007) 0.93
Long-term outcome following traumatic brain injury: a comparison of subjective reports by those injured and their relatives. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2009) 0.90
The factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Psychiatry Res (2010) 0.89
Prediction of functional and employment outcome 1 year after traumatic brain injury: a structural equation modelling approach. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2011) 0.89
Association between psychiatric state and outcome following traumatic brain injury. J Rehabil Med (2008) 0.88
Evaluation of a coping skills group following traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj (2006) 0.87
Allocentric spatial memory activation of the hippocampal formation measured with fMRI. Neuropsychology (2004) 0.87
Brain injury rehabilitation: what works for whom and when? Brain Inj (2002) 0.86
A longitudinal, multicentre, cohort study of community rehabilitation service delivery in long-term neurological conditions. BMJ Open (2014) 0.85
Selective attention deficits and subjective fatigue following traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology (2006) 0.85
Factors contributing to attentional impairments after traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology (2009) 0.85
Vigilance and fatigue following traumatic brain injury. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2006) 0.85
Impact of age on long-term cognitive function after traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology (2010) 0.85
The Relationship between age, injury severity, and MRI findings after traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma (2009) 0.85
Allocentric spatial memory in humans with hippocampal lesions. Acta Psychol (Amst) (2004) 0.85
The temporal relationship between depression, anxiety, and functional status after traumatic brain injury: a cross-lagged analysis. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2011) 0.85
The ecological and construct validity of a newly developed measure of executive function: the Virtual Library Task. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2012) 0.84
Motivational interviewing and cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety following traumatic brain injury: a pilot randomised controlled trial. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2012) 0.84
Adult onset leukodystrophy with neuroaxonal spheroids and demyelinating plaque-like lesions. Neuropathology (2011) 0.82
Factor analysis of nineteen executive function tests in a healthy adult population. Arch Clin Neuropsychol (2012) 0.82
Measurement and prediction of subjective fatigue following traumatic brain injury. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2005) 0.81
Actigraphic assessment of sleep disturbances following traumatic brain injury. Behav Sleep Med (2013) 0.81
The experience of challenging behaviours following severe TBI: A family perspective. Brain Inj (2015) 0.79
INCOG guidelines for cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: methods and overview. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2014) 0.79
Validity of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales in assessing depression and anxiety following traumatic brain injury. J Affect Disord (2013) 0.79
A cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) programme for anxiety following moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI): two case studies. Brain Inj (2012) 0.78
Who benefits? Outcome following a coping skills group intervention for traumatically brain injured individuals. Brain Inj (2006) 0.78
INCOG recommendations for management of cognition following traumatic brain injury, part III: executive function and self-awareness. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2014) 0.78
Fatigue as a cause, not a consequence of depression and daytime sleepiness: a cross-lagged analysis. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2014) 0.78
Exploring variables associated with change in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for anxiety following traumatic brain injury. Disabil Rehabil (2011) 0.78
Investigation of the effectiveness of brief interventions to reduce alcohol consumption following traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2012) 0.78
The relations among cognitive impairment, coping style, and emotional adjustment following traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2013) 0.78
Assessment of executive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury: comparison of the BADS with other clinical neuropsychological measures. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2005) 0.78
Expressed emotion and its relationship to anxiety and depression after traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2012) 0.77
Factor structure of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj (2013) 0.77
INCOG recommendations for management of cognition following traumatic brain injury, part V: memory. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2014) 0.77
Effect of COMT Val158Met genotype on attention and response to methylphenidate following traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj (2013) 0.77
The application of Goal Management Training to aspects of financial management in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2012) 0.77
COMT Val158Met and cognitive and functional outcomes after traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma (2014) 0.77
Impact of a family-focused intervention on self-concept after acquired brain injury. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2013) 0.77
Measuring executive dysfunction in an acute rehabilitation setting: using the dysexecutive questionnaire (DEX). J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2005) 0.77
Chronic Pain Following Motor Vehicle Collision: A Systematic Review of Outcomes Associated With Seeking or Receiving Compensation. Clin J Pain (2016) 0.76
The relationship between mood disorders and MRI findings following traumatic brain injury. Brain Inj (2011) 0.76
Quality of guidelines for cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2014) 0.76
INCOG recommendations for management of cognition following traumatic brain injury, part IV: cognitive communication. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2014) 0.76
Safety of methylphenidate following traumatic brain injury: impact on vital signs and side-effects during inpatient rehabilitation. J Rehabil Med (2009) 0.76
Development of a motivational interviewing programme as a prelude to CBT for anxiety following traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2012) 0.76
A longitudinal study of family functioning after TBI and relatives' emotional status. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2010) 0.76
The association of age and time postinjury with long-term emotional outcome following traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2010) 0.76
Experience and perspectives on the classification of organic mental disorders. Psychopathology (2002) 0.76
Why do some patients after head injury deteriorate over the long term? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry (2012) 0.75
Confabulations are emotionally charged, but not always for the best. J Int Neuropsychol Soc (2010) 0.75
The influence of cultural background on motivation for and participation in rehabilitation and outcome following traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2007) 0.75
Frequency and quality of return to study following traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2014) 0.75
Safety and effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for depression in adults who have sustained a traumatic brain injury: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep (2017) 0.75
The experience of traumatic brain injury in Botswana. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2015) 0.75
Executive dysfunction in psychosis following traumatic brain injury (PFTBI). J Clin Exp Neuropsychol (2015) 0.75
Cross-Validation of a Classification System for Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury in the Posthospital Period. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2017) 0.75
Agitated Behavior and Activities of Daily Living Retraining During Posttraumatic Amnesia. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2017) 0.75
Long-term employment outcomes following traumatic brain injury and orthopaedic trauma: A ten-year prospective study. J Rehabil Med (2016) 0.75
Screening for Substance Use Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury: Examining the Validity of the AUDIT and the DAST. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2015) 0.75
A new kind of normal: qualitative accounts of Multifamily Group Therapy for acquired brain injury. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2014) 0.75
Development and predictors of psychological adjustment during the course of community-based rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury: A preliminary study. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2014) 0.75
Goal attainment scaling in brain injury rehabilitation: strengths, limitations and recommendations for future applications. Neuropsychol Rehabil (2014) 0.75
Predictors of the On-Road Driving Assessment After Traumatic Brain Injury: Comparing Cognitive Tests, Injury Factors, and Demographics. J Head Trauma Rehabil (2015) 0.75