Published in Addiction on December 01, 2006
Policing drug users in Russia: risk, fear, and structural violence. Subst Use Misuse (2010) 1.61
Exploring the impact of underage sex work among female sex workers in two Mexico-US border cities. AIDS Behav (2012) 1.32
Factors associated with drug-related harms related to policing in Tijuana, Mexico. Harm Reduct J (2011) 1.31
Evaluating the impact of Mexico's drug policy reforms on people who inject drugs in Tijuana, B.C., Mexico, and San Diego, CA, United States: a binational mixed methods research agenda. Harm Reduct J (2014) 1.22
The harm inside: injection during incarceration among male injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico. Drug Alcohol Depend (2009) 1.16
Needle and syringe sharing among Iranian drug injectors. Harm Reduct J (2009) 1.10
Male injection drug users try new drugs following U.S. deportation to Tijuana, Mexico. Drug Alcohol Depend (2011) 0.95
Within-prison drug injection among HIV-infected male prisoners in Indonesia: a highly constrained choice. Drug Alcohol Depend (2015) 0.82
HIV/AIDS knowledge in detention in Hunan province, China. BMC Public Health (2010) 0.76
Injection Drug Users' Perceived Barriers to Using Self-Initiated Harm Reduction Strategies. Addict Res Theory (2014) 0.76
Risk factors for prevalent hepatitis C virus-infection among inmates in a state prison system in Mexico. PLoS One (2017) 0.75
Assessing police officers' attitudes and legal knowledge on behaviors that impact HIV transmission among people who inject drugs. Int J Drug Policy (2017) 0.75
Global overview of injecting drug use and HIV infection among injecting drug users. AIDS (2004) 5.45
HIV and risk environment for injecting drug users: the past, present, and future. Lancet (2010) 4.77
Global estimates of prevalence of HCV infection among injecting drug users. Int J Drug Policy (2007) 3.52
Prevention of HIV infection for people who inject drugs: why individual, structural, and combination approaches are needed. Lancet (2010) 3.29
Injection drug use, commercial sex work, and the HIV/STI epidemic in the Russian Federation. Sex Transm Dis (2003) 3.20
Individual, social, and environmental influences associated with HIV infection among injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2008) 3.14
Police violence and sexual risk among female and transvestite sex workers in Serbia: qualitative study. BMJ (2008) 2.91
Evidence for the effectiveness of sterile injecting equipment provision in preventing hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus transmission among injecting drug users: a review of reviews. Addiction (2010) 2.59
Dose-response effect of incarceration events on nonadherence to HIV antiretroviral therapy among injection drug users. J Infect Dis (2011) 2.55
Methods to recruit hard-to-reach groups: comparing two chain referral sampling methods of recruiting injecting drug users across nine studies in Russia and Estonia. J Urban Health (2006) 2.52
Prevalence of HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis among injecting drug users in Russia: a multi-city study. Addiction (2006) 2.46
Exploring barriers to 'respondent driven sampling' in sex worker and drug-injecting sex worker populations in Eastern Europe. J Urban Health (2006) 2.17
Risk of sexually transmitted infections and violence among indoor-working female sex workers in London: the effect of migration from Eastern Europe. Sex Transm Infect (2011) 1.88
Public injection settings in Vancouver: physical environment, social context and risk. Int J Drug Policy (2007) 1.86
Social and environmental predictors of plasma HIV RNA rebound among injection drug users treated with antiretroviral therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2012) 1.80
Street policing, injecting drug use and harm reduction in a Russian city: a qualitative study of police perspectives. J Urban Health (2006) 1.74
Violence, dignity and HIV vulnerability: street sex work in Serbia. Sociol Health Illn (2008) 1.63
Policing drug users in Russia: risk, fear, and structural violence. Subst Use Misuse (2010) 1.61
Venous access and care: harnessing pragmatics in harm reduction for people who inject drugs. Addiction (2012) 1.57
Effects of sex work on the prevalence of syphilis among injection drug users in 3 Russian cities. Am J Public Health (2006) 1.54
HIV among people who inject drugs in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: a systematic review with implications for policy. BMJ Open (2012) 1.49
High-prevalence and high-estimated incidence of HIV infection among new injecting drug users in Estonia: need for large scale prevention programs. J Public Health (Oxf) (2008) 1.44
Injecting equipment sharing among injecting drug users in Togliatti City, Russian Federation: maximizing the protective effects of syringe distribution. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2004) 1.37
High HIV prevalence among injecting drug users in Estonia: implications for understanding the risk environment. AIDS (2006) 1.30
Access to syringes in three Russian cities: implications for syringe distribution and coverage. Int J Drug Policy (2008) 1.27
Hepatitis C treatment access and uptake for people who inject drugs: a review mapping the role of social factors. Harm Reduct J (2013) 1.27
"Over here, it's just drugs, women and all the madness": The HIV risk environment of clients of female sex workers in Tijuana, Mexico. Soc Sci Med (2011) 1.27
Barriers to accessing drug treatment in Russia: a qualitative study among injecting drug users in two cities. Drug Alcohol Depend (2006) 1.26
Postgraduate career intentions of medical students and recent graduates in Malawi: a qualitative interview study. BMC Med Educ (2012) 1.22
Hepatitis C virus infection, HIV co-infection, and associated risk among injecting drug users in Togliatti, Russia. Int J STD AIDS (2005) 1.18
How can hepatitis C be prevented in the long term? Int J Drug Policy (2007) 1.18
Social and structural factors associated with HIV disease progression among illicit drug users: a systematic review. AIDS (2012) 1.18
Rapid assessment and response studies of injection drug use: knowledge gain, capacity building, and intervention development in a multisite study. Am J Public Health (2005) 1.15
Rapid assessment: an international review of diffusion, practice and outcomes in the substance use field. Soc Sci Med (2004) 1.15
Model projections on the required coverage of syringe distribution to prevent HIV epidemics among injecting drug users. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2006) 1.15
Impact of gender and sex work on sexual and injecting risk behaviors and their association with HIV positivity among injecting drug users in an HIV epidemic in Togliatti City, Russian Federation. Sex Transm Dis (2005) 1.14
Hope: a new way to look at the HIV epidemic. AIDS (2007) 1.08
Factors mediating HIV risk among female sex workers in Europe: a systematic review and ecological analysis. BMJ Open (2013) 1.07
Cannabis use and 'safe' identities in an inner-city school risk environment. Int J Drug Policy (2008) 1.06
The prevalence of injecting drug use in a Russian city: implications for harm reduction and coverage. Addiction (2004) 1.05
Systematic review examining differences in HIV, sexually transmitted infections and health-related harms between migrant and non-migrant female sex workers. Sex Transm Infect (2012) 1.03
Challenges in providing drug user treatment services in Russia: providers' views. Subst Use Misuse (2008) 1.00
Drug use settings: an emerging focus for research and intervention. Int J Drug Policy (2007) 0.96
Preventing hepatitis C: 'common sense', 'the bug' and other perspectives from the risk narratives of people who inject drugs. Soc Sci Med (2004) 0.96
Controlling HIV among people who inject drugs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: insights from modeling. Int J Drug Policy (2014) 0.94
Estimating prevalence of injecting drug use: a comparison of multiplier and capture-recapture methods in cities in England and Russia. Drug Alcohol Rev (2006) 0.93
HIV infection and risk behaviour of primary fentanyl and amphetamine injectors in Tallinn, Estonia: implications for intervention. Int J Drug Policy (2009) 0.93
Accounting for risk and responsibility associated with smoking among mothers of children with respiratory illness. Sociol Health Illn (2006) 0.93
The lived experience of hepatitis C and its treatment among injecting drug users: qualitative synthesis. Qual Health Res (2009) 0.92
Qualitative social research in addictions publishing: Creating an enabling journal environment. Int J Drug Policy (2010) 0.92
Systemic barriers accessing HIV treatment among people who inject drugs in Russia: a qualitative study. Health Policy Plan (2012) 0.91
Improving survey methods in sero-epidemiological studies of injecting drug users: a case example of two cross sectional surveys in Serbia and Montenegro. BMC Infect Dis (2009) 0.90
Risky alcohol use among reproductive-age men, not women, in Mae La refugee camp, Thailand, 2009. Confl Health (2012) 0.90
'Children will always be children': exploring perceptions and experiences of HIV-positive children who may not take their treatment and why they may not tell. Afr J AIDS Res (2014) 0.89
Changes in HIV prevalence and risk among new injecting drug users in a Russian city of high HIV prevalence. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2008) 0.88
Injection drug users' perceptions of drug treatment services and attitudes toward substitution therapy: a qualitative study in three Russian cities. J Subst Abuse Treat (2007) 0.88
Experiencing uncertain HIV treatment delivery in a transitional setting: qualitative study. AIDS Care (2009) 0.86
Pilot multimethod trial of a school-ethos intervention to reduce substance use: building hypotheses about upstream pathways to prevention. J Adolesc Health (2010) 0.86
Tuberculosis, injecting drug use and integrated HIV-TB care: a review of the literature. Drug Alcohol Depend (2013) 0.86
What am I 'living' with? Growing up with HIV in Uganda and Zimbabwe. Sociol Health Illn (2014) 0.84
Injecting practices in sexual partnerships: hepatitis C transmission potentials in a 'risk equivalence' framework. Drug Alcohol Depend (2013) 0.84
Transmission of hepatitis C--are noninjecting cocaine users at risk? Subst Use Misuse (2002) 0.84
Embodied accounts of HIV and hope: using audio diaries with interviews. Qual Health Res (2014) 0.84
Taming systems to create enabling environments for HCV treatment: negotiating trust in the drug and alcohol setting. Soc Sci Med (2013) 0.83
"You should be grateful to have medicines": continued dependence, altering stigma and the HIV treatment experience in Serbia. AIDS Care (2010) 0.82
One for all: workplace social context and drinking among railway workers in Ukraine. Glob Public Health (2014) 0.80
Hepatitis C avoidance in injection drug users: a typology of possible protective practices. PLoS One (2013) 0.80
Illicit drugs in Central Asia: what we know, what we don’t know, and what we need to know. Int J Drug Policy (2014) 0.76
Safer groin-injecting interventions are needed and justifiable as part of a harm reduction approach. Addiction (2007) 0.75
25 years of the International Journal of Drug Policy: what next? Int J Drug Policy (2014) 0.75
Overseas Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in US-Bound Immigrants. Emerg Infect Dis (2022) 0.75
International Journal of Drug Policy moves to twelve issues. Int J Drug Policy (2015) 0.75
Impact of opioid substitution therapy on the HIV prevention benefit of antiretroviral therapy for people who inject drugs. AIDS (2017) 0.75
Prisons as a source of tuberculosis in Russia. Int J Prison Health (2016) 0.75